Nice. Figured she would drop quick. And remember with a heroic dungeon you can go back in there every day. So get ready for some serious farming breh :lol.That's it? She died within 15-20 seconds. lol, don't think I took any damage. My rogue should do just fine I think.
But didn't drop, oh look another boss with a mount it'll never drop.![]()
Grats mang! Mount farming is one of my favourite things in this game. I don't know why, since it usually involves older fights that you can breeze through and sometimes it takes years for something to drop (give me my Ashes mount Kael!") but I love it.fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
First kill of the day!
Right now I do Alysrazor on three characters, Kael'thas on four, 25 man heroic Lich King on two, world bosses on four, and pretty soon Deathwing (if I can solo it on 10 man) on two characters.