Only two achievements left for my 25 Glory of the Icecrown Raider. The non-vampire part of Once Bitten, Twice Shy and Been Waiting a Long Time For This. Any tips on soloing these?
I assume the easiest way to do OB,TS with my Frost DK (the only character that has the vampire part of the achievement done already) would be to charm something with Control Undead and let that take the first bite? Or maybe switch to Unholy?
What about BWALTFT? I have a 550 Arms Warrior, a 540 WW Monk, and a 520 Destro Lock available as well (DK is 530).
Is eu up?
You can always Uglycraft it. These are the settings I use (in, with some slight alterations to values (I use much lower values for certain variables):The game runs like shit since the last patch on my crappy Macbook![]()
Note: I haven't tested this under OpenGL, only under Direct3D, so can't tell if any oddities will show up. It should anyhow greatly increase performance.SET gxApi "opengl"
SET gxWindow "0"
SET gxMaximize "0"
SET maxAnimThreads "1"
SET Gamma "1.000000"
SET Sound_OutputQuality "0"
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0"
SET Sound_EnableDSPEffects "0"
SET farclip "-5"
SET nearclip "-10"
SET particleDensity "10"
SET baseMip "1"
SET groundEffectDensity "-10"
SET environmentDetail "-5"
SET SSAOBlur "0"
SET terrainLodDist "-5"
SET wmoLodDist "0"
SET terrainMipLevel "1"
SET worldBaseMip "2"
SET weatherDensity "0"
SET ffx "0"
SET ffxDeath "0"
SET gameTip "118"
SET ffxNetherWorld "0"
SET ffxSpecial "0"
SET bodyQuota "0"
SET componentTextureLevel "2"
SET Sound_OutputSampleRate "8000"
SET ScreenshotFormat "TGA"
SET ScreenshotQuality "10"
SET gxtexturecachesize "-1"
SET componenttexcachesize "-1"
SET groundeffectfade "-10"
SET groundeffectdist "-10"
SET useWeatherShaders "0"
SET overrideArchive "1"
SET ffxRectangle "0"
SET horizonFarclipScale "-100"
SET horizonNearclipScale "-100"
SET hwPCF "0"
SET textureFilteringMode "0"
SET componentThread "0"
SET showfootprintparticles "0"
SET animFrameSkipLOD "1"
SET streamBeams "1"
SET bloatTest "0"
SET smoothUnitPhasing "0"
SET smoothUnitPhasingDistThreshold "0"
SET smoothUnitPhasingUnseenPurgatoryTimeMs "0"
SET smoothUnitPhasingDestroyedPurgatoryTimeMs "0"
SET smoothUnitPhasingActorPurgatoryTimeMs "0"
SET smoothUnitPhasingEnableAlive "0"
SET smoothUnitPhasingAliveTimeoutMs "0"
SET streamingCameraRadius "1"
SET gxOverride "1"
SET doodadUnloadDist "-100"
SET M2UseClipPlanes "0"
SET M2UseThreads "0"
SET M2Faster "3"
SET SkyCloudLOD "-0"
SET terrainAlphaBitDepth "4"
SET mouseSpeed "1.5"
SET graphicsQuality "2"
SET M2UseLOD "0"
SET rippleDetail "0"
SET reflectionMode "0"
SET SSAODistance "0.000000001"
SET DepthBasedOpacity "0"
SET wmoDoodadDist "-5"
SET entityLodDist "10"
SET worldMaxMipLevel "24"
SET terrainHoles "1"
SET OutlineEngineMode "0"
SET sceneOcclusionEnable "0"
SET mapQuestDifficulty "1"
SET showKeyring "1"
SET ffxGlow "0"
Only two achievements left for my 25 Glory of the Icecrown Raider. The non-vampire part of Once Bitten, Twice Shy and Been Waiting a Long Time For This. Any tips on soloing these?
I assume the easiest way to do OB,TS with my Frost DK (the only character that has the vampire part of the achievement done already) would be to charm something with Control Undead and let that take the first bite? Or maybe switch to Unholy?
