Bastards!It's not happening for a while.
They've made engine changes or something. People who do force SSAA on get a ton of visual bugs like invisible character models/crashes.
Everything has a chance to drop something for you based on your spec. It's just random personal loot ify ou get it or not, so you don't roll on anything. The idea is just that you should always loot the bosses until you get the items you want from multiple run throughs. I'm pretty sure they just did the first 3 bosses because the real pre-launch event is the new models, but they had to shoot something out there as an event since that's what they always do. Thus the mediocre Portal event and the preview of a WoD dungeon that doesn't even give you a pet or achievement or anything(the dungeon, I mean.)So there are 5 bosses in the event UBRS map, but you can only beat 3 of them? Whats up with that? Also how does the loot system work in there? Just get a 550 ring from the first boss, the other 2 just had gold.
I found it pretty great that if you die in there, you respawn at the beginnen of the dungeon and not somewhere outside of it, so you dont have to watch 2 loadings screens before being back in the dungeon - did they make this change to every dungeon or just the UBRS event?
Ran a couple of dailies with my hunter last night too on Timeless Isle. It's weird. The mobs that would give me pause before the patch now die in seconds. Others that were a pushover before now take a long time to kill.
It does not make sense to me.
Started slow-leveling my new orc hunter. To make things more interesting, I am doing 10 pushups for every level gained and 20 pushups and 20 squats for every 10th level gained.
That new ubrs is the most utterly pointless thing I've done in this game. It's essentially ubrs reskinned. Boss placement.. mob placement.. minus a room of whelps it's absolutely nothing new compared to the other 10 years worth of ubrs runs I've done. Was it meant to pay homage? Of course it pays homage.. it's the exact same dungeon with different boss names. Unless the second half of the dungeon is going to be mind blowingly awesome and not just lead to Drak's old room, this was a serious waste of resources.
I hate when they change old instances. They've ruined places like Scholomance for me![]()
Can anyone advise me on how to force proper supersampling back into WoW now?
The nVidia Control Panel option no longer has any effect on WoW, it appears.
The first logging in last night I felt like my hunter had had his fingers cut off. Most insta-cast spammy abilities are gone from Marksman.
Is WoW (still?) good for casual playing nowadays? My FFXIV sub just lapsed and I'm trying to decide which account to renew. The new patch and upcoming expansion has made me interested in WoW again but I tend to have massive gaming mood swings so I never stick with a game enough to really dig in to it.
(I always feel rude never introducing myself in these threads so uh, hey guys. I think I posted here ages ago but I tend not to stick around too long. I played a ton of this game with my old guild through Wrath but apart from that I haven't really played all that much since we fell apart pretty quickly after Cata launched. Glad to join you all!)
Oh, and I also critted someone in Blasted Lands for 1,000,000 damage. That was definitely a bug, since even pre-squish my top damage was around the 600k area.Last night before the servers messed up, level 80-82 mobs had about 12k hp. When I logged on today they have about 5.5k. Must have been a massive nerf across the board?
Oh, and I also critted someone in Blasted Lands for 1,000,000 damage. That was definitely a bug, since even pre-squish my top damage was around the 600k area.
Too bad I did not grab a screenshot.
I could have sworn it was one of those ogre guys you get to kill for an Iron Invasion quest line.not nessessarily, i was hitting stuff in ICC for 1.5 million damage a few nights ago, you might of hit a roach or some other critter
not nessessarily, i was hitting stuff in ICC for 1.5 million damage a few nights ago, you might of hit a roach or some other critter
That new ubrs is the most utterly pointless thing I've done in this game. It's essentially ubrs reskinned. Boss placement.. mob placement.. minus a room of whelps it's absolutely nothing new compared to the other 10 years worth of ubrs runs I've done. Was it meant to pay homage? Of course it pays homage.. it's the exact same dungeon with different boss names. Unless the second half of the dungeon is going to be mind blowingly awesome and not just lead to Drak's old room, this was a serious waste of resources.
It's the definition of casual. Last night I jumped into multiple world boss raids instantly, made my own ubrs group and hand picked my team members from all different servers, ran through entire quest lines in minutes.
The game has totally changed. Now for me, who 10 years ago could devote lots of time to the game, these changes are amazing because I only have 1-2 hours a day at most nowadays. But for others who take the game more seriously, I can definitely see the challenges of keeping a core group interested. And sometimes when that core group isn't there you just don't want to play.
Seen the ceiling of Blackrock Mountain lately?
There's the end of UBRS now.
And you do actually get a reward for beating it (you just don't notice it since it only pops up in the chat box; says something like "UBRS Quest Completed" and it gives you like 45 Gold).
I've seen the top of brm for a decade lol. Doesn't change the fact the whole let's reuse the same place again gimmick is tired now. And 45 gold.. alright.. I wipe my ass with 45 gold. I've had 30k on each character for like the last 3 years. Gold became trivial back in wotlk. Which is obviously why they made it the de facto currency since they know players who dont buy vanity items on the ah just pile it up.
Please give me money. I have 30k on my main and that's it![]()
Also, why did they take out Fan of Knives on Combat for rogues? I'm going to miss that ability.
And I miss Arcane Explosion on my frost mage. It was a fast and easy way to kill trash in old raids. The Blizzard spell just isn't the same.
Wow, that is gone also? I really need to read those patch notes. lol
Evo is also arcane only now. That's the biggest change imo. Completely changes how mage feels when a staple like that is gone. Luckily I'm enjoying frost's changes.
I think I'm going to switch to Enhancement on my Shaman in WoD. What would be the best way to do that? Just start WoD as Ele while getting Enhancement gear from quests, then when I've gathered a bit of Enhance equipment, switch?
How do you fight the urge to stop making alts? I can't settle on one lol
How do you fight the urge to stop making alts? I can't settle on one lol
Everything in old raids is multiplied.
How do you fight the urge to stop making alts? I can't settle on one lol
How do you fight the urge to stop making alts? I can't settle on one lol
I hated alts.
Then I made money with crafting cooldowns.
Then they got a personal farm.
Now they'll get their personal army base.
Don't fight the urge...
To be honest, in 5.4 with my frost mage, i only used Evocation for the spell buff. Didn't actually care for the mana regen it offered.
Is the UBRS listed in raid finder the one that contains 550 lvl gear?
Do alts all share the same base?