Unconfirmed Member

But after a while
You realize time flies
And the best thing that you can do
Is take whatever comes to you
'Cause time flies
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Opening Cinematics
Warlords of Draenor
Mists of Pandaria
Wrath of the Lich King
The Burning Crusade
World of Warcraft
Patch Trailers & Reveals
- Patch 5.4 - Siege of Orgrimmar
- Patch 5.2 - The Thunder King
- Patch 4.3 - Hour of Twilight
- Patch 4.2 - Rage of the Firelands
- Patch 4.1 - Rise of the Zandalari
- Patch 3.3 - Fall of the Lich King
- Patch 3.2 - Call of the Crusade
- Patch 3.1 - Secrets of Ulduar
- Patch 2.4 - Fury of the Sunwell
- Patch 2.3 - The Gods of Zul'Aman
- Patch 2.1 - The Black Temple
- Patch 1.11 - Shadow of the Necropolis
- Warlords of Draenor BlizzCon 2013 Reveal
- Mists of Pandaria BlizzCon 2011 Reveal
- Cataclysm BlizzCon 2009 reveal
- Wrath of the Lich King BlizzCon 2007 Reveal
- The Burning Crusade BlizzCon 2005 Reveal
- The Burdens of Shaohao Prelude: The Vision
- The Burdens of Shaohao Part 1: Doubt
- The Burdens of Shaohao Part 2: Despair
- The Burdens of Shaohao Part 3: Fear
- The Burdens of Shaohao Part 4: Anger
- The Burdens of Shaohao Part 5: The Sundering
- Dragon Soul (Cataclysm)
- Fall of the Lich King (Wrath of the Lich King)
- The Wrathgate (Wrath of the Lich King)
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Character Rankings
- Ask Mr. Robot (Class Itemization)
- World of Wardrobes (Transmogrification)
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|OT4| Wall of Shame

And last, but not least, what no adventurer should be traveling without: