Oh ok then.
This was our last pull of the night on Elisande during our 2nd night progressing on this boss. Didn't see the breakup coming at all.
Edit: Just for clarification, nothing eventful happened at all. Guild was simply gone the next day.
How can people raid with others for sometimes years and then do something like that to them?
3 New Areas for M+ (Kara Lower/Upper and the new Cathedral dungeon)
Overflowing was regarded as a super easy affix, this was removed
Bolstering/Necrotic/Skittish/Sanguine were adjusted - Fortified and Tyrannical also adjusted.
Neutral mobs like "(&*DSJ87 Seagulls grant credit
Rebalance AP for longer dungeons, less AP for shorter ones like MoS
Keystone Weekly chest grants a large amount of AP for highest completed.
Legendary Acquisition Adjustment details pending
AK Value/curve not set in stone, intended power gain is similar to current 1-54. (ROFLOL 1000+ M+ Er mer gerd - grindfest legion)
On other less scumbaggy news, Blizz is re-adjusting AP rewards in 7.2.
Do you think Mythic WoD raids are going to be doable with 2 players this expansion? I haven't tested it yet, but i assume it's near impossible right now.
Really want some of those mythic T17 set. Warlock & warrior are pretty badass.
By the way, for those who missed it last year, today is the start of 2 weeks where you can get the moose mount from archaeology. Go get it!
On other less scumbaggy news, Blizz is re-adjusting AP rewards in 7.2.
Do you think Mythic WoD raids are going to be doable with 2 players this expansion? I haven't tested it yet, but i assume it's near impossible right now.
Really want some of those mythic T17 set. Warlock & warrior are pretty badass.
By the way, for those who missed it last year, today is the start of 2 weeks where you can get the moose mount from archaeology. Go get it!
What an overreaction. There are parts of them that are very bad and Blizz knows it. Fixing the systems instead of just throwing them away is the only lesson worth learning.
Grindiness required for higher AP is bad. They know that
Legendary RNG and how large an effect it has on dpsis bad. they know that.
AP in and of itself is not bad though, and legendaries with fun effects on them are also not inherantly bad.
Hmm, HotS is free right? Could I use my 2nd account (or make one) to be my own "friend" for AI matches to get the mount? Hah, path of least resistance!
It is free and I suppose you could. But since you actually have to play the game this time, I don't think it's the easiest path.
Hmm, HotS is free right? Could I use my 2nd account (or make one) to be my own "friend" for AI matches to get the mount? Hah, path of least resistance!
It is free and I suppose you could. But since you actually have to play the game this time, I don't think it's the easiest path.
Well its just "complete 15 games with a friend" right? Wouldn't it be simple to get into a game with me and my other account and just afk while losing while I do chores around the house or something? Probably not the fastest way, but seems like it might be the "easiest".
Hmm, HotS is free right? Could I use my 2nd account (or make one) to be my own "friend" for AI matches to get the mount? Hah, path of least resistance!
Give me AP like EXP to make my weapon grow in power as I mow down mobs, no relics to hunt down, weapon looks tied to more sensible unlocks without reskins tied to more unlocks.
I guess the answer is both, but being able to one-shot normal mobs should be useful as hell for farming, too. I can get into Legion dungeons at 98, but the problem I'm seeing right off the bat is getting to the 680 ilvl minimum, because the greens in that bracket are 660 baseline. With two relic slots my weapon is only getting to 754. If I had foresight that this would be an issue and loaded up on 7.0 Invasion gear, it could've been avoided, but I can't go back in time sadly.
As I recall, Stormheim drops a 733 piece without having to do a dungeon, so that might be all I need to get going.
Got my fourth on my Druid today as well. Something seems odd since it was 12 weeks between 2 and 3 but only 2 weeks between 3 and 4. Got the new helm for Guardian druid, it seems ok, would probably use it if the neck I had to replace Prydaz with was better.
Anyway, quick question for people who raid. Now that Essence drop rate was buffed, my M+ 5 man was considering trying to go in and do a quick clear of Normal EN. We've never done it before, but figured it would be fun to try to 5 man it, are there any bosses that are mechanically impossible with 5 people at ~895 ilvl? I don't know the fights beyond LFR, so I'm not sure what mechanics exist. I know I can solo tank everything on LFR but not sure if that extends to normal mode as well (can only 1 tank dragons if DPS is high enough). We have people who can swap to healer and tank if necessary, just not sure which fights this would be needed on.
Which one is better?
Demo warlock
Thinking about the legendary system, my biggest issue is that utility and pure role legendaries are in the same pool. It feels bad to get a utility legendary instead of your BiS dps/healing/tanking one, and even once a player has a choice between them, it can be an uphill battle to get someone to pick against their role legendaries.
I wonder if a key move might be to make each Legendary a Benediction/Anathema-type thing, so it can toggle between a throughput form or a utility form.
And/or maybe adjust the legendary restrictions to allow one of each type.
thanks bros means a lot, im currently in talks with another high end guild will see how tings go and will of course as per usual update you dudes.
The thing about having restrictions and allowing one of each type, is that you would actually have to have a DPS legendary in the first place![]()
The thing about having restrictions and allowing one of each type, is that you would actually have to have a DPS legendary in the first place![]()
Took little over two hours of playing bot matches to complete the For Azeroth event in HotS and get the mounts for HotS and WoW. It's super easy to farm the event, just /join General and there's tons of people spamming bot matches to farm the mount. The ease and speed of completing it depends on the maps, some are easier to zerg rush than others but overall it takes no time.
Pretty cool looking ground mount for a Shaman, fire Mage or Warlock.
Don't you have to be friends with people to farm the mount? I want to do it for my wife.
But with the Benediction suggestion, you would
The most insane thing about legendaries is that they are per spec. That's just straight up trolling at this point, it would be trivial for each of them to change with each spec to make it relevant to that spec. For some reason they followed the stupid trinket design concept with them and it's just dumb and pointless.
The most insane thing about legendaries is that they are per spec. That's just straight up trolling at this point, it would be trivial for each of them to change with each spec to make it relevant to that spec. For some reason they followed the stupid trinket design concept with them and it's just dumb and pointless.
Yeah, should have been mirror legs for each spec (i.e. if one spec has legs/shoulders/helm, the other does too with different effects). Then when you switch specs, those specific legs switch. People talk about AP limiting specs, but it's really these legs. Will be interesting to see how and if they retain legendaries for next xpac. I honestly hope they do, but also hope they learned a lot from Legion legendaries. Legendaries are a cool concept at the core, but the way they were implemented was just so stupid and short-sighted.
In other news, 5 weeks of Heroic AND Normal nighthold and I still can't get either Convergence or Draught of Souls. Very frustrating. I have like 5 excess coins this week, think I'm just going to try to pug heroic Gul'Dan 5 times for extra bonus rolls as annoying as that sounds. Hopefully pugs can kill him with ease these days.
The most insane thing about legendaries is that they are per spec. That's just straight up trolling at this point, it would be trivial for each of them to change with each spec to make it relevant to that spec. For some reason they followed the stupid trinket design concept with them and it's just dumb and pointless.
The most insane thing about legendaries is that they are per spec. That's just straight up trolling at this point, it would be trivial for each of them to change with each spec to make it relevant to that spec. For some reason they followed the stupid trinket design concept with them and it's just dumb and pointless.