The tabard makes it workI need to find a transmog to last me until WoD and those sweet, sweet Orc armor sets.
Haven't bothered with any transmog so far (just boosted to 90 last week), so my look is 100% struggle right now:
The tabard makes it workI need to find a transmog to last me until WoD and those sweet, sweet Orc armor sets.
Haven't bothered with any transmog so far (just boosted to 90 last week), so my look is 100% struggle right now:
Just hit 90. It's been about 3 years since i've had a max leveled character in WoW.
So lost.
Looks like Hallows End will bring a new toy/costume:
If that link doesn't work, here's the tweet:
Looks like Hallows End will bring a new toy/costume:
If that link doesn't work, here's the tweet:
Looks like Hallows End will bring a new toy/costume:
If that link doesn't work, here's the tweet:
must every pally run t2.. let it go guys.. let it go..
Heh, I'm rocking the re-colored Lightforge from TBC complete with a Verigan's Fist look-alike. I too like to remind everyone I'm stuck in the past.
- Go to Timeless Isle, loot boxes for item pieces, don't worry about the quests or farming anything else, use the tokens for a partial gear upgrade.
- Do the WoD questline for a few more upgrade pieces.
- Run Last Stand of the Zandalari (and possibly the next wing it unlocks) in LFR until you get to Friendly Shado Pan Assault rep and then go and gear yourself out in mostly full 522 armor. (I had to go up to the first boss in the second wing).
- If Horde, disable Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest (if Alliance, run Alterac Valley) and farm battlegrounds to get Season 15 gear.
You're now able to do pretty much all content.
If you're not a Hunter and have the spare cash you can get a servicable weapon from the AH (as well as a couple of ilvl 553 pieces), if you are a Hunter though the only fast way to get an upgrade from a 450 weapon is to run non AV/IoC battlegrounds for the 3500 honor. Which will pretty much double your DPS by itself.
Looks like Hallows End will bring a new toy/costume:
If that link doesn't work, here's the tweet:
Anything and everything "fun" in WoW has dumb cooldowns or limited uses or whatever. I don't even know why people bother collecting those dumb things.
Anything and everything "fun" in WoW has dumb cooldowns or limited uses or whatever. I don't even know why people bother collecting those dumb things.
Since everyone is posting their non-T2 pally...![]()
anyone getting a "character not found" message when trying to log in?
Thanks for that.
I had a look at Timeless, picked up some random gear, got my ass kicked by some mobs, Good times.
Will head back there shortly and finish off the treasure hunting.
Wow, looks great man! Is that Ashkandi?Since everyone is posting their non-T2 pally...![]()
I don't have a screenshot, and it's hardly transmogged, but here is my Pink and Purple Gingerbread Man. I need a glowy BC shield of some sort. Some of the Pandaria shields might work well, too.Since everyone is posting their non-T2 pally...![]()
So hunters pretty much got a 15% buff to pretty much everything, murder of crows got buffed 80% lol. Makes you wonder wth they were thinking. It's not like this is new, makes me wonder if they're paying attention in the beta because all of this has been complained about for at least a month or more.
They are not really paying attention to beta or ptr as this whole mess with stat squish will show you. While a lot of the stuff in warlords is nice the tuning and class balance is going to make it very hard to enjoy and they do not have people capable of fixing it.So hunters pretty much got a 15% buff to pretty much everything, murder of crows got buffed 80% lol. Makes you wonder wth they were thinking. It's not like this is new, makes me wonder if they're paying attention in the beta because all of this has been complained about for at least a month or more.
So hunters pretty much got a 15% buff to pretty much everything, murder of crows got buffed 80% lol. Makes you wonder wth they were thinking. It's not like this is new, makes me wonder if they're paying attention in the beta because all of this has been complained about for at least a month or more.
Found group that was right at Garrosh.
We wipe three times, I'm second in DPS.
Four try, tank quits after pull, we wipe.
"Hey, the fire mage did 1K DPS."
"Well, yeah, no shit, I got off one attack before we were slaughtered, you just saw-"
Kicked from group.
I the WoW community so damn much.
Finally got my last class to 90 the old fashioned way, with heirlooms though.
That 20% Demo nerf, thanks Blizzard.
Fury warriors got a 17% nerf too.