Black Rook Hold is a masterpiece.
Black Rook Hold is a masterpiece.
So, after now having done every zone multiple times (scept Suramar), here's my take:
- Highmountain was best. Good verticality, but not tons of pathing bullshit like Stormheim. Awesome to see some badass Taurens for once. Plus, awesome zone rewards and lovely vistas.
- Azshuna at #2 I like pirates.
- Stormheim at #3. Cool subzones, very pretty, but doing this zone without a flying mount? Yeah, way to make me hate your content.
- Val'Sharah at #2,009,295. Shittiest zone since vanilla. Let's go save Nightelves in a corrupted forest. Now, let's go save Nightelves in another corrupted forest. Oh, and now we'll go save Nightelves in a some more corrupted forest. They half-assed this zone so bad. As a Horde player, I could not give a shit about any of the events here. The story made me laugh...all those powerful npcs getting popped left and right. Metzen? Metzen.
Man I am REALLY liking the profession quests. They're nothing that deep or demanding from what I've seen so far, but it's cool to see them bringing back this feeling of story and specialization in professions. Reminds me of some of the way things worked in Classic and Burning Crusade - stuff like the Blacksmithing quests or the Goblin / Gnomish engineering stuff. Just much more organized and accessible.
Man I am REALLY liking the profession quests. They're nothing that deep or demanding from what I've seen so far, but it's cool to see them bringing back this feeling of story and specialization in professions. Reminds me of some of the way things worked in Classic and Burning Crusade - stuff like the Blacksmithing quests or the Goblin / Gnomish engineering stuff. Just much more organized and accessible.
Really sad about the state of (fire) mages at the moment. Extremely low sustained and burst dps.
Been farming in suramar a bunch for the fire mages hidden artifact skin that can drop in the zone. Be nice to get a unique look goingI feel like such a unique little snowflake, running around with my Ashbringer transmogged to look like Gorehowl.
All my Pally bros in the class order hall running around like chumps with their big-ass NERF swords.
I like the upgraded skins of Ashbringer, but I've always hated it's default appearance
I like the upgraded skins of Ashbringer, but I've always hated it's default appearance
My god, the amount of tiny invisible clutter blocking mages' blink seems utterly merciless in Legion zones.
So I finally decided to get the fel wing glyph, but I don't think its suppose to be costing 9k. All the Demon Hunter glyphs on my server are thousands of gold. WTF? How about no.
everything is thousands of gold. And its actually not even that weird. WoD broke economy as we know, but even without the wod garrison gold bullshit, we are living in a world where world quests give 900g. The chests at the end of your emissary world quest daily give 900g. You get alot of gold if you want to (im ignoring all the gold world quests tbh for now)
edit: man this system where world quest gear rewards are better the better your ilvl is totally works fam![]()
I guess, still not paying almost 10k gold to change the color of my wings. That's dumb.
I saw this UI while browsing the MMO-Champion UI thread. I think the person was going to put it up as a download at some point but I don't know if anything happened.Posted earlier (like waaaaaaay earlier) but never got a response. I'm still trying to find out if this is a packaged UI mod, as I'd like to try it. Or something similar, at least. If anyone has any insight, that'd be awesome.
Man I really have to say again how much I love the class changes and the liberal ability pruning that Blizzard has done. As a returning player with some ~200 days played, I am finding the "pureness" of all the specs so refreshing. I think they feel much more distinct than they ever have in the past and I just love how each one has things they can and (more importantly) CAN'T do. It's definitely easy to bemoan the loss of this or that ability but in the end I think it's so much healthier for the game.
I love having a suite of less than 10 highly useful abilities now rather than 20 or more that are just kind of watered down and forgettable. I also love how there aren't many "shared" abilities between specs now either - each has a unique core few that define the play style and feel of that particular specialty.
Just had to reiterate how much I'm loving the new feel, it's certainly the closest we're going to get to WoW 2 at this stage. Obviously high end balance remains to be seen and tweaked but this feels like a great start.
The state of Fury: Asmongold is a Protection Warrior.
The game basically is WoW2 at this point in everything but name. The type of additions, class overhauls and updated skins/animations we've gotten between Pandaria and Legion are the kinds of drastic improvements you would see in sequels to offline RPGs.
How does someone have pvp season 1 gloves already? Some new world boss?
Also queuing for 110 dungeons as dps is horrible as always. 40-50 min que's. Need to find horde tank and heal friends. Thank god for world quests tho. Great way to kill time in between. Also looking forward to leveling my prot warrior to avoid stuff like this.
How does someone have pvp season 1 gloves already? Some new world boss?
It's kind of funny that the excuse for always adding melee dps is Blizzard is trying to get more people to play tanks
Adding a shiny new class isn't going to make more people play tanks. It's just going to make the original tank players try the different tank class.'
Now you just have 8 billion melee dps players and no tanks
Yeah it's a problem, people just don't want to tank because it means leadership and it means all eyes are on you. I don't really know how they can fix that problem but it's about player psychology more than anything.
The Naraxas boss from Neltharion's Lair is seriously cancer for melee...
Just did it as 3 melee dps in mythic. shit was fucking stupid, green shit being sprayed everywhere while other green shit that slows you get thrown on random people.
Raids will be interesting if they are similar to the dungeons....
Yeah it's a problem, people just don't want to tank because it means leadership and it means all eyes are on you. I don't really know how they can fix that problem but it's about player psychology more than anything.
I think people don't mind having tank offspec, just not enough AP to go around right now.Yeah it's a problem, people just don't want to tank because it means leadership and it means all eyes are on you. I don't really know how they can fix that problem but it's about player psychology more than anything.
Representative of Blizzard's long development time for their demon based expansion.even the demonology artifact ability has a cast time
demonology class fantasy is apparently everything having a fucking cast bar
Are queue times normally this bad? Almost an hour so far waiting for Eye of Azshara normal mode and still waiting. I hate this dungeon and I have to do it to complete two quests![]()
It's kind of funny that the excuse for always adding melee dps is Blizzard is trying to get more people to play tanks
Adding a shiny new class isn't going to make more people play tanks. It's just going to make the original tank players try the different tank class.'
Now you just have 8 billion melee dps players and no tanks