The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Did someone mention Karazhan 2.0
Still my personal fave soundtrack of any raid.
Yeah man, that fuckin harpsichord is whats up.
Did someone mention Karazhan 2.0
Still my personal fave soundtrack of any raid.
There are like 3 good polearm models in this game and that's kind of annoying.
It's especially worse considering how for some reason all polearms sheath with the point up when it looks way better with the point down.
I wish there were more savage looking axes. Gorehowl is too cliche for an Orc to use at this point. BC Axes are the worst god damn thing ever(stupid glass axes.)
I'm STILL using this damn thing but I'm sure with all the Orcyness in WoD there will be some serious axes.
Back in TBC, everyone wanted one because it was the weapon the draenei used in the cinematic![]()
How are Ret Pallys and Shamans in MoP?
I hated how Ret played in Cata, their rotation was just not fun, it felt really awkward.
Shamans I always kinda had a soft spot for, but they were always a bit clunky. That and I'm not a huge fan of any of the races that can be Shamans.
How are Ret Pallys and Shamans in MoP?
I hated how Ret played in Cata, their rotation was just not fun, it felt really awkward.
Shamans I always kinda had a soft spot for, but they were always a bit clunky. That and I'm not a huge fan of any of the races that can be Shamans.
Question for those who have done Recruit-A-Friend.
Can we be on different servers then do the cross realm and get the boosted XP? Basically, I want to put my 'alt'(which I really don't want to do, but it's how I'll get my brother to play with me) on my server, so I can send him money, but I know he'll want to go on a different, more popular server. And if not, can someone name a good, active Horde server we can go to?
I did it cross realm the last time I did it. You get the XP, but you can't use the features like summons, and you can't grant levels cross realm. So, you'll need to get your 'gifted' freebie toon on the same server he's on. Horde servers would be like Illidan, Area 52, Mal'ganis. A52 is PvE Illidan and Mal are PvP.
How are Ret Pallys and Shamans in MoP?
I hated how Ret played in Cata, their rotation was just not fun, it felt really awkward.
Shamans I always kinda had a soft spot for, but they were always a bit clunky. That and I'm not a huge fan of any of the races that can be Shamans.
The spreadsheet really needs more EU players
I'm only playing auction house now...
I'm alliance and I'd love for you to show me.Uh if it's 10 man, talk to Brann to start, grab one of the destroyers (the catapult looking ones) and just head straight to the boss. Clean up any trash, heal vehicle to full on the vehicle pad. Stack the blue shit on him, I think it's the 2 button. And then kill him with the 1 button. He dies in like 30 seconds... The only way I can see you having trouble is if you're using the wrong vehicle. If you're still having trouble after this and your alliance I'll come help you get and see what's up. You may just be talking to the Keeper instead of Brann, talking to him starts the hardmode version which requires setting up vehicles before engaging the boss.
Sailormoon Garrosh......I've seen it all now. Time to quit internet.
Ret is actually the most fun its been ever right now in my opinion. It's not nearly as brainlessly simple as WLK, but doesn't feel as lame as Cata's rotation since every attack you have gives HP now and you're spending a lot less time refreshing Inquisition, which is a lot more fun to keep up now that it gives you a big critical strike bonus, unlike in Cata where the benefit of keeping it up was relatively invisible.
It's still the easiest class in the game in my opinion. Mayyyyyyyyybe Assassination Rogue is easier, but nobody plays Rogue anyways.
Wotlk ICC paladin was more fun, because divine storm set bonus was amazing, and ret's could actually cleave back then.
Unlike now?![]()
Sailormoon Garrosh......I've seen it all now. Time to quit internet.
Um yes? Wotlk Divine Storm did an amazing amount of damage since it was a pure cleave. Current Divine Storm doesn't hit as hard, even with the t16 bonus.
Wotlk ICC paladin was more fun, because divine storm set bonus was amazing, and ret's could actually cleave back then.
Divine Storm is better than Templar's Verdict if it hits more than one target. You can use it all of the time.
I don't agree at all. WLK Paladin was just press whatever it lit up; it was braindead.
also use the talent that gives me once in a while a proc for a free spell that acts as if i had 3 Holy Power, and when that thing procs 3-4 times in a row... holy shit does stuff dies FAST.
I don't think it's asking too much to have a solo scenario where you can sit through the trial. No new assets required.
WoW Source: Warlords of Draenor
That was where they showed off the new female undead model.
Something I thought was interesting was them mentioning that you can opt out of the new player models if you'd like. Apparently if you opt in, everything changes, and your frame rate could take a hit depending on your system.
Cool little video though.
Yeah, hopefully that applies with the flight path models too. The game already has updated gryphon and wyverns models, but still the old one is used during flights.
You know I was always under the impression Divine Purpose was the weakest of the 3 in that tree purely because it was very random, but I've always loved randomness when playing a ret pally, that's why I play ret to get a huge giggle out of random procs.
I'm going to have to give it a shot later.