Personally I didnt enjoy the "collect 1240 pebbles and turn em into a legendary"-quests of MoP and WoD. The items didnt feel very special to me like that.
Personally I didnt enjoy the "collect 1240 pebbles and turn em into a legendary"-quests of MoP and WoD. The items didnt feel very special to me like that.
Once they get the Legion legendary system to actually work and increase drop chance over time if you're being unlucky, I think it's not too RNG-ish. Once it's actually confirmed to work like that, people not getting a legendary can also think that "oh well, it'll drop eventually".
I think the Legion legendaries are a great carrot to do various content daily, and the surprise element of it is fun to me. Then again, I love Diablo 3 and have hundreds if not thousands of hours put into it.
I got my first (and only) legendary so far from a heroic Xavius kill.
The fact that the legendaries are random drops is also kind of cool in a social way, cos you share the "surprise moment" with your guild and it's not like just "oh yay you also got the 1240 pebbles now grats for achievement......". Not sure if I'm crazy but even the point where you can yell at your friend for getting their 3 legendary before you get your first. Way more engaging than some quest reward.
I would say more than that even, is that the legendaries in WoD and MoP were both must haves, and increased your damage/healing so much it was unreasonable. In Legion, they have a ton of stats which is nice, and a decent passive ability, but I don't see any single one that is just stupidly broken good--unlike MoP where getting your cape to a certain point was literally a 50%+ damage increase,
Tank running Mythic 4 at breakneck speed pushed my sht in, died so many times, I don't know how you guys do it.
I think +3 is my personal limit.
So I guess Class Halls and Legion instnaced zones like Helheim are just going to be CRZ every so often because it keeps happening and Blizzards seems incapable of fixing it for longer than a week.
Ornyx said:We've stated this numerous times, but this is not new. CRZ has existed in Broken Isle zones since launch, however you may not have seen it active due to the amount of players leveling the same zone on your server.
Neltharion's Lair + 4. Sounds easy enough but I invited 2 melees on Sanguine so they got chunked by bloodpools as tank chainpulled. I also had 3 derp deaths like leaping into solid ground before Rokmora.Sölf;218795489 said:Which dungeon? It really depends on the dungeon and the Affixes. Some of the dungeons are pretty easy, Eye of Azshara being one of them. Other, like Halls of Valor, are pure cancer on higher levels. We did a HoV +6 two days ago and I just got killed in less than a second at one point:
Raging Affix on a Thundercaller, I got the stun from him, then the normal cast that is interruptible (which dealt over 1,2 million damage because of raging) and ALSO a "Shatter Rune" cast from one of the Runecarvers (or whhatever those casters with "Etch" are called). I had full HP and then was just dead. Srsly. Skovald already did over 900k with this Fel Charge, He probably starts to oneshot people with Tyrannical.
Neltharion's Lair + 4. Sounds easy enough but I invited 2 melees on Sanguine so they got chunked by bloodpools as tank chainpulled. I also had 3 derp deaths like leaping into solid ground before Rokmora.
Now I am sitting on a BRH+5 key and considering letting it expire.
Holy balls I just read about teeming, okay that is horrible.Sölf;218798489 said:BRH is okay, with the exception of this HORRIBLE gauntlet. We had that last week, when our gear was still a bit lower. And we had the Teeming Affix. Oh boy, some of those packs are enormous and horrible.
Also, DKs and Warlocks are great in here, since you can MC enemies. Last time I ran through the dungeon with one of those Arcane caster, which deal ~300k with their attack which stacks up to 500% increased damage. The rogues with their Knifedance may also come in handy on all those trash pulls.
I have never pet battled before. How do I start so I can do those WQ?
I have never pet battled before. How do I start so I can do those WQ?
The above rundown is pretty accurate, though Id add that theres no good reason to level pets just for the world quests. The vast majority of the rewards are just things related to pet battles and the occasional low grade AP item.
fucking lol
fucking lol
Wait what?
(deep breath)
Wait, but really? Is it a joke? Did he somehow by some crazy means, miss the artifact quests? Is such a thing even possible?
So instead of 840 gear in a mythic with the chance of it becoming much better, it would be better if it was just 840 forever? Wouldnt that just make stuff irrelevant much faster?
Hell I do some heroics still to help out some friends or something and in the back of my mind I think "well at least there's a chance I can get lucky and get a upgrade".
What am I missing? Or is it about the legendaries?
according to the post on reddit they carried this dude through a mythic 2 because of his keystone but he was using these glaives instead of the artifact
normally I'd give the benefit of the doubt but mal'ganis + "illi___" as a name makes that pretty difficult
different player but another DH pugging a raid:
We had someone in this thread that didn't know ret paladins had an interrupt
To be fair, they could've been Vengeance, and then never did the Havoc quest.
Finally exalted with the Nightfallen. No more withered training for me for a while.
Did you get all the toys that drop from the big chest?
Not sure and don't really care. I've got better stuff to do than camp the vineyard for mana.
Finally at ilvl 830... feel like i kill a lot faster so that means the scaling is just at level 110 and not item level? Am I crazy or can I enjoy faster kills up till 850+?
Scaling for world content is level only, so you're correct that things are dying faster with a higher item level.
Sölf;218817410 said:Hm, the loot in Karazhan and Trial of Valor was upped by 5 itemlevels up to 855 (and 860 in the later parts of Kara). I actually like that change, it basically means Karazhan as a Mythic only dungeon is 1 difficulty above the other ones, similar to the various raid difficulties.
Karazhan is mythic only?
Fuck yes
Yeah, I can definitely understand not wanting to make a queueable dungeon with 9 bosses.
My only concern is that I very much doubt it will be part of the mythic+ structure due to its length, which means it would quickly become obsolete and that would be a terrible waste.
Enhance is one of the best DPS specs in the game right now. That can always change in a hurry, but right now they're beastly.I'm having fun with my enhancement shaman, though I'm not sure if it'll be competitive in dps with other classes. Last night I hit 110 and got carried through some normals and mythics. Went from 791 to 825 in a matter of hours. Now to do some lfr and keep working on suramar. Game sure is fun.
I also picked up enchanting since the guild apparently needs one but man does it look like it'll take a long time to level it up to max..
Yeah, I can definitely understand not wanting to make a queueable dungeon with 9 bosses.
My only concern is that I very much doubt it will be part of the mythic+ structure due to its length, which means it would quickly become obsolete and that would be a terrible waste.
Here are some really handy pets:
- Chromius
- Anisubeth Idol
- Emerald Whelping
- Almost any kind of snail or crab
- Almost every type of mechanical pet (get a Clockwork Gnome or the WoD prepatch event pet)
- Terrible Turnip or Molten Corgi (for catching wild pets)
- Corefire Imp
- Unborn Val'kyr
Sölf;218821832 said:Ion already said, that Karazhan will have no Mythic+ mode upon release, but they may introduce one later. And if they do, I am pretty sure it will have 2-3 seperate wings.