What about BWALTFT? I have a 550 Arms Warrior, a 540 WW Monk, and a 520 Destro Lock available as well (DK is 530).
OBTS is pretty easy; just get enough people and burn the boss down before she bites anyone. (Otherwise, it's kinda random.)
You can Control Undead one of those Plague Scientists and give your best DPS a very sizable damage buff.
As for BWALTFT...good luck on that one.
I've heard it is possible to solo, but only for certain classes.
Ideally, you need somebody who can tank/gather the all the mobs and somebody (or two) who can dispel.
When you look down to text someone and miss your 20 minute Headless Horseman queue![]()
Lasts 20 minutes.
Face is completely expressionless (i.e. Vanilla human male modeling)
You can't mount with this shapeshift.
Conclusion? Buy 3 pets instead.
Plagued has been popping up in the Black Market Auction House for a while.
Black is still unobtainable.
The game runs like shit since the last patch on my crappy Macbook![]()
Then stop doing it. If anything getting used to the way the game plays now is like pushing for r1 on a level 70
You're a level 90 in a level 100 world, why does no one ever get that?
I did BWALTFT last week with a buddy. I was on my ele shaman and he was on a holy paladin. We didn't know you could dispel and be successful, so we just spam healed whoever got the monster stacks.
The stacks fell off randomly after getting to about 22, so we had to manage mana and cooldowns the 2nd time around since that disease hits really hard.
I normally just follow the questlines in each area, and that worked well in the beta. Also, the bonus objective zones give a lot of experience so definitely take those. The road to level 100 was a short, but very fun, one.Still don't know who to lvl to 100 first. I mean none of my two mains have gathering professions, and i figure it would better to just lvl my shaman alt that have both herbalism and mining first, but then there could be something else in WoD that could help with that that I'm not aware of...
Grants. I'm going to give up on my third cloak. Just started Secrets and only got one out of 4 bosses so far. My RNG has been crap, no point in stressing over it.Legendary cloak GET! :>
Right now you're acquiring at warlords rates is the issue, without the strongboxes or whatever. I admit I haven't followed pvp stuff a ton but I know it's something like that.
Think my goal on WoD is just to focus and gear out one character, so I don't end up playing too much and can actually make progress on one character without feeling compelled to level others for 'raid readiness.'
That's the goal at least.
No Blue Drake today either.
Just got the Blue Drake!
Oh sorry
I didn't get Azure or Black drake though.
Black is the easiest thing in the universe. 100% drop chance.
Ya I realized I didn't have black the other day and went to get it, it was hilariously easy.
Black is the easiest thing in the universe. 100% drop chance.
Hey guys,
I have a couple questions about icc. I just finished 10 man icc except for the dragon. I cant get into 25man heroic icc. Do i have to do 25man normal first? Also, i read somewhere about having an alt clear 10man normal up to lk, leaving, changing it to 25man, inviting a friend, switching characters, and starting at lk. Does this still work and does my friend have to go in the instance? Can i do the same for ulduar?
If I get some seals, can I go back into LFR and roll still even though I already downed the boss?
I really need to upgrade my staff, I feel like I would do a bit more dps with a better weapon instead of the starting green one.
Have to complete 25 normal at least once first.
Thank you. Will skipping the dragon in 25man normal give me problems getting into 25man heroic?
It should not cause any problems. The 'key' to doing 25 heroic is a kill of 25 normal Lich King, that's the only boss you have to do.
Awesome! Thank you. Definitely going to take a while to clear 25man normal icc on all of my alts. Any idea if i can save one alt just before 10man lk, switch to 25 norm (and heroic each week), log out and switch for quick kills?
damm 1 runestone left and i have to wait until next week.
Legendary cloak GET! :>
Try doing SoO on normal or heroic, you can get it on multiple difficulties.
Also if they didn't drop I think you can do LFR again and it has a chance to drop from the bosses you haven't got one from.
I thought it was locked to 1 kill for each boss? did they change it?