My pally is crying in a lone, lone corner
Why? There are weapons for every spec, which I suspect is why you can't get the staff and agi sword - they're 100% redundant.
My pally is crying in a lone, lone corner
Any point to new Dalaran floating over Kara right now? I went there and you cant go into the sewers or buy anything.
Next week is when it moves over Kara
Weird because I was just there and its floating above Kara right now
I really hated having to tag everyone with renewing mist in preparation for possible future AoE damage. And removing chi from the spec was a pretty good move too I think.I like it, though I'm a Brewmaster main and usually only heal PvP. My guildy who was main spec MW hates it, because he liked the Eminence (damage -> heal) part. At least you can still do melee dps if you want and mouse-over heal people in between
There's a pvp talent that lets you use Soothing Mist as a separate ability and make some of your heals instant like it used to be
There's a quest up there IIRC, but it's not live until next week or two
Oh they moved it already? I read it was just next week. Guess its just the quest next week then.
you're goddamn right
also this is the cutest thing ever
I'm really surpised how good experience the invasions give to leveling characters, every 4 hours is basically a free level for just being in the zone not the fastest way to level sure but I can afk and go play Overwatch while I get a free level for no work and a bunch of chests to give me year right when I ding 100 XD
There's no Siege of Orgrimmar LFR npc to solo queue like there is for Dragon Soul right?
It should be at the the Lorewalkers place above Mogu'Shan Palace in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. An NPC there for all the Mists LFRs.
Well this blows, invasions reset in 40 mins, trying hit both up on my 59 lock and am stuck in dc loop in org, get to azshara and just dc everytime, cant even hearth out. Gonna miss out on the free levels.
Yep, same thing happened to me. I just barely managed to hearth out, although that took like a whole minute.
Cheers guess I missed it.
Which one is easier to solo or 2-man, LFR or 10m normal? I want Thok :/
Normal means you have to clear all the way up to Thok, LFR you can queue for his wing and just kill Spoils iirc
Need a better pet for my "Demon" Hunter.
The chests drop gear based on what level you were when you got it not when opened
The chests drop gear based on what level you were when you got it not when opened
I started playing MMOs with EQ and UO. I still play FF11. WoW's death penalty is practically nonexistent. A slap on the wrist in repair costs and a small run most of the time.I dunno, whenever I die in an older area it sucks to have to make long corpse runs because they are relatively short in Draenor. The invasions are a good example, if you die near the caverns of time you have to run all the way around from the backside and you dont fly while your dead. I can't remember the last time I've had the little dude show up on screen to say my armor was low though, but I have a repair mount.
Its better then older then WoW MMO though. RuneScape, EverQuest and Eve Online have extremely harsh penalties, thats for sure.
I cant find a demo lock video for 110 and its annoying me. All the video guides are for 7.0.3 (aka now) where they center around the current tier bonus and some ridiculous trinket that gives your hand of Gul'dan a 60% chance to spawn 3 imps, but I want a guide for a world where neither of those things exist, I want a spec for the spec itself.
I think preachgaming has some on YouTube. He mostly covers changes and does a little analysis though. Might not be quite what you are looking for.
I'm essentially a career priest. I've made 12 different priests since WoW launch. It's by far my favorite class. But... I really like what they've done with mistweaver monk. Now I can't decide which to main into Legion. (._. )
I'm essentially a career priest. I've made 12 different priests since WoW launch. It's by far my favorite class. But... I really like what they've done with mistweaver monk. Now I can't decide which to main into Legion. (._. )
I think so. I've never been this torn on what character to main going into an expansion because I have like 4-5 classes that I'm really into right now.these type of posts make me really think the new specs are really all that and a bag of chips
Switched my lock to demo for a bit, it does seem really odd how you end up casting hand of guldan, dreadstalkers, then demonic empowerment. Its like 6 straight seconds of casting, why not make the proc that has dreadstalkers free also make it instant cast? It's a cool idea for a spec though, almost there.
I'm essentially a career priest. I've made 12 different priests since WoW launch. It's by far my favorite class. But... I really like what they've done with mistweaver monk. Now I can't decide which to main into Legion. (._. )