How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
You're not Yos... you know what, I'm not even gonna start :lolHow many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
I've destroyed a few 10 dollar Logitech keyboards from Walmart. Like 4.How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
Never destroyed any of my keyboards.How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
Did my first LFR and got three pieces of loot including the one-hand axe from Elegon.
I hate you so much. You're getting removed from my friends list.
Did my first LFR and got three pieces of loot including the one-hand axe from Elegon.
How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
Anyone know a good place to farm Embersilk?
I used to farm it in Tol Barad peninsula by killing the undead orcs and humans fighting each other at the restless front.
I used to farm it in Tol Barad peninsula by killing the undead orcs and humans fighting each other at the restless front.
Thanks bros!Grab some potions of treasure finding and farm this area.
How do you grind JP at 85? I still want the shoulders for my monk and have 1200 jp on one toon, and 1200 on another. I wish they pooled them.
In Dead Wastes you really need rep to unlock more quests? In ref to cheevo for those paragon dudes.
Anyone know a good place to farm Embersilk?
Anyone know a good place to farm Embersilk?
Actually I'm trying to level up First Aid, haha. And Embersilk Cloth is like 90 gold a stack on my server.Them bags uh?
What're the odds of that huh?
Sha kill #1: Tier legs
Sha kill #2: Tier gloves
The tricksters are the most annoying mobs ever to kill as a tank. I've got to the point where I just plain hope there's a guild DPS who can accompany me. Gathering a group up, only for one to stun me for them *all* to run out of range - in different directions - is irritating as hell.The entire western half of the map is phased based on the quests you are on, but there is usually a gathering of sprites by mistfall village.
How many keyboards have you guys destroyed while playing WoW?
I've destroyed a total of four keyboards.
Yes, I rage easily.
Good morning, nerds.
Woke up early, before work, to plant today's crops so I didn't have to do it later when I got home. Always forget Wednesday is maintenance.
I'm seriously considering changing our raid schedule to allow time for crops. Our raids end at midnight game time, meaning that if you don't do your crops *before* the raid, you'll miss the window - and some people log on immediately before.
Either that, or I'll start explicitly saying 'break now, if you need to do your crops, GET TO IT'.
There are items in the new patch that let you either throw rotten fruit at players in the Brawler's arena or flowers. Rotten fruit has a chance to stun them while flowers increase their stats. This is going to be hilarious.
I'm continually shocked at the number of players who repeatedly get hit by Armsmaster Harlen's AOE. It just doesn't make sense. And then the same morons try to tell me how to dodge it even though I never get caught in it.
I'm continually shocked at the number of players who repeatedly get hit by Armsmaster Harlen's AOE. It just doesn't make sense. And then the same morons try to tell me how to dodge it even though I never get caught in it.