Human Trashcan
2016 is the worst.
I know right, I miss the good old days when people could enact violent fantasies about their exes to express their jilted frustrations without getting side-eyed.
2016 is the worst.
What bosses? Nythendra is so so easy that must be one of them. Your class and spec?
Nyth and Ursoc. I play Holy Priest.
Is Karazhan loot included in the weekly order hall chest?
No, but I imagine it can be once they add Karazhan to the M+ system as two separate runs.
titanforged m12 945 eye of command Kreygasm
Can you obliterate Alchemy creations for ash? Like if I wanted to obliterate potions...
ya. I made hundreds of thousands flipping ancient healing potions into obliterum day2 of launch.
Oh shit
This may be a bit of a dumb question but I'm not sure about it.
There's a new world quest for the Arcway and I'd like the trinket for an alt. However I ran the Arcway a few days ago. Am I able to re-run it? Like I'm just worried since I completed it I may cause others to lock out or somesuch.
The fictional sequence in old days context is usually a one-time vent (venting is healthy), normally in comedic light, then they feel better and move on. Not persistent dark violent fantasy/tendency as cynically described.I know right, I miss the good old days when people could enact violent fantasies about their exes to express their jilted frustrations without getting side-eyed.
Yeah, you totally can you just won't get loot from bosses.
Is it okay to put through a guild recruit in here? In desperate need of a tank on H Barthilas that wants to stroll the forests with my bear self.
Sweet, thanks!
Guardian druid so I don't know what a nerf is.According to Reddit, there's a new PTR coming. You guys ready to get fucked up by the nerf bat?
druid so I don't know what a nerf is.
I did my first keystone as Frost today after being frustrated with Unholy this week and why did I wait so long? Sheesh, I had no idea what I was doing and easily out performed how I usually do as Unholy.
Bye bye. I'll miss my 2h weapon transmogs but I have blood for that.
I have to hand it to Blizzard. That was one fun, exhausting, and above all stressful search to get this damn mount.
If you don't know, you have to click 5 ephemeral crystals in Azsuna. They have like, 60 different spawn points so you search all over creation. Whoever clicks all 5 first gets the mount, then they despawn for like half a day. So its a race. On top of that, you have an 8 hour window from first click to last. And you can't die, leave Azsuna, or log off.
And you have no idea if anyone else is doing it too so for all you know, you're alone in chasing after these things, or that there are 50 others hunting it.
But I got it. I've wanted this color since it was datamined in god damn TBC.
Yeah, that's definitely a mount I'll never have. But congrats for obtaining it.
Sorry but I need to vent somewhere folks
Just looted Prydaz as a rogue who's really trying hard to maximize his DPS potential
I feel legitimately gutted, like - night and possibly week ruined
Whoever created this system missed the mark by miles. Its almost as if they havent had 12 years of experience to realize that having utility and damage legendaries on a complete RNG basis would be a bad idea
Sorry but I need to vent somewhere folks
Just looted Prydaz as a rogue who's really trying hard to maximize his DPS potential
I feel legitimately gutted, like - night and possibly week ruined
Whoever created this system missed the mark by miles. Its almost as if they havent had 12 years of experience to realize that having utility and damage legendaries on a complete RNG basis would be a bad idea
Wait is tomorrow the new patch?
Sorry but I need to vent somewhere folks
Just looted Prydaz as a rogue who's really trying hard to maximize his DPS potential
I feel legitimately gutted, like - night and possibly week ruined
Whoever created this system missed the mark by miles. Its almost as if they havent had 12 years of experience to realize that having utility and damage legendaries on a complete RNG basis would be a bad idea
Is TheYanger going to come back tomorrow and tell us how Sephuz is going to be a useful legendary with the new buffs? Tune in and find out!
I solved the riddle.
I have to hand it to Blizzard. That was one fun, exhausting, and above all stressful search to get this damn mount.
If you don't know, you have to click 5 ephemeral crystals in Azsuna. They have like, 60 different spawn points so you search all over creation. Whoever clicks all 5 first gets the mount, then they despawn for like half a day. So its a race. On top of that, you have an 8 hour window from first click to last. And you can't die, leave Azsuna, or log off.
And you have no idea if anyone else is doing it too so for all you know, you're alone in chasing after these things, or that there are 50 others hunting it.
But I got it. I've wanted this color since it was datamined in god damn TBC.
fixt for ya
Paladins are supposed to be nigh-unkillable though.
We can also have a myriad of crazy shit from engineering too, rocket boots to get away, an extra shield, knockback, etc.
Gets nuts.
Full Dreadnaught in WSG, kimpossibruuuWarriors used to be pretty tanky once upon a time, though. Then everything changed when the Fel Nation attacked.
However, no amount of preparation could keep the draenei hidden forever. Eventually, Talgathafter some 25,000 years of pursuitstumbled upon Draenor, and reported back to Kil'jaeden.