Pretty much all tanks have very high AoE dps right now.
Looks like tanks are getting a DMG nerf across the board.
Looks like tanks are getting a DMG nerf across the board.
Pretty much all tanks have very high AoE dps right now.
Monk and DH AOE nerf as well. Will be interesting to see the other classes balance "fixes".
That Diablo pet looks like it is from a PS1 game.
can I have your magical PS1
PS2, I'd buy.
Also, never forget the original Diablo pet
This is true (although some a lot more than others), I hope they only make changes for AoE purposes, because single-target/boss dps is definitely not amazing for most tank classes. Actually the only reason tank ST dps isn't even lower is because with all the movement required, they are one of the only classes that never stop dps'ing.
I'm not totally against the tank dps nerf (mainly AOE), but this nerf is completely needed since the 1.5-2mil AOE dps DH/Monk are getting is way too much compared to most others. However, they didn't mention Outlaw Rogues for some reason, even though their single-target dps is a good bit higher than either of those two, and their AoE is competitive.
so they aren't buffing the bad specs like Frost before the raid but I'm going to eat an arbitrary damage nerf to make the people doing 80k dps in dungeons feel better.
Oh man do I love Blizzard "balancing". Tanks outclassing classes and specs that are horridly designed/undertuned? Better nerf the tank specs! What's that warlocks, frost DKs, Ele shamans? Nah they're working as intended.Looks like tanks are getting a DMG nerf across the board.
Pretty much all tanks have very high AoE dps right now.
Monk and DH AOE nerf as well. Will be interesting to see the other classes balance "fixes".
Melee classes are just superior to ranged DPS right now, even the tanks. Hunters and S. Priests seem to be doing ok though.
Melee classes are just superior to ranged DPS right now, even the tanks. Hunters and S. Priests seem to be doing ok though.
Fire mages are superior to nearly everyone
This is probably by design. By adding yet another melee dps (every new class has been melee) they need guilds to want to take more melee to raids or it makes their efforts at adding a new class irrelevant.
Looks like tanks are getting a DMG nerf across the board.
I was in a Mythic Vault yesterday and was out dpsing a Fire mage as an aff warlock, so I didnt put that in
Yeah, this just seems stupidly dumb. I'm not topping damage meters as a blood deathknight at all - I do good damage, but dps specs are absolutely and clearly ahead of me on bosses. Are other tank classes going wild?
I'm also not impressed with the lack of action in other areas. I agree they don't need to completely rebalance things, but there are some absolute outliers that need fixing that will not be addressed by raiding gear or fight - frost death knights, warrior tanks and ignore pain, etc etc.
I can't wait for the Blood of Sargeras merchant to appear because the prices for basic gathered materials on the Auction House border on the absurd. Even with the impediment that leveling alts might present with professions, order halls, artifact power and follower lvls/ilvls, it might be worthwhile to have a DH alt with Skinning/Leather Working and a Druid with Herbalism/whatever just to feed gathered materials to my main.
I take back every bad thing I ever said about WoD Garrisons under-valuing gathering professions and gathered mats. As a Legion Blacksmith I wish I had something like my Garrison herb garden or the ability to build a barn to process farmed animals for crafting mats. I'm not paying the price of a Hexweave Bag for 10 Foxflower just because I want to level Blacksmithing or complete a profession quest, that's asinine. I'll wait for 7.1.
We already got the survivability and blood boil nerf right before legion, now it's time to take another bullshit hit. Yeah we're pretty good at damaging trash, but our mitigation sucks and we do no boss damage.Blood just keeps getting dicked in Legion.
It's the best AOE talent in that tier by far, so...yeah.Does anyone really use Fel Barrage? No. A real nerf would hit either or all of:
Blade Dance
Fel Rush
Fury of the Illidari
Looks like tanks are getting a DMG nerf across the board.
Looks like tanks are getting a DMG nerf across the board.
so they aren't buffing the bad specs like Frost before the raid but I'm going to eat an arbitrary damage nerf to make the people doing 80k dps in dungeons feel better.
It's the best AOE talent in that tier by far, so...yeah.
