Is there a point to storing in the bank?
Just in case I ever had to stop playing for awhile, I'd rather keep them unused and be able to use them to activate rather than blow all the game time continuously.
Is there a point to storing in the bank?
Is there a limit on how many times you can do an invasions? Also weren't they saying these invasion areas will be PvE?
Why don't people like sylvanas as the warchief btw? She's by far the most interesting of the horde leaders (not that this is a huge contest given Blizzard Writing).
Well, the horde are the only vaguely interesting faction so it's no surprise that there's been a lot of leadership churn as they keep going insane or whatever.Who even are the other Horde leaders?
Trolls! No one. By which I mean there are literally no trolls, except as boss fights in old content.
Tauren! There was a cool guy and then he was killed and now his lamewad son probably leads them unless he died at some point too.
Belfs! A guy with long blonde hair and flowing robes, I swear he had a name. I think he did something during Sunwell and maybe also later.
Orcs! I haven't checked, but it's Thrall. Not the actual Thrall. Just some other wise stoic gravely heroic noble savage orc. But let's be honest here, it's still Thrall. They're all Thrall, except for the ones who are applying for the position of raid boss. It's just a different Thrall because people are sick of the actual Thrall.
Maybe the Pandaren have one as well hahaha just kidding, the Pandaren will never be lore relevant again, but especially now that we're doing a grim demon thing. Hell, the Pandaren were only nominally lore relevant even during MoP.
Oh yeah there's goblins as well. I think they have a guy whose title is "trade prince" and he lives in a private vacation complex, and that's basically enough to be more evocative than all the other horde leaders combined, but he's a goblin, so no.
Winner: Sylvanas, by default. When there's only one candidate, there's only one choice.
Seems Alliance players can get a helm called Alaina's Bonnet during the Broken Shore scenario. The transmog itself is cross-faction.
Invisions are super fun, it's weird to see WoW with cool world events happening.
Sylvanas becoming the Warchief is years and years and years of fans crying because she never had nothing to do. She had some stuff during WotLK (Val'kyrs and whatnot) and Cata (Worgen and plague) and even the Undercity event, which was awesome, but people were still not happy. So there you go, now she is the most important Horde character, congrats.
I find her boring tbh, but I play Alli so what the fuck do I know.
Now a priest instead of a warrior for leader of the Alliance... that I don't like. Grenn or Muradin should become leaders. Or Moira, Moira is cool cause she's dark and stuff. Dwarves should rule, come on.
NEs nope, they just don't care. Tyrande is busy looking at Malfurion and Malfurion is busy talking to trees and various animals. The NE leader should have been Fandral, pity he was just a mid-boss.
Anduin is supposedly going to be a Paladin(?) now as per Son of the Wolf comic.
At least he's not a DK/DH or any other kind of edgelord.
Do I need legion to do the invasion stuff? I have pre-ordered but not from blizzard so don't have a key yet. If not then how do I get started on the invasion stuff / is there a guide anywhere?
Haven't you been paying attention?
We're about the enter the official edgelord expansion. If you don't have wounds that will not heal, you're totally not welcome.
No, you only need Legion to roll a Demon Hunter. Everything else is open to all.
I'm curious which class they could add now that everything that people were asking since vanilla are done.
People still keep latching on to the idea of Tinker, especially now we've seen Mekkatorque in a cinematic.
wtf atdying like a little bitch? :/Tirion
so what happens on the Horde side of the scenario? Does?Sylvannas really betray Varyan
wtf atdying like a little bitch? :/Tirion
so what happens on the Horde side of the scenario? Does?Sylvannas really betray Varyan
Watch the Horde cinematic and it'll show you what actually happens![]()
Haven't you been paying attention?
We're about the enter the official edgelord expansion. If you don't have wounds that will not heal, you're totally not welcome.
Have you played the DH starter zone? They're way less edgy than you would think, and far more 'Woo, sacrifice myself to chaos, Bro!"
What are the chances of getting a weapon in the invasion chests?
Source? I couldn't find anything.
they killed timewalkers? I cant queue for it
they killed timewalkers? I cant queue for it
I am bothered that the only weapon you can buy with shards is the glaive. Not just because of RNG, but it means I can't get a cool Legiony 2H axe on my warlock that my Felguard can use with the glyph. This is a serious oversight.
The only reason you can buy it is so people who are getting the physical version can get the transmog on their demon hunters.
How are demon hunters on beta?
The skills you have at 100 didn't really wow me :/
I understand that.