Wish they'd do something with Gal's spawn timer. Always up when I'm at work..
HE'S UPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we're crashing the fucking servers, nothing is working!
Galleons dead body is back after have been skinned hahahahha this is fucking horrible. The Galleon design is fucking horrible
Mal'Ganis?Double gold with Galleon...
If yes -> why didn't you share
If no -> too bad
The dumbest shit I've ever witnessed in MMO-history. Not even mad, I'm more disappointed that there are so many people with IQ below 75 on Mal'Ganis. That is all.
Nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.What happened Yoshichan!? ;;
Wow. Is today christmas/bday all in one? I just got after server restart from galleon. Don't mind the gems, they are place holder until I find better ones.
I'm not even mad, seriously. I'm just investigating what the fuck happened after the reset - because that was the biggest mess in my entire life of gaming.Yoshi-implosion incoming...
Finally caught a rare Scourged Whelpling after the restart! Now I'm done with rares for Kalimdor/EK/Outlands and Northrend. Onto Pandaria at last and finally level past 87...
RPGCrazied, MG?
Nah, I play on a shitty server called Silver Hand.
An RP server where no one RPs.
RPGCrazied, MG?
I'm not even mad, seriously. I'm just investigating what the fuck happened after the reset - because that was the biggest mess in my entire life of gaming.
You're smart, aren't you? I want to know who got the kill so that I can confirm/deny if tag sharing even worked during the boss (on MG, that is. Tag sharing worked in a non-hysterical server) - because I'm pretty sure it didn't based of what I've seen. 32 people got the achievement, 6 additional people got the kill (and had already done Galleon before). The raid leader for the group that got the tag is unknown (it wasn't Goon Squad) and the people who did get he tag didn't share it for some obscure reason. Some people who got the kill said that they did in fact tag share it, but he didn't turn red even with a shared tag in the raid group.What is there to investigate? The place was laggy as could be because hundreds of people were sitting there trying to get a Galleon kill.
You're smart, aren't you? I want to know who got the kill so that I can confirm/deny if tag sharing even worked during the boss (on MG, that is. Tag sharing worked in a non-hysterical server) - because I'm pretty sure it didn't based of what I've seen. 32 people got the achievement, 6 additional people got the kill (and had already done Galleon before). The raid leader for the group that got the tag is unknown (it wasn't Goon Squad) and the people who did get he tag didn't share it for some obscure reason. Some people who got the kill said that they did in fact tag share it, but he didn't turn red even with a shared tag in the raid group.
It only worked for a few groups, that's the issue here. I doubt that more than 2 raid groups got the kill.Someone joined our raid with the tag, he turned red, and we all got it so tag sharing still seems to work fine.
It only worked for a few groups, that's the issue here. I doubt that more than 2 raid groups got the kill.
Exactly, lag. Hence why it's genius of Blizzard to make a world boss spawn once in 7 days, and then have him spawn on reset so that any random fuck could get the tag. And since random people are usually extremely stupid and don't know what the fuck to do in situations like these, they probably just get excited in their pants because they got a tag and start hammering those dps-buttons with their faces and then call it a day once they get a bag of coins (and then proceeds on to complaining in general chat).Most likely due to lag, it took a good 20-30 seconds for me to even show as having a tag.
Also gotta love the snowball design of Conquest Point cap. The stronger get stronger and the weak will just quit. They should really just throw away gear concept for Arena and Rated BG PVP.
Sorry to revive a dead conversation but THIS. SO MUCH THIS. A gear grind in a competitive PvP mode is stupid. The incentive should be cosmetic. How they realized this with challenge modes but not arena/rbgs baffles me. PvP is what kept me playing this game through the dark months of Cata, even though I was playing a silly Fire Mage/RDruid team (and Blood DK/RDruid in CTF games, and we won a lot). Now though, I've done several arenas where I've been dead within a few seconds, after burning trinket/defense cds, and it's not fun not getting to play my character. It feels much worse than at the end of Cata, and it's demoralizing knowing that if I don't slog through the dumb losses, it will only get worse as the FOTM teams get more gear.
I'm really regretting being on the backwater server I'm on, because there's no raiding guilds to join, no rbg teams, nothing really, and the main things I do enjoy look like they've gotten even worse. A shame for an expansion that has so much good content otherwise. Blizzard has just managed to make so much of it unfun in various ways.
Exactly, lag. Hence why it's genius of Blizzard to make a world boss spawn once in 7 days, and then have him spawn on reset so that any random fuck could get the tag. And since random people are usually extremely stupid and don't know what the fuck to do in situations like these, they probably just get excited in their pants because they got a tag and start hammering those dps-buttons with their faces and then call it a day once they get a bag of coins (and then proceeds on to complaining in general chat).
Exactly, lag. Hence why it's genius of Blizzard to make a world boss spawn once in 7 days, and then have him spawn on reset so that any random fuck could get the tag. And since random people are usually extremely stupid and don't know what the fuck to do in situations like these, they probably just get excited in their pants because they got a tag and start hammering those dps-buttons with their faces and then call it a day once they get a bag of coins (and then proceeds on to complaining in general chat).
I mean, I kind of feel for Blizzard on this one. They get feedback that people want world bosses again, so they implement them rather than VOA, but now it has become apparent how frustrating the system is in practice (a realization forgotten after 4-5 years). I wonder if they'll do anything about it or just say tough shit to the groups that camp for so long.
Tag sharing isn't intentional, so it makes sense. but yeah, it's dumb. They can claim it's supposed to be like an old world boss all they want, but every old world boss except for Azuregos was strictly ANTI pug/zerg. Galleon is a walking bag of loot, so why wouldn't this shit happen.
About a day of heroic runs. If you're hybrid, it's easier because you pick up any gear to raise your ilvl. I got raid ready a couple days, another couple of days to get to ilvl 470+.
I mean, I kind of feel for Blizzard on this one. They get feedback that people want world bosses again, so they implement them rather than VOA, but now it has become apparent how frustrating the system is in practice (a realization forgotten after 4-5 years). I wonder if they'll do anything about it or just say tough shit to the groups that camp for so long.
Which one is usually harder? Elegon or Will of the Emperor? (normal mode)
I think the funny thing is, if you look at subscription numbers from Vanilla to WoW, you could safely estimate that over 60% of the current playerbase was either not playing in Vanilla, or weren't in a raiding guild or the type of player that would do a world boss.
Since then the model of the player has changed to a much more "easier" experience, so people bitch and complain over something like this.
I believe at least some of the old world bosses, the Emerald Dragons at least, had anti-zerging mechanics in place. which would probably have been beneficial here. As it stands, unless the group is truly horrible, or you're on a PvP server (I'm guessing), there's absolutely no risk that the group that gets the tag doesn't get the kill, which makes it luck and not skill. Probably okay on my tiny server, but absurd on an imbalanced, overpopulated server like Mal'Ganis.
Yeah, it's BECAUSE the boss is so skillless that this is allowed to occur. In Vanilla if a random assortment of folks saw Lethon up, they just avoided it and continued on their way because they had NO chance at killing it. Instead, Galleon is literally just RNG for whoever is camping there.
dat new model