Totally finished suramar now and got my Arcanist Manasaber, i haven't been committed to this game in a long time, i did take a small break in january.
WoD really burned me out because well there was almost no solo content at peak level, the minor patches didn't made it any better. But seeing how Legion is..yeah Broken Shore is not the biggest or longest content since blizzard is claiming it is but overall it is fun content.
What i do like how you need to climb to earn your class mount is for me once a good thing, lots of people want it immediately but patience is a better option because when you have it you will be more happier with it, at least that how i think i see it.
At this point with the state of the game i am really enjoying it, lots of things to do but also things to collect. I really love collecting transmogrification sets and pieces, doing world quests makes set out in the world, not like WoD doing facebook games in a game alone in a garrison and that sucked ass.
I have other classes at 110 some at low level, when i log in i just go back to my druid..i can't do those long quests anymore now i know what time it takes to do them. I really liking druid, enjoying all 4 spec but i play mostly Balance as my main spec.