The latter part fits all server types. As for world PVP... there's a reason why I didn't roll on a PVP server >_>
This is true. Still, it would be a nice gesture if blizzard offered a one time "oops I really don't like normal/pvp servers" transfer of toons options - even if it was at a cost. I'm not expecting that and I know it will never happen. Just my thoughts on it.
I made alts to play with those friends. I wasn't going to do something I didn't enjoy as a mainstay just so I could play with friends. You take the risk of playing on a PVP server to play with them, the idea of getting a free transfer because you don't like getting ganked on a PVP server is ridiculous.
You guys are already aware of what pvp entails though. I'm just saying that a lot of people don't know.
And I wouldn't mind paying a set amount to transfer all my toons to another server, but having to pay for individual transfers is steep. Blizzard is full aware that people don't want to transfer just one character while leaving behind the rest. My toons are set up for variety in class, and to account for multiple professions. They are essentially one system of characters made to benefit each other. I'd never take one only.
Anyway, I hope I don't sound riled up. It's not the end of the world, However, there are often days where I wish i could switch servers and not have to pay for each toon individually.
Switching topics, the timing of this undelete feature is unfortunate for me. If I had come back a little sooner, Im guessing blizz would have been able to restore my deleted characters together. Now I've got to wait a month for each one

Re-subbed and started over as a human paladin on Kilrogg.
I'm debating whether or not to buy the expansion and boost to 90. I've leveled up to 60 and 70 a few times throughout the history of the game, but never past that. Will I not be completely lost at how to play and what to do if I instantly jump to 90?
I've been wallowing in self-pity over the whole transfer thing. I'm thinking I might use the 90 boost on a different server. The only problem with that, however, is redoing allllll the professions. Yuck.