I am more excited about the npc aspect of new wow models, not the players. Unless of course they don't bother updating all npcs since this is Blizzard we are talking about......sigh.
On a crappy note, we wiped to Thok for 2 hours D:
Best attempt we got him to 14%, this was with 1 tank, 3 healers. I think if we had one of the healers go DPS we'd have enough to down him JUST after he enters the fire phase. Anyone out there able to suggest an order? I see poison being recommended first, our guild didn't try that yet, poison was always 2nd followed up by fire.
Pics plz
Damn you goin early.
My flight is tomorrow night
Keep ranged on boss during kite phase and use melee to kill the jailers (modify as needed if you don't have enough melee damage). Try to keep the stack going as high as possible with raid cooldowns (healing tide, aura mastery etc).
Forsaken Priests and Forsaken Warriors exist though. The lore is that Forsaken Priests can channel the light, its just horribly painful, hence the Priests.
The problem with the "Channel the Light" thing is that Priests channel the Light the same as Paladins do; its not a distinct force.
What's the name of this set?
7.6 million subscribers, so just a 100k loss.
Will be a lot more if the time travel rumors are true.
too drunk maybe tomrorow lol
WOW INsider / WOWHEAD PArty at the annabella.
I like tauren conceptually, but I just can't stand playing them with their current model.
7.6 million subscribers, so just a 100k loss.
Will be a lot more if the time travel rumors are true.
Don't have a cow, man.
I haven't really been paying attention, is this the first time an expansion didn't increase the subs?
Lol, I'm to poor to go. Who is going to veg on GAF an watch the stream like me?
Woot, you get Murkalot now! Badass.
This is good advice here against Thok. In my raid we usually had a full ranged group but me, so I dealt with the guardians (with a druid tranquilizing his enrage) while everyone else was on the boss or running away from him. Some helped with a dot here and there. Now that I think of it those fuckers were putting a huge responsibility on my shoulders while they had an easy fight.
We have two big problems on Thok, and I'm curious if anyone has good solutions:
1) Runner getting too far away from healers and not able to make it back in time to be healed. Particularly dangerous if the same runner gets targetted twice.
2) Immediately after the fixate phase, Thok's kinda tricky to position, since the direction he's coming from is uncontrolled. We generally prefer to have him facing the prisons, but for the first prisons, if he's coming from down the corridor that leads to an awkward setup where he's alongside the prison
I wonder what the next xpac's iconic flying mount(s) will be. BC had netherdrakes, Wrath had Protos and frostbrood, Cata had stone drakes and wind drakes, and Mists had chinadragons.
It obviously depends on the the setting of the xpac. If it actually is time travel stuff, I;m sure we will find cool new flying beasties on Draenor that were wiped out by the time it became outland. If it isn't time travel and we are exploring more planets or broken chunks floating in the twisting nether, then blizzard pretty much has free reign to come up with all kinds of alien creatures that we can ultimately subjugate and force into mounthood.
When doing my PVP pet battle for the weekly last night, there were a bunch of people using Murkalot already. I'm guessing he's going to be popular.
I wonder what the next xpac's iconic flying mount(s) will be. BC had netherdrakes, Wrath had Protos and frostbrood, Cata had stone drakes and wind drakes, and Mists had chinadragons.
It obviously depends on the the setting of the xpac. If it actually is time travel stuff, I;m sure we will find cool new flying beasties on Draenor that were wiped out by the time it became outland. If it isn't time travel and we are exploring more planets or broken chunks floating in the twisting nether, then blizzard pretty much has free reign to come up with all kinds of alien creatures that we can ultimately subjugate and force into mounthood.
Hating? I have the Invincible and only use it with my low level alters. Everyone else goes on a Netherdrake or Experiment pink drake.
1) Thok has that behaviour were he usually takes his next target picking the player farthest from him. Tell the person running from Thok to get away but not too far so it won't double target him. Have your lock (if you have one) place a portal from the first cell besides were Thok will be tanked to the entrance of the hall to help the first target get away a little bit easier.
2) I've tanked it too a couple of times. I position myself at the left of the first cell with Thok facing the entrance of the hall. With the second one it's the same but with me on the right side of the cell so Thok is again facing the entrance. On the third one I start doing the same as in the first one (left side of the cell) but with Thok facing the opposite direction, and then I start moving him a little bit so there's clean space for the melees to hit the boss.
1 more day... ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Will the trailer be in the opening ceremony for the WoW expansion, or is that going to show in a WoW panel?
Pretty high chance it will be. they already have the work done. God I can't wait for the new models. I really hope we get to see something (anything) at Blizzcon.
Just thinking along these lines - do we already have potential new models for most vanilla races in the form of NPCs?
Human: Varian. (Jaina? Anduin?)
Dwarf: Does Moira have a new model?
Gnome: Can't think of one, unless Mekkatorque got a revamp when Gnomeregan was retaken?
Elf: Human form of Alexstrasza
Orc: Garrosh
Troll: As above
Tauren: Dunno. Does Baine have an improved model?
Undead: Don't know of one (Sylvanas is more elf-type)
1 more day... ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Will the trailer be in the opening ceremony for the WoW expansion, or is that going to show in a WoW panel?
Vol'Jin as well. Which is what makes me feel inferior as a troll warrior every time I see him.Just thinking along these lines - do we already have potential new models for most vanilla races in the form of NPCs?
Human: Varian. (Jaina? Anduin?)
Dwarf: Does Moira have a new model?
Gnome: Can't think of one, unless Mekkatorque got a revamp when Gnomeregan was retaken?
Elf: Human form of Alexstrasza
Orc: Garrosh
Troll: As above
Tauren: Dunno. Does Baine have an improved model?
Undead: Don't know of one (Sylvanas is more elf-type)
Is there anywhere I can watch the opening free? I don't want to pay for a virtual ticket.
I think only Garrosh is the real new model the rest are just better textures on existing skeleton with existing animations, the only exception to this rule was Thrall in Cataclysm since he had al new animations as well.Just thinking along these lines - do we already have potential new models for most vanilla races in the form of NPCs?
Human: Varian. (Jaina? Anduin?)
Dwarf: Does Moira have a new model?
Gnome: Can't think of one, unless Mekkatorque got a revamp when Gnomeregan was retaken?
Elf: Human form of Alexstrasza
Orc: Garrosh
Troll: As above
Tauren: Dunno. Does Baine have an improved model?
Undead: Don't know of one (Sylvanas is more elf-type)
Opening is free on the Blizzcon site, you can also watch it live on Blizzcon app on ios and android (also free).Is there anywhere I can watch the opening free? I don't want to pay for a virtual ticket.
I think only Garrosh is the real new model the rest are just better textures on existing skeleton with existing animations, the only exception to this rule was Thrall in Cataclysm since he had al new animations as well.
Opening is free on the Blizzcon site, you can also watch it live on Blizzcon app on ios and android (also free).
so when it starts? tomorrow?
I'm going to laugh if it ends up being an epic reveal of WC4 :Warlords of Draenor
Alex Afrasiabi (Furor) - He started out as a Quest Designer, then Lead Quest Designer up until WoTLK, then Lead World Designer in Cataclysm, then he disappeared after Tigole announced he was moving to another project (Titan), but he is apparently now back as Creative Director for the next expansion!