Does anyone really use Fel Barrage? No. A real nerf would hit either or all of:
Blade Dance
Fel Rush
Fury of the Illidari
It's okay for classes to be good at things. AOE is supposed to be their strength. It's just a little too good right now, in their eyes. Competitive if not unbeatable in single target? Good Mages and Rogues will eat their lunch.Their AoE is great even without that talent, which is the real problem. When it comes to single target they're competitive if not unbeatable. But once there are 3 or more mobs, they can do 1.5x-2x more damage than most other classes... without Fel Barrage.
Tank damage nerf is much more puzzling to me.
Interesting thread on mmo champion about a potential legendary bug. I was skeptical at first, but it's blowing up.
Ironically that stupid comment about legendaries being tied to ip addresses that was sarcastically mocked by a blue lends more credence to this theory (story was about two guys who lived with each other pulling a legendary each and then pulling a second around the same time - OP tied it to IP address, more logical tie in would be the consistency with which people with 1 legendary are getting a 2nd despite the insane odds and the expectation of a wider spread of 1 legendary before you start seeing masses of 2-3).
I wouldn't be surprised if the bad luck protection was bugged and only kicked in after your first legendary. On Beta, people casually playing averaged 1 legendary every 1-2 weeks. It's absurd that guilds of 30-40+ active raiders are seeing a pattern of multiple legendaries concentrated on 4-5 guys and not a wider spread of 1 legendary across more guys; those odds are extremely improbable. The weirder part is those guys get their 2nd legendary in the same order as their first. Hell, Method's GM just pulled his second legendary.
Since no RNG system is ever a true magical RNG, there can always be issues with how it's simulated/implemented. Just experienced that in the Division first hand when it was discovered that their "RNG" system just involved locking drops to your windows clock LMAO or the myriad of diablo loot bugs/abuses. Blizz obviously isn't as dumb I assume, but there can always be a small error in an RNG system that leads to a more noticeable and widespread trend. Obviously this could be Onyxia deep breaths more, but ultimately this is only an issue that blizz can investigate beyond the mass anecdotes and armory checks on the top guilds.
Blizzard would probably stealth fix something like this to avoid the mass hysteria and whining over a "fixed bug with legendary drops" patchnote and rightfully so.
It sounds like they're getting rid of strike of the windlord's area effect entirely... which makes it so much less useful.
Because bringing down tank damage has almost no impact on raids and will not adjust tank viability.The combined logic of "it's too early to buff specs that are clearly performing poorly" and "we are going to immediately nerf tank damage" sure is something else.
I've never wanted to be one of those people who blames specific devs for balance/design decisions (I've always thought most of the hate ghostcrawler received was completely ridiculous) but I'm sort of starting to think Ion is a fucking dipshit.
It will be relevant in M+.Trash clearing will be very relevant come Mythic+.
Tank damage makes sense. I had numerous runs through Heroic or Mythic where I honestly said to myself "this would be easier with 4 Vengeance". I just don't like the way they went about it. Tank specs are by far the best for world content and I would've rather other classes get better at handling multiple mobs than for tanks to get worse at it.
The combined logic of "it's too early to buff specs that are clearly performing poorly" and "we are going to immediately nerf tank damage" sure is something else.
I've never wanted to be one of those people who blames specific devs for balance/design decisions (I've always thought most of the hate ghostcrawler received was completely ridiculous) but I'm sort of starting to think Ion is a fucking dipshit.
Balance is super broken and people are even complaining about the super obvious changes that need to happen...who would have guessed? There's way too much incidental area damage from stuff like Monks and Demon Hunters, so it's obvious they need to be toned down. Like you just look at the abilities and you scratch your head as to why every major ability for Monk is useful for AoE. It's also obvious how tanks are too well rounded, and that their damage output falls too close in line with DPS. No reason to play anything other than tank for most solo content.
I tend to balk at AH prices because my mindset is still set in the days where 500g was a lot of money. But this is a world where there's so much gold in circulation that I can make 40k off of a few minutes of buying felslate and stormscale off the AH, and crafting some bracers. For people who are just farming and doing WQs/dungeons for their money the prices probably seem insane. But there's soooo much gold out there in the economy from garrisons.
How are they broken? Please explain.
Monk and DH? If you run groups it's really obvious. They have minimal cooldown gating on their AoE so they are just constantly on for pretty much every pack, and it comes at almost no cost to single target damage, mobility, or defensives.How are they broken? Please explain.