You're telling me people are not complaining about the nerfed AFK xp? Okay.Or you could keep up with the conversation and not look like an idiot.
Your choice.
You're telling me people are not complaining about the nerfed AFK xp? Okay.Or you could keep up with the conversation and not look like an idiot.
Your choice.
Sylvanas has binders full of demons!
Goodluck you will need it. I was farming that mace for my felguard pet for ages before it dropped. Over 30 attempts to get it. Although I was probably a bit extra unlucky.
I believe it is.
Not really. If you're actually playing the invasions, you're presumably doing all of them, which gives you more exp than you got before. So that particular character levels up faster. You won't have 5 characters all leveling up at the same rate, but the character you're playing will level faster, allowing you to start leveling another sooner.
you can turn them in at the vendors in each invasion zone
Wha?! Where would one of these vendors be at... say Sentinel Hill in Westfall?
You're telling me people are not complaining about the nerfed AFK xp? Okay.
Follow the road from Sentinel Hill to Elwynn. You'll find a camp with the Illidari vendors.Wha?! Where would one of these vendors be at... say Sentinel Hill in Westfall?
You can always do quests and dungeons, you know.Oh fuck off, it gives you slightly more quite a bit more work.
And as someone who did shit anyways so it'd go as fast as possible, the XP it gave is the least you should get after all all the random deaths from badly scaling boss abilities, being blown into 1 shotting elites from those stupid tower explosions, getting cleaved down by enemy factions, and getting ganked.
If they wanted to nerf afking they'd just have to attach more xp for actually doing shit instead of 2 or 3 you get.
There's no defending the change, fuck em. This is basically just a big fuck you to anyone who actually participated.
Anyone know if we can skip this intro kara/ulduar questline on our alts before starting Legion? It's not bad once or twice, but I don't want to do it 13 times.
That is correct, but the people complaining about the nerfed xp were gaining this while AFK in the first place. (The majority anyway...sure some were participating). That's my point and if you can't see that, read the last 100 posts.It's not nerfed AFK xp.
It's nerfed xp. Full stop.
People are complaining about the nerfed xp.
Anyone know if we can skip this intro kara/ulduar questline on our alts before starting Legion? It's not bad once or twice, but I don't want to do it 13 times.
Anyone know if we can skip this intro kara/ulduar questline on our alts before starting Legion? It's not bad once or twice, but I don't want to do it 13 times.
I believe it is.
Not really. If you're actually playing the invasions, you're presumably doing all of them, which gives you more exp than you got before. So that particular character levels up faster. You won't have 5 characters all leveling up at the same rate, but the character you're playing will level faster, allowing you to start leveling another sooner.
Gemüsepizza;213862710 said:Nothing better than a nice shitstorm 2 weeks before your new product launch. Good job Blizzard. They really didn't think this through.
Also, why are people AFK'ing? Maybe because...
- You get onehitted by boss attacks.
- You get 1 (yes one) xp for big enemies.
- On PVP realms you get constantly killed.
The current XP rewards just hurt casual players, because they need to invest more time. It also hurts lowbie chars who can't travel that quickly.
This math only checks out if you're leveling one or two characters. Anything more than that and it's an objective decrease in xp because of the length of time characters need to spend in invasions to equal out the xp.
i can't really explain where it is without the map but it's kind of down from the big tower on the largest slope of the hill
Follow the road from Sentinel Hill to Elwynn. You'll find a camp with the Illidari vendors.
That is correct, but the people complaining about the nerfed xp were gaining this while AFK in the first place. (The majority anyway...sure some were participating). That's my point and if you can't see that, read the last 100 posts.
Then those on imbalanced PVP servers would get nothing.Fair enough then. My apologies.
For the record, myself and those agreeing with me are complaining about the xp nerf in an event where those actively participating get treated the same as the lazy folks AFKing. Bliz could have just shifted the xp gain to actual combat participation.
Then those on imbalanced PVP servers would get nothing.
People are really complaining about the change...
This is a 1 month event. It's not a permanent thing. Are you just going to stop leveling once the event is over? This isn't the only thing that gives you exp, you know.
I have a few characters around 90-92 which I've been slowly leveling up via these events. It's a nice change from questing and dungeons, which I don't like doing tbh. It's just a nice alternative right now to max out the alts I have to have a variety/choice of characters once legion hits.
While revisitingin these new quests are nice, that can't just be it right? I mean, I give a tome to some Kirin Tor npc while Dalaran is being invaded, get gloves that are worse than those from invasions, and that's it? No continuation? That's just weird.Ulduar & Karazhan
Why would you do that 13 times? I mean it's not like you net anything great from doing it. You get ilvl685 gloves that are useful for a transmog, I guess, and a tiny bit of gold. That quest, like the Broken Shore, is there as narrative pre-amble for Legion.
Tune in next week, the same bat-time on the same bat-channel.
The shard merchant isn't available in your capitol city until 100 but the invasion site ones are. You can't even buy stuff from them?
You get more exp per hour than the old method. If there was no change to exp gains and they just upped the frequency it'd be absurd.
The beta was to test the quest line. It goes away once Legion arrives.I don't want to do it, but wasn't sure if it was a mandatory opening for Legion. I seem to remember something like this in beta.
Gemüsepizza;213865560 said:Lmao. Just finished all 3 invasions on one char. Took me 1h 20mins, and I got less XP. Now I have 40mins until the next one, barely enough time for a dungeon. So much better than before. /s
The response to people pointing out the factual information that the exp rate has improved seems to always be "um no I got less exp for 1 invasion so you're wrong" based on the official forum. They're not at all willing to entertain that math is a real thing.
The response to people pointing out the factual information that the exp rate has improved seems to always be "um no I got less exp for 1 invasion so you're wrong" based on the official forum. They're not at all willing to entertain that math is a real thing.
The official forum is a really depressing place. I only go there when I want to hate myself.
No, you do one more for even more exp than before.So now I have to do twice as many invasions for the same amount of XP I was getting on my alts yesterday? Fuck that, after all "time is money, friend".
It was nice while it lasted but I'm calling it a day on these invasions. No point to doing them now.
The response to people pointing out the factual information that the exp rate has improved seems to always be "um no I got less exp for 1 invasion so you're wrong" based on the official forum. They're not at all willing to entertain that math is a real thing.
Less total exp? That should not be the case.
Also, 40 minutes barely being enough time for a dungeon?![]()
No, you do one more for even more exp than before.
No, you do four more for slightly more EXP than before. Previously you would do 2 over a 4 hour period, now you do 6.No, you do one more for even more exp than before.
those mages in Dala, I recognise all the sets, except this one. What is this dude wearing, some PVP set?
Care to direct me to the numbers, please? I'm guessing someone's posted them up somewhere.
Care to direct me to the numbers, please? I'm guessing someone's posted them up somewhere.
Sounds like a bug then:No, you do four more for slightly more EXP than before. Previously you would do 2 over a 4 hour period, now you do 6.