I love Pokken!
Now i remember why i dislike patch day. All my addons are broken, i'm stuck with the old UI again 
Sigh, I don't have either of these quests, the "hidden threat" one or the AK26 one from my order hall, nor did I ever get the quest to gather knowledge from three locations on the broken shore. I had quests to visit the two flight path areas, then I got a quest for Cathedral that I haven't done yet, nothing else. Seems wonky, I'll just wait a bit and see I guess.
It's one of the first quests you get after landing on Broken Shore. Might want to go back to Deliverance Point and see if you missed it.
Are you AK25?
That and the frequency of it. These days there are plenty of weeks where we only have server restarts for 15-20 minutes or whatever. Early on that was rare, you'd almost always have full blown maintenance on Tuesdays.Jeez it was just 8 hours...
And didn't that long of maintenance used to be a regular thing way back in the day? (vanilla/bc)
DK is awesome. Been building up my frost DK for the last two months and it's a lot of fun. And the order hall / campaign is definitely among the best out of all the classes I think.So glad I finally gave Death Knight a shot. Last class in the game I hadn't tried and probably one of my favourites. Love the mid-ranged casting, melee hybrid, love the sustain that all specs, particularly Blood, have. Gorefiends Grasp and Asphyxiate make me feel like I'm some sort of sith lord. The artifacts all look pretty sweet and the Order Hall campaign is living up to the comments I've read about it being one of the best in Legion.
So glad I finally gave Death Knight a shot. Last class in the game I hadn't tried and probably one of my favourites. Love the mid-ranged casting, melee hybrid, love the sustain that all specs, particularly Blood, have. Gorefiends Grasp and Asphyxiate make me feel like I'm some sort of sith lord. The artifacts all look pretty sweet and the Order Hall campaign is living up to the comments I've read about it being one of the best in Legion.
A bit surprised at the snark here towards someone expressing discontent with large amounts of downtime. Eight hours is a long time, and yes, it's part of the contract but these days plenty of us pay with 30 day tokens, not every month subs, so those 8 hours literally are lost time from what you pay for. Eight hours of downtime in 30 days is over 1% downtime, that's non-trivial and does have value. Plus plenty of us remember times during vanilla where long downtimes and unplanned server issues resulted in account credits being issued. Does Blizzard have to compensate people for it? No, of course they don't. But it isn't unreasonable to ask about it and honestly that person wasn't being particularly vitriolic, and if anything, the response is a bit pedantic and childish. "The TOS says so" is about the worst possible response to anything, and in some places (like the EU) not even particularly legally binding.
And yes, I'm aware that maintenance is far less common than it once was and that an occasional downtime isn't at all excessive or unreasonable.
Had to call raid cus Trilliax is unkillable right now.
Had to call raid cus Trilliax is unkillable right now.
DK is awesome. Been building up my frost DK for the last two months and it's a lot of fun. And the order hall / campaign is definitely among the best out of all the classes I think.
I switched mains from a fire mage to a frost DK in 4.3 and I've been satisfied ever since. Even when they aren't the top DPS they're so much fun to play. I've recently learned to tank (I had major anxiety about it previously) and now I'm filling in for our missing off tank in heroic NH just because it's so fun. It's crazy.
That and the frequency of it. These days there are plenty of weeks where we only have server restarts for 15-20 minutes or whatever. Early on that was rare, you'd almost always have full blown maintenance on Tuesdays.
Definitely understand the anxiety about tanking, it's something I avoided even trying out until 7.0 despite playing a lot of hybrid classes. It's so much fun, although I'm mainly disappointing strangers in PUGs and the finder if I throw a run under the bus, not guildies. Probably a different amount of pressure there.
I made a haul today in LFR first I got the guardian hidden appearance and then I two trinkets in LFR back to back one even titanforged to 870. It seems like everything I'm looting today is at least warforged does it seem like they raised the upgrade chance to anyone else?
Damnit, why does the AH default to "Per Stack" instead of "Per Unit"? I'm too stupid to remember and have lost so much gold over the last couple months because I never remember to check. Just sold 3 stacks of 8 Oblit for the price of 1.
I think someone on reddit put it best. Even taking the shortest possible month of 28 days (to maximize the percentage that the 8 hours becomes) there would be 672 hours in a month. Means that 8 hour maintenance (or 1.19% of his monthly time) would equate to a refund of 18 cents. He made a post complaining about how to ask for a refund of 18 cents...
And I guess it depends on how you look at it. I played since Vanilla, back then and through WotLK and beyond, Tuesday maintenance was always 8 hours or longer. Hell, sometimes maintenance went a full day when things were bad. People don't know how good they have it these days with most Tuesdays being a 5 minute server restart.
But really the main issue is that he asked for "compensation" which would amount to 18 cents...
3 chesting both kara mythics is easy as hell, they give you an insane amount of time.
Is the chess event still a busted piece of shit? As a demo warlock my pets wont even attack anything there and half the chessboard blocks my line of sight for no reason. Doing that on M+ sounds like a nightmare
Damnit, why does the AH default to "Per Stack" instead of "Per Unit"? I'm too stupid to remember and have lost so much gold over the last couple months because I never remember to check. Just sold 3 stacks of 8 Oblit for the price of 1.
This would be an absolutely perfect zone for a tank to romp around in.
This new music tho holy shit![]()
Ahaha, scaling mobs with itemlevel? Becoming more powerful and crushing mundane shit is the whole point of playing and getting better gear in my mind. That feels like a very silly change to me and the fact they made it without telling as much to the player-base feels pretty poor.
I dunno, I think the fact that Lordly McEpicPants can ride up and two-or-three-shot mobs that a levelling guy is still *running towards* is perhaps an issue!
I've noticed that in recent world quests prior to the patch a bit; when I watch other people attacking enemies, there's going to be situations where one mob takes a (comparatively) long time to go down - then I arrive, and help finish off the last 40% in a few GCDs. And I'm a tank.
I'm not sure this is the right solution, but there's absolutely a problem there.
Ugh. Having to do single player scenario stuff just to unlock a new zone is terrible MMO design. Isle of Thunder was bad enough and I thought they had learned from that.
So... is there another scenario after the one that opens the zone because that one was not single player?
I dunno, I think the fact that Lordly McEpicPants can ride up and two-or-three-shot mobs that a levelling guy is still *running towards* is perhaps an issue!
I've noticed that in recent world quests prior to the patch a bit; when I watch other people attacking enemies, there's going to be situations where one mob takes a (comparatively) long time to go down - then I arrive, and help finish off the last 40% in a few GCDs. And I'm a tank.
I'm not sure this is the right solution, but there's absolutely a problem there.
If you get a great set of item upgrades that make you 5% stronger, maybe the world gets 1-2% tougher.
From some reactions so far, it sounds like we may be off on that tuning. And as noted above, the fact that unequipping items can ever be helpful is a bug that we'll be investigating and fixing.
It was not to be deceptive; we know it's impossible to hide a change from millions of players. But the system was meant to feel largely transparent and subtle, just like level-scaling does if you don't stop and really think about it, and so we did want players to first experience the change organically.