7.1.5 PTR going up today, notes just started popping up on mmochamp
Cross your fingers for your favorite specs!
Here's hoping Warrior gets a bunch of their old utility spells back.
Maybe my bars won't be empty as fuck now.
7.1.5 PTR going up today, notes just started popping up on mmochamp
Cross your fingers for your favorite specs!
Now, Leech. That would be very pointless for healing.
I hear Speed's all but worthless unless you somehow manage to get it on all your gear?
But yeah Avoidance is pretty great on anyone. It's like a narrower Versatility but less damage intake is less damage intake.
Avoidance doesn't replace real stats, a crit/haste item and a crit/haste/avoidance item would have identical amount of crit/haste, the avoidance one just also lowers damage you take from AoE attacks. Speed/leech/avoidance/indestructible are just bonus stats for fun, they show up very rarely typically and are all a nice addition for every spec. This game is chock full of unavoidable AoE attacks, avoidance is a pretty awesome stat to have.
Demonology got absolutely no mechanic/rotational changes and Demonbolt got nerfed.
Demonology got absolutely no mechanic/rotational changes and Demonbolt got nerfed.
Auchs, the game time coin increased 36k to 49k gold. I think I will wait
Ele getting some nice buffs. I like the way they are changing the talents around as well, a lot of them felt noncompetitive in their tiers.
Is it my idea or these changes kill fire mages completely?
Is it my idea or these changes kill fire mages completely?
Seems defile is baseline for unholy now based on this legendary Death Strike and Death Coil reduce the remaining cooldown of Defile by 2.0 sec.
Is sort of funny that they made it better in the one PvE environment where it's already useful and not touched the complaints about it.
Interrupts are pretty common in raids, this definitely increases its viability there.
Interrupts are pretty common in raids, this definitely increases its viability there.
There's nothing to interrupt in ToV except mythic helya
ToV isn't the only raid
Man, I'm no theorycrafter but some of those new legendaries are fucking insane. Shaman one makes Heroism/Bloodlust last 30s longer on you? Goddamn.
How is that different from the mage legendary that allows you to cast Time Warp for yourself without the debuff?
How is that different from the mage legendary that allows you to cast Time Warp for yourself without the debuff?
As a Prot/Fury Warrior who only has Prydaz and Sephuz's, I'm really liking what's going to happen with 7.1.5! Those changes look great! And I REALLY want to get the new Legendary shoulders that give Heroic Leap 2 extra charges... That ability is my favorite thing ever.
Too bad those changes won't be active for a while. But makes me feel a little better about only having the 2 worst legendaries for a warrior right now![]()
It is just disappointing to see item upgraded and that is all I get on gear that I can't really even use. If I had gotten a useful piece of gear with avoidance that I would actually use in any content I wouldn't be complaining. Honestly I hadn't even tried any of it on to see what it even did because it has been all pretty much worthless from either a stats or ilvl perspective. I get that it doesn't replace any base stats and just adds a fun stat but it seems to me that rather than rolling an ilvl upgrade it rolls a fun stat. Well once the other players start basing my acceptance into group content on the amount of fun stats I have I will be king.
Is that the only Warrior specific legendary thus far? Looks like it. Warriors neglected again.
(I know, I know, still early).
Crit / Mastery makes me cry. Mastery = awesome for Arms. Crit = crap.
That's the only warrior specific one being added in 7.1.5... I honestly know very little about the current warrior legendaries. I know there's a fury helmet, and something for arms that makes Mortal Strike refund some rage.
For some reason I sucked at Arms. I have way more fun and do better DPS as fury, so I've been rolling with it and trying to stack haste/crit. But Mastery doesn't seem too bad for fury either. I'm not high-end mythic raider or anything so I can have some slack if my numbers aren't exactly perfect. I'm pretty happy with my 220k DPS at 863 as fury. I'm usually tanking when I do harder content anyway.
Arms gloves and the Sudden Death ring are some of the best DPS legend arise across all classes.Prot wars mostly got favored in the legendaries, that healing 1% per 10 rage used is insane.
Combustion Engulfs you in flames for 10 sec, increasing your critical strike chance by 100% and granting you Mastery equal to 50% your Critical Strike stat. Castable while casting other spells. Mage - Fire Spec. 10% of Base Mana. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
Backdraft Casting Conflagrate reduces the cast time of Incinerate and Chaos Bolt by 30% for 5 sec your next two Incinerates or Chaos Bolts by 30%. Destruction Warlock - Level 15 Talent.
Added a new quest at level 110 for that rewards the recipe for a Rechargeable Reaves Battery.* This item can be used once every 30 minutes and does not have charges.