Gentleman Jack
Damn do i gotta go back into SoO for my heirlooms then? Feels cheap to give in to the very poorly branded 'smash and grab' loot-o-rama as Blizzard commands.
Oh hey world of warning about that former valor/justice loot that now costs gold. It may stil say that you have 2 hours to return the item for a full refund but that isnt the case. You just get an "internal bag error" and when i opened a ticket with a GM thier reply was wait for the 2 hours to elapse and then vendor it for a fraction of the purchase price. (Thanks asshole)
So, how long will the new Molten Core and Tarren Mill/Southshore be live when it releases?
It's not till late November.
So, how long will the new Molten Core and Tarren Mill/Southshore be live when it releases?
I was afraid of that. Whyyy? Well, I know why, to get people to buy the expansion.Nov 21 - Jan 6
Requires level 100
I was afraid of that. Whyyy? Well, I know why, to get people to buy the expansion.
But, taking away the battleground especially is just nerfing fun?
They are not disabling battlegrounds, he is upset that the temporary Tarren Mill bg is going away after the anniversary event is over.Wait what? Are they disabling a battleground (all battlegrounds?) for the duration? Where's the information about this?![]()
They are not disabling battlegrounds, he is upset that the temporary Tarren Mill bg is going away after the anniversary event is over.
They are not disabling battlegrounds, he is upset that the temporary Tarren Mill bg is going away after the anniversary event is over.
How long is the iron invasion going on for? I need to get my rogue to 90 quickly to pickpocket something from the mobs there but I'm only level 85 x_x
Yeah, you should have absolutely no problem getting to 90 before the event ends.
You reported a known issue and he responded by telling you how to solve it. Give the guy a fucking break.
The only bug there is the 2 hour timer showing up in the first place. There is never a return period for items bought for gold.
Made a Heroic run on open raid for Saturday if anyone wants to go
Made a Heroic run on open raid for Saturday if anyone wants to go (alliance) if someone here wants to go but item level is too high let me know.
Remember, current heroic = pre-patch normal, so you're good if you've done normal SoO.Tempting but I've never done a heroic fight in there. I'm sure I could learn it quickly but I'd hate to be that guy who fucks up malice during p4 garrosh or blows up the raid because there's too much going on during paragons for me to soak it all in.
What the fuck is this...
Ilvl 564 Disc priest, got people dipping dangerously low in fucking UBRS because damage isnt anywhere NEAR 'Triage' levels, its just as fucking spikey as always, yet my healing output relative to HP levels has been fucking neutered. So Im spamming fucking flash heals to keep the group alive.
Sure my Mana lasts forever, but what the fuck happened to slowing the damage output and having people in injured status? You absolutely cannot leave anyone in 'injured' status because the damage is still spikey and they just die if not topped off immediately.
Either Disc got neutered or they fucked up the tuning for level 90.
Remember, current heroic = pre-patch normal, so you're good if you've done normal SoO.
(if you already knew this then feel free to ignore me :lol)
When someone says your transmog doesn't match...
Sometimes I do clown gear transmogs just for nostalgia.
Made a Heroic run on open raid for Saturday if anyone wants to go (alliance) if someone here wants to go but item level is too high let me know.
Yeah, I really miss oqueue also =[I really don't like their new group finder tool. Give me oqueue back ;(
Made a Heroic run on open raid for Saturday if anyone wants to go (alliance) if someone here wants to go but item level is too high let me know.
I miss being able to invite people from the waiting list from the Other Raids option. Now you need to wait for people to ask to join. I think the group finder tool needs more filters.I really don't like their new group finder tool. Give me oqueue back ;(
Disc is quite good right now, people who find it bad are probably not reacting to the changes very well. For know about fight in siege it doesn't have to be much, even just looking over the role guide they added to the dungeon journal should be enough.Yeah Disc got the nerf bat hard. I'm changing my Priest over to Holy for this patch.
the fact that they arent returning the full purchase price is working as intended apparently not a known issue, the only known issue is that the items states you can get a refund when in fact you can not. Shitty policy but it wasn't that expensive and item and i've moved on, that said screw you, i can call out a shitty policy as i see them.
Blizz said:As for the ability to refund for full purchase price that has only been intended for items purchased with alternate currency.
Any purchase made with gold will only refund a part of it when returned to a vendor. I am sorry for the confusion that this bug may have caused.
I miss being able to invite people from the waiting list from the Other Raids option. Now you need to wait for people to ask to join. I think the group finder tool needs more filters.
Going to try it when I get home.Anyone try soloing old content since the hotfix change? I could easily do BWD 25m heroic on my 540 lock last night. Something that would have been impossible for me before that. The tweet that was linked earlier just made it sound like the HP pools would be increased, not the dmg done to players. Which in most cases, would make it just as easy, just taking longer.
Some of the talk on the forums makes it seem like its harder in general. but ugh. The official forums...
Going to try it when I get home.
The back and forth on this has been sort of annoying. I mean I honestly I liked the buffed damage in old raids, but oh well. As long as it isn't harder than 5.4 then it's all good.
I'm not sure how you guys are saying that DS can be easily soloed. Morchok is one shotting my ret paladin with his Stomp attack and it's not easy to avoid.