Fuck shoulder armor, it ruins all transmog outfits.
I wish they release a invisible shoulder piece like they did with the boots armor in Darkspear rebelion.
Fuck shoulder armor, it ruins all transmog outfits.
Well, they got me. Mists of Pandaria bought for $9.99 and subbed for a month.
And I'm thinking of one of the sale mounts. Kill me now.
Heroic - Flameweaver Koegler down after 10 seconds!
Heh, hard for it to go any faster than that.
Me too, that bat mount looks so badass, and its 12.50$ instead of 25$. Gotta resist.
Had a heroic SoO ret pally as our "tank" earlier today for a heroic run. He was doing something like 300k DPS. And he had over 600k HP.
I have 720k hp as a warlock, without the stamina buff >_>
We did a hc with a full group of our raiders a couple weeks ago. The bastards killed the first boss before I could land a single chaos bolt (my first spell!) so I did 0 dps on that boss :lol
Me too, that bat mount looks so badass, and its 12.50$ instead of 25$. Gotta resist.
I whore a Horde insignia shirt earlier today... not a single word from nobody.
They dont give a fuck
I whore a Horde insignia shirt earlier today... not a single word from nobody.
They dont give a fuck
How do you get other gear for your second spec while leveling?
I was leveling my Enh Shaman in Pandaria and decided I wanted to switch to Elemental, but the quests only allow me to get Enh gear. I switch to Ele but it's fucking hard to kill anything without proper gear. Is there a trick to it like switching specs before accepting quests? He's already 90 so it's too late but I do want to switch my Ret to Prot so it'll be a bit easier to switch. Problem will be the Enh to Elemental during WoD.
:ORight click on your char portrait, change loot spec.
1. Black Temple
2. Blackwing Lair
3. Icecrown Citadel
4. Siege of Orgrimmar
5. Ulduar
HM to Karazhan
Least fave five consists of Trial of the Crusader.
What is this raid finder you're speaking of?
Added (well, really just upgraded) in this week's patch. "Other raids" button next to "raid info" button in raid tab.
I would love Ulduar a lot more if the first boss was easily soloable. You know something is wrong when the first boss of ICC at lvl 90 is much easier than the first of Ulduar.
With Blizzard nerfing old raids to make them more soloable, i'm surprised they still haven't done anything to Ulduar's first boss.
Damn, my guild had trouble with Ulduar 10 man at all epic 80's. Is 90 really that much higher, did we suck, or has it been nerfed? Or all of the above?
Can I still do ICC at 82?
I would love Ulduar a lot more if the first boss was easily soloable. You know something is wrong when the first boss of ICC at lvl 90 is much easier than the first of Ulduar.
With Blizzard nerfing old raids to make them more soloable, i'm surprised they still haven't done anything to Ulduar's first boss.
So uh, is there anything to this Tushui Pandaren faction? Got exalted with them, but as far as I can tell the only thing you get from them is a tabard and a bag :lol
I would love Ulduar a lot more if the first boss was easily soloable. You know something is wrong when the first boss of ICC at lvl 90 is much easier than the first of Ulduar.
With Blizzard nerfing old raids to make them more soloable, i'm surprised they still haven't done anything to Ulduar's first boss.
1. Black Temple
2. Blackwing Lair
3. Icecrown Citadel
4. Siege of Orgrimmar
5. Ulduar
HM to Karazhan
Least fave five consists of Trial of the Crusader.
Hmm, that's tough...FAVE FIVE RAIDS
1. Black Temple
2. Blackwing Lair
3. Icecrown Citadel
4. Siege of Orgrimmar
5. Ulduar
HM to Karazhan
Least fave five consists of Trial of the Crusader.
1. Black Temple
2. Blackwing Lair
3. Icecrown Citadel
4. Siege of Orgrimmar
5. Ulduar
HM to Karazhan
Least fave five consists of Trial of the Crusader.
1. Black Temple
2. Blackwing Lair
3. Icecrown Citadel
4. Siege of Orgrimmar
5. Ulduar
HM to Karazhan
Least fave five consists of Trial of the Crusader.
Me too, that bat mount looks so badass, and its 12.50$ instead of 25$. Gotta resist.
Here's the ultimate question
When is my fishing going to be account-bound, or, when are they going to remove the stupid fishing 'skill' all together
Here's the ultimate question
When is my fishing going to be account-bound, or, when are they going to remove the stupid fishing 'skill' all together
Well they kind of have it, but you'd have to grind Nat Pagle rep, which is honestly worse than just fishing to 600 anyway.