Not usually one to pull the 'lazy' card
but the only april's fools thing this year being patch notes after years of some of the best, notorious april fools is lazy.
What exactly is the Sentinax event for? As far as I can tell it's just a bunch of demons, no bosses or anything. Is it just for nethershard farming? And if so, why is it impossible to tag anything? Everything out of the portals turns grey for me immediately.
Pretty confused about it overall lol.
Is it worth starting from scratch with a trial on or is buying Legion the best way to get into WoW?
How long did it take you guys to find the fox mount quest item to begin the quest?
This expansion is going to be an absolute nightmare for completionists that skipped it. And that won't even be counting some RNG stuff that likely won't even be available.These Paragon mounts are going to make me hate myself. And exclusively play humans.
This expansion is going to be an absolute nightmare for completionists that skipped it. And that won't even be counting some RNG stuff that likely won't even be available.
Each class mount requires Exalted with Armies of Legionfall to start the questline. So that will be fun.
This expansion is going to be an absolute nightmare for completionists that skipped it. And that won't even be counting some RNG stuff that likely won't even be available.
The Nethershard system is danger close to becoming a mobile F2P gacha game. Farm up those points for a chance for something desirable.
Yeah, that's my problem with it so far. Only way to farm them is if you find a decent group. And even if you do find one, you better hope the server isn't too high pop due to the tagging system and singular location.The idea is decent but the implementation is massively shitty. Think of how many different ways you could get Timeless Coins and Apexis.
Think of all the ways you can get Nethershards.
I wonder why the longer, more repetitious tasks aren't account wide.
I wonder why the longer, more repetitious tasks aren't account wide.
When Legion first launched it seemed likely virtually nothing was account wide. Rather than embracing alts and account wide progress the Blizz dev team seemed to double down on single character progression and forced repetition, it's quite annoying. Things have improved somewhat with patches but at this point everything that can be account wide, should be account wide and there's no good excuse for it not to be.
I wonder why the longer, more repetitious tasks aren't account wide.
Blizz is holding out like this to try and keep the hamster wheel going for people who have alts to make more 'check boxes' to try and hit before they tire themselves out or stop playing because they've 'done it all'
they want you to have a 'story' with each character
Yeah, that's my problem with it so far. Only way to farm them is if you find a decent group. And even if you do find one, you better hope the server isn't too high pop due to the tagging system and singular location.
Is it conceivable to get flying this week? I think invasions will start, and it'll probably be possible to get all four within a couple of days, and between those and a little grinding, that should be enough rep to get to Revered, I hope?
I think they are going to open up more ways to get them. They have too. Right?
Equipment Sets : ANGER
Edit: so the mage tower on Sargares is at 99%. It took around 5 1/2 days going at full speed with the presumed Max number of players that would be available because of the patch, and we'll get half that in uptime...interested to see how long it will take for the next one, and the next one, and the next.
What's this scenario thing?
Green Fire-esque solo scenarios from the Mage Tower in Broken Shore. Unlocks an artifact appearance if you beat it.
Broken Shore isn't total shit, there's a World Quest where Daglop summons you to slay yet another demon for him/it.
Broken Shore isn't total shit, there's a World Quest where Daglop summons you to slay yet another demon for him/it.
Also, Sentinax farming reminds me of grouping to grind out and farm WoD reps in the garrison daily blue bar areas. Just not something I want to even do.