just woke up, crazy xp nerfed or hotfixed yet? if not time to spam moonfire again
Got 3 levels in 3 invasions, 96 to 99 on an Affliction Lock with rested XP and the garrison potion. Saving up boxes for 100 so he will be off and roaring.
just woke up, crazy xp nerfed or hotfixed yet? if not time to spam moonfire again
So started a warlock this moring, almost level 40 and only done like 5-6 invasions, this shit is crazy.
Sölf;214349070 said:Blizzard really needs to introduce more large scale events like these but permanent. They are so damn good. Heck, if even a single one pops up every 3 days that would be awesome.
dude the invasions have been up for ages and most people didnt care for them or just afked them. its only cool now because of the crazy xp for alt leveling.
lets not pretend people are doing it for the social aspect![]()
dude the invasions have been up for ages and most people didnt care for them or just afked them. its only cool now because of the crazy xp for alt leveling.
lets not pretend people are doing it for the social aspect![]()
Add-ons that track 3D space (like some of the M Archi mods), are going to be stamped out in Legion from the sounds of it.
Welp, Phase 3 as a melee is aggravating. Jump in. Get one shot. Wait to res. Hope to not miss out on XP... might as well just tag and sit back.
I'm going to kill every horde player I see from now on. I don't care if you're level 1 trying to get 2 exp you are dead.
I'm sick of you motherfuckers.
I bet it feels super good to make people's lives miserable.
Also can someone clarify for me how professions work in Legion? From what I'm hearing you don't even need to level professions any more - its all level based. Is that absolutely true? If it is true than I could choose any class since I only listed the ones above since they were level 60 and get the profession boost.
Somehow I've gotten kills on the other side and never even saw the red names, or even myself PVP tagged. But the "honorable kill" achievement pops up leaving me confused.
Are you in a party/raid?
Somehow I've gotten kills on the other side and never even saw the red names, or even myself PVP tagged. But the "honorable kill" achievement pops up leaving me confused.
I never attack Horde players, let alone anyone lower than me.
In fact, I often help them. All I see it Horde players killing me and other Alliance players when we're anywhere near their invasion territories, while they roam free when it's in ours.
No more.
Even if you aren't flagged for PVP, one of the Dreadlord Elites can briefly turn everyone against each other. You can damage and kill everyone, from your faction or the opposing one, and get a PVP kill that way. That state only lasts for a few seconds and returns you to unflagged without that 5 min cooldown when it ends. That's how my Monky got its first, and likely only, world pvp kill.
Do I need to do the pre legion quest line(broken isles, Ulduar, karazhan) to get into legion questing when it comes out?
It's fascinating how tribal people get about their MMO faction, though. I mean you could probably do social studies on this shit.Here's something that might blow your minds: there are assholes on both sides doing shitty things to the other faction and most of those assholes are on PVP servers. If it bothers you that much, there's never been a better time to roll a new toon on a PVE server.
Add-ons that track 3D space (like some of the M Archi mods), are going to be stamped out in Legion from the sounds of it.
I'm going to kill every horde player I see from now on. I don't care if you're level 1 trying to get 2 exp you are dead.
I'm sick of you motherfuckers.
I think you only need to do it on one character, then the rest can skip it.
I suck at explaining things but I watched this video the other day, this guy explains it well. Link
didnt y'all want world pvp? theres your world pvp mofos :3
I'm going to kill every horde player I see from now on. I don't care if you're level 1 trying to get 2 exp you are dead.
I'm sick of you motherfuckers.
Here's something that might blow your minds: there are assholes on both sides doing shitty things to the other faction and most of those assholes are on PVP servers. If it bothers you that much, there's never been a better time to roll a new toon on a PVE server.
Here's something that might blow your minds: there are assholes on both sides doing shitty things to the other faction and most of those assholes are on PVP servers. If it bothers you that much, there's never been a better time to roll a new toon on a PVE server.
It's fascinating how tribal people get about their MMO faction, though. I mean you could probably do social studies on this shit.
That said, the Horde is clearly the superior faction.
But they should do something to mitigate the impact of griefing during invasions
Don't kill lowbies y'all! #lowbiesarethefuture
The XP you get as a shadow priest just spamming shadow word pain on everything is insane
No sympathy for anyone who rolled on a pvp server.
Captain Carebear
Yep, there is literally one difference between PvE and PvP servers and that is being vunerable to ganking in open world. People who choose the latter option shouldn't really compain when ganking happens.
Yep, there is literally one difference between PvE and PvP servers and that is being vunerable to ganking in open world. People who choose the latter option shouldn't really compain when ganking happens.
I do prefer Horde lore to Alliance but if I could join a neutral mercantile faction like the Steamwheedle Cartel I would. This conflict between the two is so lame and forced now, especially with the looming threat of the Legion.
I would rather play a faction that had unique access to both the Horde and Alliance AH's and make gold playing those two markets off of each other instead of actually fighting for one or the other. Just make Gadgetzan the capital, it's got an AH and a bank. They could add fast travel between the Steamwheedle hubs via teleporters, I mean Goblins and Gnomes run this thing. It would be awesome to teleport to the Steamwheelde cities all throughout the content. If they limited the faction to just Gnomes and Goblins, I would have no problem with that.
A Neutral option could be pretty interesting. Though the AHs are already merged.