So I have a question (that I don't think anyone could possibly know the answer to). The order hall weekly gear chest is based on the highest mythic+ you've completed that week. But how is it calculated? Is it just based on the highest keystone that you used and completed? Or based on your highest upgraded -1? For example, if you did HoV+2 and your stone upgraded to +5, would your chest count as +2 or +4? I hope it is the latter, as otherwise it kind of leads to odd situations. For example, we had time to do ~3 runs this week (I have a wedding to go to tomorrow and sunday), so we did 3 different +2 keystones, so that we could get 3 chests from each and max possible loot. Does that mean we get a worse order hall chest, and that we would've been better off going slightly slower on one run, upgrading it to +3, then doing a fast +3 run with 2 chests? Just a little confused as to how the system counts a dungeon done quickly in terms of the order hall chest. I'm pretty sure we're gonna end up with max +2 loot from it, which kind of sucks, as none of us really want to try +5s just yet, but we can definitely do +2 (because of no affixes at +2) fast enough to go straight to +5.