Better stack the fuck up on Order resources, those 7.2 costs for new research are MASSIVE. Maybe it will be nerfed, but I'm going to be safe about it.
Better stack the fuck up on Order resources, those 7.2 costs for new research are MASSIVE. Maybe it will be nerfed, but I'm going to be safe about it.
Better stack the fuck up on Order resources, those 7.2 costs for new research are MASSIVE. Maybe it will be nerfed, but I'm going to be safe about it.
How much are we talking? I'm about to break past 80k on my main, I'll be happy to spend them on something.
Awesome, thanks for the info!20k for the next tier, 30k for the one after that, so you're fine.
Store up on Bloods too.
I've got 700 right now just waiting, heh.
What are the bloods for?
You can buy more order resources with them.
ANd lord only knows what else Blizz may use them for anyway.
gah fuck. im 100% certain all those rep tokens i used wont carry over
Hello there.
Since Blizzard said that all dungeons will get a retuning with 7.2, I wanted to take a look if that actually has been implemented already, at least as a first pass. Turns out, yes it has.
- There are no changes to normal mode.
- 7.2 Heroic mode has the same HP as current Mythic mode. Here are the stats of the current Heroic mode.
- 7.2 Mythic mode has roughly 30% higher HP. Here is a comparison of a mob: Current Mythic mode vs. 7.2 Mythic mode
No idea about the damage and I am pretty sure there won't be any skill changes to mythic/heroic only skills. Also, this is a really early look, but something has been done. What Mythic+ equivalent would the 7.2 Mythic mode be? +3? +4?
Any thoughts on this?
Oh yeah, Itemlevel changes:
- Normal now drops 825+
- Heroic now drops 845+
- Mythic now drops 865+
How do you have 700?? Lots of M +0 farming?Store up on Bloods too.
I've got 700 right now just waiting, heh.
How do you have 700?? Lots of M +0 farming?
They have class trials for everyone now too right? Not sure how informative they would be for a truly new player, but it might give you an idea of how you kind of enjoy different classes too. It's going to take a bit of time to figure out what appeals to you and the terminology we'd use here to determine that is probably lost on an mmo newbie.
Tier 20 design doc
Member Black Temple?
Need thoughts on this....
Guild for Mythic progression is doing LC with priority on dps>tanks>heals. As a healer I can see why...but this is gonna net me no gear for like a month and that sucks ass.
Reason why I see why our RL is doing this is also because we have a core of 5 healers.....which I don't know if that is the norm for mythic progression. I always thought 4 was the norm with an OS healer or just someone ready from the bench to swap in.
Really thought it was strange seeing 5 healer core. Thoughts about this? Already feeling annoyed about not seeing myself get gear for the next couple weeks besides healing
Does anyone else do this
where when buying stuff on the AH, and you see like, an uneven stack of materials, do you buy them? I do. Like I was buying shal'dorei silk, and I saw the usual farmers who put 500 stacks of 5 silk, but then I see something like 3 silk or 7 silk from random names, and I go to buy those first(Even if they're a bit more expensive).
Seriously fuck people who put like 200 listings of 1 silk stacks.
How do you have 700?? Lots of M +0 farming?
Funny you should mention this. I did a Priest class trial just to see the casting animations for a different race. It locks you into Discipline spec and then thrusts you into a scenario that introduces you to a few basic spells, along with giving you a few targets to kill.
Shadow Word: Pain
Power Word: Shield
After that 5 minute scenario, it tells you to check the rest of the abilities in your spell book and sends you on your way. At this point you can change specs and play up to the point where you get the artifact weapon, where the trial stops.
Granted, it's more than you ever got before with a boosted character, but it still ain't much.
Grats einchy!
That fight is alotta fun
Need thoughts on this....
Guild for Mythic progression is doing LC with priority on dps>tanks>heals. As a healer I can see why...but this is gonna net me no gear for like a month and that sucks ass.
Reason why I see why our RL is doing this is also because we have a core of 5 healers.....which I don't know if that is the norm for mythic progression. I always thought 4 was the norm with an OS healer or just someone ready from the bench to swap in.
Really thought it was strange seeing 5 healer core. Thoughts about this? Already feeling annoyed about not seeing myself get gear for the next couple weeks besides healing
Need thoughts on this....
Guild for Mythic progression is doing LC with priority on dps>tanks>heals. As a healer I can see why...but this is gonna net me no gear for like a month and that sucks ass.
Reason why I see why our RL is doing this is also because we have a core of 5 healers.....which I don't know if that is the norm for mythic progression. I always thought 4 was the norm with an OS healer or just someone ready from the bench to swap in.
Really thought it was strange seeing 5 healer core. Thoughts about this? Already feeling annoyed about not seeing myself get gear for the next couple weeks besides healing
+4 is a 26% damage/health increase, +5 is a 36% damage/health increase, so somewhere between those two (possibly closer to one than the other depending on how approximate your approximation was!)Sölf;228843435 said:No idea about the damage and I am pretty sure there won't be any skill changes to mythic/heroic only skills. Also, this is a really early look, but something has been done. What Mythic+ equivalent would the 7.2 Mythic mode be? +3? +4?
Oh ok.Nerf monks in PvP blizz. Call me when you're done, thx.
As others have said, I'm afraid this is completely normal. When I ran a high end guild back in TBC / Wrath / Cata this is what we did. Every single piece of dps gear makes every fight in the game easier - whereas you get absolutely nothing for overhealing. You want the absolute bare minimum gear level for healers to be able to do the content, and then you chuck everything on dps.
Of course it's worse now because there is no healer only gear...
Like Milennia said, that's completely normal - healer gear just very very rarely has the kind of impact on success that dps gear or even tank gear does. Healer SKILL can be very important, but the impact of gear on those results are lower. Similarly, typically healing is relieved significantly by having higher dps, like usually you can skip mechanics, or take less ticks of an aoe from an add, etc. Which is much more effective at reducing how much healing you need to put out than throwing a few ilevels at those healers will be.
5 is the norm and that gear distribution is the norm as well
You just get used to it, unless there's some bonkers tier set a healer gets which hasn't really been the case for a while over the other 2 roles.
It's due to the fact that healing has rarely been a core issue of moving forward in content, especially if you care to do so quickly, where as dps checks and adds living longer etc will wall you and increase the healing requirement in their own right.
Healing requirement and tank tier also go hand in hand most of the time, it's just an intelligent tradeoff.
Speaking in terms of tanks as well, you get a much greater effect out of gearing your only 2 tanks as opposed to putting tier on 2 healers or spreading 2 sets, on healers.
It seems like Broken Shore in 7.2 will be like Timeless Isle/Tanaan.
Hopefully more like Timeless Isle, and less like the garbage fire that was Tanaan
This expansion is not fun to me as a now casual player. There are too many progress bars you slowly fill over time, which makes it alts nightmare. And I really miss something like Timeless Isle where everyone comes together.
World quests are a nice idea, but people dont even interact with eachother and there is literally 0 world pvp thanks to server imbalance.
Logging in to Wow now just feels like looking at bars, mapsicons and lots of other forced objectives. It makes me just go "ah fuck it, Ill do something else instead"
Hopefully the next expansion is more open.
Keep in mind that this expansion is already several months old. I think casual playing was never more fun in wow.
Heroics, world quests, mythics, mythic+, lfr, raiding through group finder was never easier and better rewarded. Even pvp gives powerful rewards, artifact power and legendaries motivate for months.
I dont know when wow would have been better for casuals.