ICC wrapped up the WC3 story arc, which had been going for ages. Hell, even BC was part of it. When Arthus fell Blizzard had to come up with something new.
And then Cata appeared and the concussive force of the entire playerbase facepalming at the same time shattered Azeroth.
I kinda feel like Demonic Empowerment should be a self buff that you have to keep active. It's super weird to have a core ability that is near impossible to keep track of who it's active on.
You're right though, if it were something that was on me instead of the pets, I wouldn't have to cast it after every.single.demon.summon.
It's not very fun at all.
If you roll demon hunter do you start at level 1? Can you use your character boost on the demon hunter?
I feel like I'm asking inane questions in here but I don't see this answered on the main site
I went to do Tanaan dailies with a friend. We group up and we're constantly in different phases/crz or whateverthefuck it is. How is it possible?
I went to do Tanaan dailies with a friend. We group up and we're constantly in different phases/crz or whateverthefuck it is. How is it possible?
DHs start at 98 and are 100 when they leave their intro.
If I already have one of every class.. wtf should I boost? I was thinking about another druid?
I'm so sad that Blizz couldn't retrieve a history of the weapon/armor items I owned in the past for transmog. So many raid/pvp pieces gone to waste because I deleted them to make extra bag space. I have no motivation to go back and solo past raids or PvP at all.
If I already have one of every class.. wtf should I boost? I was thinking about another druid?
Seems like the only thing they could backtrace was quest items. Sad indeed.
When are we getting cross realm guilds?, I'm tired of the racist bs on la servers and been playing alone with trade/general chats disabled for a good time now.
This is the most frustrating part for me, I can never find a decent guild that isn't filled with homophobic, racist ragers. I know they exist, but it seems so hard to find.
So in Legion, are the Garrison completely useless?
So in Legion, are the Garrison completely useless?
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, the first character I ever played in the World of Warcraft, an Orc Warrior, has hit level cap. Gable first ventured out from Durotan into the wider world of Azeroth during the Burning Crusade and it seems to me that with the imminent return of the Burning Legion that Gabe's ascension to level cap was perfectly timed.
Anyway, thought I'd share! I was so happy for him to ding! Now I need to decide on getting my Rogue, Shaman, or Druid to cap next before the expansion. Perhaps I can get all three of them capped, the Rogue and Shaman are 94 and the Druid 92.
Enh transmog for Legion.[/QUOTE]
I like it. You shouldn't xmog the Doomhammers though :P
[quote="Tecnniqe, post: 211589436"]So in Legion, are the Garrison completely useless?[/QUOTE]
Mostly. You can still revisit them to get achievements you missed or a few pets, mounts and heirloom rings that show up as mission rewards.
They should probably migrate those heirloom rings to rewards from another system though. Kinda dumb to leave them tied to outdated Garrisons
Nope. There are mounts, pets, trade skills, apexis and rep items to get. Only the gold fell away.
Bad ass. What is that mace??![]()
Enh transmog for Legion.
I think I'm going to buy a yak
Bad ass. What is that mace??
I am never going back to Draenor once Legion releases,
I think I'm going to buy a yak
I hate this region. Draenor so.. meh
Congrats! Got any big plans for Legion? Dungeons, raids, pet battles, professions, etc
This is the most frustrating part for me, I can never find a decent guild that isn't filled with homophobic, racist ragers. I know they exist, but it seems so hard to find.
So i boosted a druid, and it's my first level 100 character. I started a warrior that i plan to play through everything with, he's level 17 currently.
Since I haven't played since vanilla, hollllyyyy shit am i lost on the druid. Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the garrison that it transported me to?
Well what should have happened when it returned was this:
people in Timewalk call my transmog ugly
Its green and beautiful!
Bounce off a satellite brehRetcon fuckery! The actual Algalon encounter makes it clear it's a signal that goes out into space, not a trigger for anything already on Azeroth. I cede no authority!
Had so much potential though
So i boosted a druid, and it's my first level 100 character. I started a warrior that i plan to play through everything with, he's level 17 currently.
Since I haven't played since vanilla, hollllyyyy shit am i lost on the druid. Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the garrison that it transported me to?
So i boosted a druid, and it's my first level 100 character. I started a warrior that i plan to play through everything with, he's level 17 currently.
Since I haven't played since vanilla, hollllyyyy shit am i lost on the druid. Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the garrison that it transported me to?
Ignore it. It's a complete waste of time at this point. It was worth it in the past for the gold rewards, but they got rid of that, so...