which war spec is best for PVE?
Maybe dialing back my desire to go back and level my mage for now. Considering going back to my Warlock which sits at 85 - there would be a lot less to do to get it to Legion, and leveling would involve content I've never played at all.
But sounds like locks are pretty dissatisfied in general. And looking at the current Demo rotation kinda makes my head spin.
Not really sure what to do just tired of rolling 10 straight 1's with RtB on my Oulaw. Having a hard time judging what to switch to. Seems every class has loudly dissatisfied players trying to convince me their class is nothing but heartache.
Arms.which war spec is best for PVE?
Prot Warrior is nothing that special.Prot.
It's junk really. Honestly the positive feedback from people who enjoy mashing random buttons and watching the animations put the spec in an early grave, but for me this is the least interesting iteration of Fury the game has ever seen. The talent tree is maybe the least flexible in the game and it probably has the most simplistic hotbar of any class in the game. You've got loads of the Fury artifact tree dedicated to Execute but the phase is just an absolute mess of incomprehensible design still with no fix in sight. Is there a spec with less relevant gold traits on their artifact weapon than Fury?Fury owns
It's junk really. Honestly the positive feedback from people who enjoy mashing random buttons and watching the animations put the spec in an early grave, but for me this is the least interesting iteration of Fury the game has ever seen. The talent tree is maybe the least flexible in the game and it probably has the most simplistic hotbar of any class in the game. You've got loads of the Fury artifact tree dedicated to Execute but the phase is just an absolute mess of incomprehensible design still with no fix in sight. Is there a spec with less relevant gold traits on their artifact weapon than Fury?
any WW monks? I'm a pvp newb, on a pvp server. My ilvl is 830 or so and I just get completely nuked in world pvp. Two-shot by a mage in the daralan sewers, for instance. Should I be this squishy?
We have an easier time on him than on the second boss as a melee heavy group.
Your experience is just that, yours, now kindly stop believing that everything you say is the gospel and our experiences are "laughable"
It's not 'my' experience, it's general consensus among people that actually do these things. The group I was talking about was all melee as well, the second boss doesn't have any special anti melee mechanic (nor does the last boss), it's purely down to a boss that doesn't ramp damage up particularly quickly vs one that does, and an affix that both increases that damage and increases kill time due to more hp. There's nothing to argue about here, it's a static amount of hp vs how quickly you need to kill the boss and the final boss has a much less favorable ratio of the two.
No, it's just your experience. Your anecdotes are just that as well, yours.
Yanger your schtick of telling others what is and isn't and trying to put others in their place is grating.
X HP that requires Y HPS and Z DPS compared to 2/3 X HP that requires 2/3 Y HPS and 2/3 Z DPS is not a fucking opinion. Your healer has to put out more HPS and your dps has to put out more DPS. Period. They're fucking numbers.
That...doesn't invalidate his group having an easier time on the last boss then the second boss, does it? If he says his group has an easier time on the last boss, then that's that. Nothing you will say make them have a harder time on it then the 2nd boss. Your word is not law Yanger.
Just finished a 9 Arcway. We usually avoid Arcway, and now I remember why.
Also friend just linked me this and it sums up my feelings perfectly
The real fun is tyrannical BRH. Smashsmite is nasty, but at a certain level the first shadow bolt volley from the last boss isn't manageable by most comps.
fun fun
Unless the rest of the group has no aoe I'd stick wth the ST build. depends on the affixes too. The cleave with frost is amazing either way, it's better with Fsc but it's not bad without.
Sölf;225835409 said:We do have a BM Hunter and a destro lock as our other DPS (and a DH tank). Maybe I should try the single target build one of these days and see how that goes. xD
Just remember that 'single target' doesn't eman you don't do aoe or cleave. It does SUBSTANTIAL aoe damage still. Like, most of the time when we're doing carries I'm still the top trash damage without frost scythe, only really get beaten when burstier aoe classes are there, frost is sustained like crazy. I mean on a fight like dragons in EN for example it's totally reasonable to sustain 600k dps as 'single target' frost just by cleaving 2-5 adds for most of the encounter. Same thing in dungeons. Give it a tryCan always swap if you don't like it, and it sounds like you're not really trying the attenuation setup even in raids just due to familiarity with Fsc? which it would absolutely help to get used to not having scythe.
so I joined the light-bulb club and suddenly as I go around I notice how many people got one of these shitty legs as the light-bulbs go on and off.
I have no idea what this post means.
People who don't advertise their key is depleted should legit come to physical harm IRL.
I have no idea what this post means.
That's happened to you? Hasn't actually crossed my mind that someone would do that, but I'm not surprised now that I realize it.
Sooo Kirin Tor world quests are still broken eh. I just finished 4 of them and it didn't "count".
By the way, I was doing some World Quest in Suramar and now the upper part of the city is occupied by Kirin Tor guards and outside the main entrance there are Blood Elves. Surprised me because I hadn't noticed this change before.
Got to do with the weekly quests leading up to Nighthold.Shield proc from the legendary neck Prydaz makes me feel like a light-bulb as it turns on and off by itself and since I now can use it I took notice of a lot of people around me with the proc going on and off, making me feel as if I joined a giant light-bulb club.
By the way, I was doing some World Quest in Suramar and now the upper part of the city is occupied by Kirin Tor guards and outside the main entrance there are Blood Elves. Surprised me because I hadn't noticed this change before.
If you run a depleted key, you got no one to blame but your self.
Wtf so i didn't do my chest yesterday only logged in to check what it was and logged in today to do it as well as today's and I only have one chest i can do.
Has this happened to anyone else?
They hotfixed Kirin Tor emissaries because not enough WQs were spawning, so now you only need to do 1 until they fix the WQs spawn rate.
Also, you may need to relog after you complete one to get the credit for it.
Yeah but i don't have my quest from yesterday which was for nightfall i think. I should have had 2 emmisary quests to do today instead i have only the kirin tor one so i have lost out on a chest this week it seems.
Its up to the group leader to never invite depleted keys. Yea theres a very small chance someone will lie with a fake link but as soon as you see a depleted notification at the start of a run, kick the person and find another key. I run carry groups all the time and never got fooled or tricked into someones bullshit.
Also friend just linked me this and it sums up my feelings perfectly
The real fun is tyrannical BRH. Smashsmite is nasty, but at a certain level the first shadow bolt volley from the last boss isn't manageable by most comps.
fun fun
Not really imo, there are much worse.Teeming/Skittish/Fortified Court +11 is probably a nightmare right?
Yeah but i don't have my quest from yesterday which was for nightfall i think. I should have had 2 emmisary quests to do today instead i have only the kirin tor one so i have lost out on a chest this week it seems.
Teeming/Skittish/Fortified Court +11 is probably a nightmare right?