how the hell you guys are almost getting revered? Treasure farming? I'm still at 1.5k honored![]()
Does anyone know if flying works in outdoor class halls like on the Wandering Isle for monks or the Dreamgrove for druids?
Double AP on two characters from the new world boss. C'mon man.
Lol damn.if it makes you feel any better i got 900 wrist
I tried to fly at Dreadscar Rift (warlocks) and its a no go. Doesnt work in the invasion scenarios either
how the hell you guys are almost getting revered? Treasure farming? I'm still at 1.5k honored![]()
Got my 5th 110. Invasions are insane for leveling. Getting a huge chunk of a level just tagging the named Elite quest mobs (also had the DMF buff). Wouldn't be surprised to see a nerf to the XP gain.
Once I get flying (2k to go!), invasions will be my alt leveling strategy. But I'll be farming the world bosses on all my toons.
Does anyone have a mod that tracks what World Bosses your alts have killed for the week?
Edit: Found one called World Boss Status, but doesn't take the new Broken Shore World bosses.
What level were you able to do invasion world quests? My friend is on her first 101 but they don't pop for her and I'm wondering if she has to have them unlocked on another character or something. She was getting 32k xp per tag at 100 but at 101 it's only 8k which doesn't really seem that worthwhile.
You need to have access to them on a 110 before they become account-wide things you can do on alts.
I'm at 856/12000, it's just so boring, and I was really looking forward to flying, and the revered shard.
Will we get tons of rep from the weekly quests leading up to the tomb?
Didn't realise just how faceroll retribution was. I literally got the retri artifact yesterday and now I'm already topping damage in battlegrounds.
WotLK Ret is back? Time to level up my pally.
News about the command center!!!!!!!
- The lucrative AP mission takes three days and gives 425k~ AP at AK28
- The Cathedral world quests/missions dont give rep
- The most useful part of these structures is turning in supplies to build them
- Fuck you
Amazing. Sometimes I have to wonder if Blizzard made everything in 7.2 a badly-designed disappointment as a joke.News about the command center!!!!!!!
- The lucrative AP mission takes three days and gives 425k~ AP at AK28
- The Cathedral world quests/missions dont give rep
- The most useful part of these structures is turning in supplies to build them
- Fuck you
No rep? What the hell....the time gating on this absolutely ridiculous.News about the command center!!!!!!!
- The lucrative AP mission takes three days and gives 425k~ AP at AK28
- The Cathedral world quests/missions dont give rep
- The most useful part of these structures is turning in supplies to build them
- Fuck you
Also noticed that the Invasions end immediately now. Was doing the quest before you get the invasion scenario in Highmountain today and watched it disappear right in front of me while the one for overgrown crops showed up.
So their fix to Invasions was not to make them not stupid, it was to become extremely anal about when they expire. Cool!!! That's the solution??????
heres some proof btw
Harder mission
Longer mission
1/3rd the AP
You'd think someone at Blizzard would have noticed this is really, really fucking stupid?
But the missions not giving any sort of rep is just in line with the other 'fuck you keep playing and giving us money' design Blizz apparently has in mind with 7.2, even aside from unlocking flying.
FWIW, the world quest bosses from the Nether Disruptor do give 500 rep.
AP from mission got hotfixed to give millions
What mission?
edit: Looks like you get it in your class hall and it's related to the command center? How do you actually unlock it though? I don't have it evidently.
Meh.AP from mission got hotfixed to give millions
Give me a mission for 5k Legionfall rep, Blizz.
Ew gross, that sounds awful. I'd get flying 5 days sooner but then I'd have a useless mission for the rest of the expansion and on all subsequent characters.
Dunno why everyone is so up in arms over this rep, how instant do people need things to be? Patch has been out 12 days and I've gotten 12k rep so far (I'm half through Honored) doing ~4-5 WQs per day and nothing else. No farming treasures or rares or sentinax or anything. I'll get revered in ~6 more days, possibly faster if the new part of the weekly chain awards rep this Tuesday. 18 days to unlock flying on every character for the rest of the expansion really isn't that big of a deal, and doing 5 WQs a day that take about 20 minutes total surely isn't much of a time investment either.