DK is pretty much perfect. I can't speak much to Blood yet, but Frost and Unholy are quite possibly the best playing specs in the game IMO. Both of them feel fantastic and really nail their respective class fantasy. The new animations and sound effects are amazing as well.Ok so I am getting really enticed to get back into WoW, I actually quit just when Cataclysm was about to end (that expansion really killed it for me after Wrath and TBC).
However..! Legion is looking pretty damn amazing. But I am still apprehensive about paying a monthly fee again.
What are the overall opinions? How is DK (my former main) doing nowadays, is DH a lot of fun?
Nathanos thing got me too. They even mention it. Something's going on there.
i dunno if it was like this before, but with the new draw distance options, flying over the old zones and seeing the land stretch out into the horizon![]()
being able to see mount hyjal in the distance looming over you when you're in the barrens![]()
that said, i'm not sure about this but i swear back in vanilla the terrain itself (not just objects) cast shadows, which don't seem to be there with the new shadow technology? or i could just be imagining things.
I'm confused, do you not like seeing mount hyjal off in the distance?
ilvl 850 is very good at that point in the expansion, especially at level 101, but a) it has no main stats and b) the teleport is usless due to your Dalaran Hearthstone.
So.. I'd have to vote no, not worth it.
Farming gold for tokens is what burned me out on the game. Maybe without the garrison shit it'll be better, but I'm still afraid it will happen again. The whole token system just added this stressful negative psychology to the game for me.
It also made me switch from EU to a US account thanks to Russia hyperinflating the EU market which it is lumped together with.
btw is there a site like warctaft pet to help you identify the mounts you're missing and a quick link to how to get them?
I used to use the armory, but lately i've found it quite clunky...
no those are nostalgic tear in my eye faces, it slays
You don't need big money to run those games at a good IQ. The folks at the PC building thread are usually very helpful.
man it feels like i'm flooded with horde on invasions
and my Server is high ally.
Picked the game back up after 10 years since last playing. Fell in love with it again when I accidentally ran into a demon invasion at the crossroads at level 31. Seeing all of these other players flying to to fight it off brought me back to the days of 40 man raids.
That was awesome! So I have nether shards now. Do I have to have Legion Preordered to use them? Or do I have to be a higher level? Because the Illidari camp or whatever at Orgrimmar where I'm supposed to be able to spend them is just a blank empty spot. Nothing is there for me.
Picked the game back up after 10 years since last playing. Fell in love with it again when I accidentally ran into a demon invasion at the crossroads at level 31. Seeing all of these other players flying to to fight it off brought me back to the days of 40 man raids.
That was awesome! So I have nether shards now. Do I have to have Legion Preordered to use them? Or do I have to be a higher level? Because the Illidari camp or whatever at Orgrimmar where I'm supposed to be able to spend them is just a blank empty spot. Nothing is there for me.
So this was awkward.
You have to complete the broken shores chain which is only available at level 100.
You do not need Legion preordered to use them.The vendor that you mentioned should have some stuff available for purchase, i.e. the Fel Bat at least for your level.
Well there you go! Do we know if these vendors will still be around later after the legion launch? I definitely won't be level 100 by then lol.
Well the problem is that there is no vendor... just a lot of people gathered around what looks like nothing to me. Even had a guy show me where it's supposed to be.![]()
Well there you go! Do we know if these vendors will still be around later after the legion launch? I definitely won't be level 100 by then lol.
Well the problem is that there is no vendor... just a lot of people gathered around what looks like nothing to me. Even had a guy show me where it's supposed to be.![]()
So why would anyone waste time upgrading these event weapons when artifacts are literally right around the corner?
ilvl 850 is very good at that point in the expansion, especially at level 101, but a) it has no main stats and b) the teleport is usless due to your Dalaran Hearthstone.
So.. I'd have to vote no, not worth it.
The one thing the new even reinforces is the fact that the general population is dumber than a bag of rocks and could never do any sort of pve content that could actually kill them/requires any amount of movement.
Every time I get harbinger drel'nathar people don't bother removing his buff, run away from the eye and stay in for the big explosion.
The vendor is in the areas you do invasions then. They're usually near the area you protect.
You need to have done the new scenario to see the vendors, which requires lvl 100. At least the vendors in Org/SW require it anyway, not sure about any others.
Man, Varyan goes like a champ.
I'm seeing a lot of folks running legacy raids with DHs. Is there some benefit to it or it it just the fact that you get them essentially at level 100?
Maybe folks are trying to beef up their transmogs, too.
Man the horde came off looking so bad, I feel like I should faction change.
My only level 100 is my NE DH on Lightbringer NA.You have to kill Archimonde on Heroic difficulty. What region and faction are you? (US/EU Ally/Horde) There have been some generous GAFers helping people out so maybe you can join one of them
Otherwise you can buy a carry for 15k-25k, sorta varies
Unlike voljin, who gets one shot by a nameless felgaurd just like the 100's you killed before.
What a piece of shit.
Man the horde came off looking so bad, I feel like I should faction change.
If people are still doing any on US/Horde i will super appreciate it the people who do paid runs on my server want 40-50k and i can't afford that much i don't think i have ever had 40k in my entire WOW career at one time.You have to kill Archimonde on Heroic difficulty. What region and faction are you? (US/EU Ally/Horde) There have been some generous GAFers helping people out so maybe you can join one of them
Otherwise you can buy a carry for 15k-25k, sorta varies
Even as a long time Alliance fan, I agree that the Horde got a raw deal losing Vol'jinn.
That and so much for 'victory or death'.
Does horde shouldn't even be allowed to say lok'thar ogar anymore.
I actually liked howwent out, it made it look like a hopeless battle where even "trash mobs" are out for blood, hellVol Jinis technically also taken out by trah mobs before Gul Dan finishes him off.Varyan
I thinkgot the worst deal actually, dude went out like a bitchTirion