Did they buff secondary stat trinkets like they did with rings or just leave them to rot?
getting fatal errors when i try and load in as a character on patch launch day is my favorite tradition
Did they buff secondary stat trinkets like they did with rings or just leave them to rot?
All items got a 5% buff to their stats including the secondary stat trinkets.Did they buff secondary stat trinkets like they did with rings or just leave them to rot?
All items got a 5% buff to their stats including the secondary stat trinkets.
Had to tank a bit last night, hadn't tanked in mythic EN or heroic ToV yet but it went fine. M Ursoc wasn't all that different, his debuff cycle is slightly trickier than heroic but still manageable. Remains to be seen if I'll be filling in during Nighthold because I'm near the top of our DPS and they usually want me doing that.
Did some testing of my legendaries. While I was happy to see Death Grip proccing Sephuz Secret on a target dummy, it doesn't work against immune raid bosses. Lame. Will still be awesome in mythic+ though.
Blood DK changes are a mixed bag. Obviously the change to bone shield was needed and I felt it a lot in the raid. Most of the time I was only using Marrowrend to keep my shield from expiring, not spamming it to frantically stay above 5 stacks on any fight with a DoT or AOE damage.
Blooddrinker is CRAZY now, I had it triple crit for 880k each time with vampiric blood and my leech trinket up...that's a lot of self-healing. The amount of threat it generates is so much I had to be careful not to pull off the other tank, but for AOE situations I doubt it'll be worth taking over extra RP generation on heart strike. I'll try it out in a Skittish dungeon and see how it is.
The nerfs to that heart strike talent and our second tier death and decay talent were unwarranted and will hurt a lot in mythic+, which seems unfair considering that it's not like we were being chosen over bears or paladins. I mean those talents were overused, but the other options in the tree don't fill the same niche so it doesn't matter if they were buffed. I wonder if Spectral Deflection is still buggy.
Buff to rune tap (40% damage reduction now) was helpful for my first time tanking Odyn. The final phase of that fight is anti-DK by design but the spear was manageable (I'm aware it was nerfed, we killed him before any nerfs and our tanks died constantly). However the ability is awkward to work around without Blood Tap and I'm not sure I want to drop Ossuary, as the runic power reduction on death strike is even more valuable now.
Overall I still feel like they didn't put much thought into the DK changes and just did a kneejerk reaction to a cookie-cutter popular build. I just don't see what problem they were trying to solve by cutting down our damage and runic power generation when in AOE situations. I wish they'd clarify their line of thinking but I can't remember the last time they said anything about Blood.
Friend just tried a random rotation and got 400k. The fuck.
Also, thought they were reducing order hall research times? Still getting 36 days for last three tiers.
I don't know much about shadowpriests but Tubie being consistently a bit ahead of me on most/all fights makes more sense than 750k DPS bullshit on 2-3 fights and ok damage on the rest.
The Frost DK changes were just boring, but at least there were no nerfs. Nothing at all changed for me except now I can proc Sephuz if there's an interrupt or grippable add on the fight (which is actually quite nice). Of course there's a possibility that someone will figure out a sick nasty Breath of Sindragosa spec or something but that sounds annoying to play anyways.
Was a crazy patch day as a shadow priest. Was following the discord and was crazy seeing our stat priority change so much. Crit is now a dead stat for shadow, I had over 30% crit so had to drop a lot. Mastery is now legit, and using san'layn is legit. Granted the stats may change once the sims are working but haste mastery feels really good. I completely dominated a 5 man and was just in awe how I was doing so much aoe, I was doing well over 600k on trash with no void form, was so good. Our spread out aoe kinda took a hit, but with misery managing dots are easy. Clumped aoe can now hang with others. Single target I was still doing 500k+ without much effort and was still using misery/shadow crash on dungeon bosses. Can't wait to raid without surrender and actually do good damage, the hype.
Mythic Odyn had to be the most unfun raid boss yet this expansion as a slow ass Frost DK
Woah what. Icy Veins says Crit is now our #1 stat in all builds...and may I ask your item level? I'm at 873 and can't quite pull those dps numbers in 5mans.![]()
Months and months after getting a fucking Sephuz's Secret, I finally got a second legendary!
And it's Prydaz!
And I deleted Prydaz!
both of those are good now...
Emissary chests do not generate loot until opened
Save yours until the Nighthold opens because they can drop the legendary upgrade items, and if you stockpiled them before congrats because they have 7.1.5. stuff in them no matter how old they are
"Additionally, once the Nighthold is open, any new Legendaries you discover will already be item level 940. Note that this does not apply retroactively to Emissary Bags that you may already have in your inventory when the time comes. Only new bags earned after the Nighthold is open have the chance to reward an item level 940 Legendary."
Huh, did Affliction locks get a buff? Everything is melting in seconds. Granted I'm still leveling in Draenor, but I'm definitely doing more damage than I was on Monday.
Ah okay. Yeah I specced into MG and I was already using Contagion. I'm doing a lot of DPS now lol.Drain Soul is baseline now and was replaced with Malefic Grasp which makes your DoTs do 80% increased dmg when you are drain soul-ing
Also Contagion was bumped from 12%-18%
No, they aren't.
Prydaz is extremely good now
25% shield(15% for tanks) every 30 seconds, refreshed every 30 seconds? Considering that all the bosses do some form of aoe damage, it's a boon for your healers to have one of those.
Even if you only do small group stuff, I've seen enough people get 1-shotted by certain scaled-up and poorly tested mechanics in high mythic+ that I wish every DPS had one of those lying around. Its usefulness in raids should be obvious.
Sephuz is fun to use and godlike in 5-man stuff, it was my first legendary and I'd bring it over just about anything else as DPS or tank. Raids it's situational but I'll be surprised if it's not useful on many fights in Nighthold. Depends on class too, some can proc it on immunes easier than others.
If I ever make another mage Prydaz would be the one legendary I want. The increased survivability would help me out so much, considering how badly I am at the class.
Discord which is run by H2P guys had the presumed stat priority pinned. Haste (to 12k) > mastery......> haste (past 12k). The thinking is we don't need the insanity gen of AS (which was we we loved crit), and mastery just makes our dots hit harder. Lingering insanity is pretty good, you'll barely be out of voidform, it's really fun. With misery/shadowcrash trash aoe is great. I just do mind bomb, shadow crash, and vampiric touch a few mobs and flay. Just that was an easy 600k+ without using void form. Saving shadow crash for voidform is ideal of course, but starting from 0 insanity I just use it right away.
Granted this stuff isn't final, this was my experience last night and from fellow priests on discord.
Got a legendary, I'm happy with the patch lol
Guess it's time to try some dungeons and raids and shit. Should blow through heroics with 852 ilvl
At 852 you should be well into Mythics!![]()
haven't done a single one yet
I will say I'm fucking pissed about the artifact power rewards from the world quests being like 1/3 of what they were before. Going to take forever to level up to max.
Months and months after getting a fucking Sephuz's Secret, I finally got a second legendary!
And it's Prydaz!
And I deleted Prydaz!
Even if you only do small group stuff, I've seen enough people get 1-shotted by certain scaled-up and poorly tested mechanics in high mythic+ that I wish every DPS had one of those lying around. Its usefulness in raids should be obvious.
Sephuz is fun to use and godlike in 5-man stuff, it was my first legendary and I'd bring it over just about anything else as DPS or tank. Raids it's situational but I'll be surprised if it's not useful on many fights in Nighthold. Depends on class too, some can proc it on immunes easier than others.