I doubt a significant portion of supply comes from seeds. Will still be mostly from DK alts in sky golems.wait
Does that mean that herbs will become more expensive
I doubt a significant portion of supply comes from seeds. Will still be mostly from DK alts in sky golems.wait
Does that mean that herbs will become more expensive
Stagger now delays 40% of damage taken (was 35%), and now quickly loses duration when out of combat.
Does that mean that herbs will become more expensive
I think I am going to drop JC for another gathering or a different crafting profession. Opinions?
Herbalist and alchemy are the only professions that matter.
Not Alchemy. Alchemists are selling flasks below cost.Herbalist and alchemy are the only professions that matter.
Relearn is easy. Each profession has a book which re-teaches everything you learned instantly.If you drop a crafting profession, can you relearn it later?
If you drop a crafting profession, can you relearn it later?
Just herbalism.But yes, herb/alch are the only professions that matter in Legion. I dropped JC/mining last week and I'm only mad that I didn't do it sooner.
Just herbalism.
Alchemists are dumping flasks at loss (or contract manufacture for free) to proc 3 stars and level to 800.
My alt (which I will probably not end up playing but is at 100) is a herb/alch.
It is tempting to dump both mining and JC for that combo again though. Was thinking of herbs and mining. Or herbs & enchanting.
I think maybe better to enlist contract manufacturer or guildie. In my server I'm seeing up to 600g net loss between a flask and its actual mat costs.It's still helpful to be able to make them for yourself rather than being subject to the market for raiding. It will always be a useful profession in Legion.
I wonder if this means we will get some mechanical changes.
too little, too late.
I wonder if this means we will get some mechanical changes.
I wonder what they did with the feedback that no one likes the Demo rotation? That it wasn't a numbers thing, that everyone spoke negatively of it during beta. Repeatedly.
Someone found the Unholy scythe but similar to the Demo head, they're still working out the exact details.
The motivation to do world quests has left me.
I've gotten rid of those squirrels and harvested those bear livers for weeks now. At some point I just want to fight the goddamn Legion.
Unholy DKs get a scythe?
They don't mention this
But those Squirrels ARE the legion.
I thought Nomi was the Legion?
Not a scythe, a hook.
I thought Nomi was the Legion?
Does he atleast throw it when he does his grab? It looks lame..
Six-Feather Fan ouch.
Frost hidden appearance plsSomeone found the Unholy scythe but similar to the Demo head, they're still working out the exact details.
Frost hidden appearance pls
It'll probably never be found because nobody plays Frost :/
Six-Feather Fan ouch.
Accomplishments are relative, focus on what is meaningful to you rather than what others do.We finally managed to down Xavius on Normal yesterday.
I feel like its a great accomplishment, even if people are already finish heroic and mythic, lol.
Accomplishments are relative, focus on what is meaningful to you rather than what others do.
My guild got H Nythendra down yesterday after many, many tries. When you compare that to other guilds stomping HC it doesn't seem like much but it's progress for us.
is normal and heroic (and mythic I guess) all on seperate lockouts? I have no idea how it works these days
there are so many super undergeared people that my guild will probably keep running normal for a long time.
Hunter "hidden" skins: two you buy the other one is a drop from a raid boss. All three are ugly. Perfect exemple to all the work Blizz has put into hunters this xpac.