anything new tomorrow or should i continue to play other stuff?
I think one of the other pre-event questline things should start. Ulduar, probably.
anything new tomorrow or should i continue to play other stuff?
Yeah, I want to try out frost also.similarly, i've gone warrior > monk > demon hunter > dk
frost is too fucking fun
Hey guys, a couple buddies and I are looking to start up a heroic Garrosh farming group in order to get Tusks of Mannoroth for tmog. If anyone is interested in joining us, let me know, this will be an ongoing group where I'll add you to bnet friends and we'll try to set dates to power farm lots of runs (i.e. just go through 50-60 kills on a Saturday or Sunday).
So here's how this works:
1) My buddy has a raid lockout just after Paragons on an alt that we load up before every run (heroic SOO).
2) Run in, kill Garrosh fast, run out. Create new raid group with the alt so Garrosh respawns. Rinse and repeat. The reason this works is because you can bonus roll on every Garrosh kill and you can farm tons of bonus rolls easily on Timeless Isle.
3) This is going to be a heavy time commitment, so you really gotta want those Tusks of Mannoroth for transmog if you want to join in. On average, it takes a couple hundred kills to bonus roll Tusks.
So again, if anyone is interested in joining our little ongoing Tusks power farm group, just quote this message or shoot me a PM with your bnet ID and I'll add you. Hoping to get a solid group of at least 5-10 guys that really want them sexy ass Tusks so we can just powerfarm quickly and efficiently together. Lemme know if you got any questions. We'll probably also organize a frog farming party before we actually start farming Garrosh so everyone can quickly get a bunch of coins that can be turned into warforged seals (the bonus rolls that allow this kind of powerfarm to happen).
We are US, Horde btw (sorry alliance/euros).
Alright so they removed the Ilvl requirement from Trial of the champion. And its fucking impossible as disc. Attonement has healed your target for 168-500. Tanks getting hit for 10k/dps getting destroyed. Shadowmend doesnt do fuck all. radiance doesnt do shit. Fucking bliz.
Is 84 too early to go to invasions for levels?
Alright so they removed the Ilvl requirement from Trial of the champion. And its fucking impossible as disc. Attonement has healed your target for 168-500. Tanks getting hit for 10k/dps getting destroyed. Shadowmend doesnt do fuck all. radiance doesnt do shit. Fucking bliz.
You can go at any level, really. I've seen some people report getting massive amounts of experience when combining it and other experience boosting stuff (i.e. the elixirs). Go for it.
I wish felbat pup's actually sold on my server, could do with some gold
Hoard them and sell them in a couple years
One thing I don't like about invasions is that you can join an instance that's in progress, even on phase 3 or 4. If I happen upon one of those, I find myself exiting the zone and waiting. Problem is, I often miss the first phase when I go back in because I waited too long. Need that exp.![]()
If the game ever puts you in something other than phase one as you enter a zone something messed up. Have not seen that happen personally.
One thing I don't like about invasions is that you can join an instance that's in progress, even on phase 3 or 4. If I happen upon one of those, I find myself exiting the zone and waiting. Problem is, I often miss the first phase when I go back in because I waited too long. Need that exp.![]()
Are pets BOA? So could I pick up a Felbat pup on my old lvl 90 paladin so my current lvl 45 hunter could use it?
Just now, I entered with phase 1 at 98%. Thank goodness.
So leveling is much less of a slog overall than you remember or anticipate. BC leveling is much quicker than it used to be, but is currently the oldest content in the game, so it might not appeal. Easiest thing to do for you I would say would just spam dungeon finder to get through 60-70, or do the current hotness which is invasions, netting a fair bit of XP (half a level to a level per).
Is the good xp only from phase completions or killing mobs/rares too?
Is the good xp only from phase completions or killing mobs/rares too?
Weird, I didn't even know this was possible. I've always gotten in at stage 1.One thing I don't like about invasions is that you can join an instance that's in progress, even on phase 3 or 4. If I happen upon one of those, I find myself exiting the zone and waiting. Problem is, I often miss the first phase when I go back in because I waited too long. Need that exp.![]()
Weird, I didn't even know this was possible. I've always gotten in at stage 1.
Does it still you gift you the small chest that you're supposed to get after the first stage?
Went from 10 to 16 on my monk from a single invasion. Plus, the chest rewards were worth 120 gold, so that's pretty good for leveling, lol.
ilvl 700 frost dk... 35k dps alright?
I don't get very good exp from killing enemies, but I haven't tried to solo one of the elites, just the regular things. If higher level people attack your target then the exp is definitely not very good.
Sölf;213758181 said:I don't even get that on some fights. Well, I only did Mythic Shadowmoon and Mythic Skyreach today, but god. I either completely suck at the new Frost DK gameplay or DPS really is that abyssmal. Probably both.
I might actually level up another character with invasions after I'm done with the DK.
There's no penalty to xp if you afk right?
I have a whole process going. I get one pair of characters to an invasion then afterwards one summons my other pair of Toons. Been doing 5 pairs (DK, Hunter, Priest, Druid and Mage) this way.Lol using RAF exp bonus doing invasions is ridiculous. Level 53 after only six invasions. Can't wait till tomorrow when invasions become more frequent than before.
don't spam howling blast (only use it off proc when you start combat, otherwise use it when Rime price), make sure to use obliteration on CD, and time your horn of winters right
Just opened 20 boxes (10 small, 10 large) on my fresh 100 pally and the only weapons I got were glaives. Twice.
w t f
I have both a goblin warrior and a goblin hunter
I kinda don't care for either of them, and my wife wants to play ally in the next expansion
so if you had to choose an alliance race for a warrior or hunter, what would you pick and why? based on looks or animations or anything, not too picky.
also would you go warrior over hunter?
My plans are to play my belf pally and my draenei priest before I play anything else
When that happens I just leave the zone and go back 5-10 minutes later.I've entered numerous invasions instances that were on the 2nd or 3rd phase. I kinda of don't care anymore though, at this point I have all of the ilvl 700 gear and am just farming shards for those ilvl upgrades for weapons.
When that happens I just leave the zone and go back 5-10 minutes later.
all hunters will be able to tame mech pets in legion
Sölf;213758181 said:I don't even get that on some fights. Well, I only did Mythic Shadowmoon and Mythic Skyreach today, but god. I either completely suck at the new Frost DK gameplay or DPS really is that abyssmal. Probably both.
Or you know... its tuned for level 110 and tuned around having an artifact weapon, which we don't have. So there's that. Calm your tits.