And legendary number 5 ~~
Im sorry
That is a criminally low amount of playtime to be at legendary 5 already. -_-
And legendary number 5 ~~
Im sorry
My friend got his second legendary on prot pally, the one that reduces damage taken while in consecration
Hes been 110 for like 2 weeks
Some people just have all the RNG.
That is a criminally low amount of playtime to be at legendary 5 already. -_-
Me and you both. Not a single legendary from emissary bags and I've done well over 100 of those. It just annoys me because Blizzard was yelling from the mountain top that emissaries would be the highest % for legendaries.I'm at 21 days played at 110 and I still only have 2 legendaries... Every day I'm sure bad luck protection will get me that 3rd but every day I am disappointed.
Yea I really need to start doing LFR. I've heard from lots of people about legendaries from there.Purely anecdotal, but I've got three legendaries and done emissary every day and have never gotten one from emissary.
First - Heroic Cenarius
Second - Weekly M+ Chest
Third - LFR Xavius
They must be very good at World of Warcraft.i mean theres someone in my guild who has maybe 70% of my playtime maybe even less and has 9 leggos to my 5.
It seems like Broken Shore in 7.2 will be like Timeless Isle/Tanaan.
Hopefully more like Timeless Isle, and less like the garbage fire that was Tanaan
They must be very good at World of Warcraft.
Tanaan was objectively superior to Timeless Isle in every way except for aesthetic. Unless you like camping rares all day long.
Thanks!The base game always includes everything except the most recent one, so unless you're set on making a demon hunter (which you would still not want to do until you knew the game a bit) there's no reason to get that.
We've already kinda started playing so it might be a little late. She had a low level character from the trial from a few years ago and she pushed me to play as soon as it finished downloading.Oh man Im at work but maybe Ill type something up later.
So if you get the base game, that includes all the expansions except the newest one. Base gane is $20. Ask your friend about doing refer a friend, when you play with him you get 3x experience and he gets a mount at the end.
Theres about 6 races on each side faction, 1 neutral. Classes are race dependent, Death Knights are race agnostic but you need atleast a level 60 toon to make one(toon is another name for character). Death Knights start at 55. Monks are also race agnostic. Pandarens are neutral until you hit level 10, then you choose a faction. Demon Hunters can only be Elves, conversely you need a level 100 toon before you can make one(they start at 97).
For your starting class a dps is probably best, as tanks and healers need more awareness later on in harder dungeons/raids.
Ask me anything.
They have class trials for everyone now too right? Not sure how informative they would be for a truly new player, but it might give you an idea of how you kind of enjoy different classes too. It's going to take a bit of time to figure out what appeals to you and the terminology we'd use here to determine that is probably lost on an mmo newbie.
In general I would say something like:
-Casters won't necessarily need to spam buttons as much as melee
-casters generally are less mobile and you need to want to plan your movements around your casts and enjoy figuring out when to burst damage (this is all ymmv and depends on class of course but as a generalization I find it true).
-Casting is limited by your global cooldown (Brief period ~1-1.5 seconds long) and cast times, you'll ALWAYS be doing something, but the abilities themselves might have longer cast times where you're planning your next move rather than spamming a button.
-Melee classes (and hunters) are resource limited rather than cast times, virtually everything is instant cast.
-Melee classes are more mobile because of this, you can and should circ le and jump around while spamming buttons because it's more fun to do that than stand still.
-Resource limits mean you can be starved for resources and unable to do anything, but when you are able to do something you're almost always limited purely by the Global Cooldown (GCD) and your resources themselves, so they can be very spammy when you have said resources.
-Melee classes tend to be divided into classes that either have one resource type and cooldowns on their abilities (of like, 5-6 seconds usually), retribution paladins and most hunters are more like this, or classes that have multiple resource types and virtually no cooldowns on their abilities (where the resources inform what you should be pressing), rogues monks and death knights are more like this.
Even beyond this super basic outline (and I'm not good at every class, despite what I may come accross as on here), there are lots of minor differences even just between specializations for classes (specs). IE: Frost death knights are very fast and based around watching for random procs (buffs that can happen by chance that alter your rotation) and reacting quickly to those, while Unholy Death Knights are methodical and about planning your moves 10-30 seconds in advance so as not to waste resources inefficiently.
I'm just rambling at this point, but I'll distill this stuff down to this: Every class is VASTLY more complicated than you will initially think they are, and unfortunately most of them will play very differently at level, say 80+ than they will at level 10 or 20, which makes it very possible that you won't have any idea if you will like something or not at low levels. I will say you should generally have an idea early on if you're liking the basics of a class, IE rogues are 'stab things, use combo points to stab things harder, repeat' and that's an ok way to go about it. The game is going to baby the shit out of you early on and any group content you do at low (sub-100 honestly) levels is going to feel trivial because everyone you group with is going to just murder everything with no regard for the fact that you're new.
Yes that sounds offputting, it's honest though. Just trust that the game is in fact as hard as you want it to be eventually - high end wow is magnitudes harder than most games. Everyone has a level of difficulty they enjoy in the game and can be comfortable at, it just won't show it to you early on.
We've already kinda started playing so it might be a little late. She had a low level character from the trial from a few years ago and she pushed me to play as soon as it finished downloading.
That helps a bit, we're both playing warriors right now so I'm glad that we've seemingly gone on a decent track. Death Knights do seem pretty cool though so I'm interested in trying one of those later.
I got a pet from the authenticator app, how useful are pets and what do I need to know about them? The same for mounts, I know there are like flying and walking mounts but what should I know about mounts in general?
What? No. Not even. Tanaan is terrible in every way. Layout sucks. Theres nothing cool about it like with the Timeless Isle.
Timeless Isle had -
Celestial Tournament, which was hard as hell
Celestial world bosses
Factionless PvP
Buffs from all over - from the crystals, fruits, shrines
2000 different toys, pets and item drops - not all from killing mobs, some from exploring in creative ways or gambling with a monkey
A faction with lots of items to sell
Added in a patch in an expansion with lots of content
Timeless Coins
if you know where to go, you can get to places easily because its well laid out
Tanaan has -
30+ rares scattered about
A faction that only exists so you kill Saberon and get a mount/pet
Four desirable world spawns that died in 20 seconds, 10 seconds after flying happened
Was a half-finished zone dropped in a patch when it was supposed to be there at launch
Apexis lol
A total clusterfuck of design where you had to take flight points if you didnt want to trudge through bad level geometry and tons of enemies to dismount you. Theres a giant zone just stuck in the middle of it that you either have to fly over or go way out of the way to get around
Legendary pet battles, which could be defeated with the same strategy on every single one
The one thing that Tanaan had over TI was the questline.
The pet tournament got super annoying after a while and your comment about using the same strategy very much applies there as well
Pets are a cosmetic thing. You can do pet battles, they give exp, but that's usually a side activity.
Mounts are different. You can get mounts at level 20, faster mounts at 40, and flying mounts at 60. You can buy basic mounts at your capital(Ask your city guards for instructions on whats where),Most mounts drop from bosses or through faction reputation
uhhh, no. You could howl bomb 75% of the tanaan rares.
Celestial Tourney required you to have a bunch of different pets because they couldn't be healed or revived, and the cycle was different by week.
Appreciate the feeback! Basically things get out of control during arcane phase. We generally stack at first, then dodge the first orb but am noticing players just taking 2-3 hits of the arcane orb. Tanks while moving the boss from orbs have died a few times.
As a ranged its pretty easy to avoid all the orbs, then dodge all the detonations. Once the adds come up we pop hero and try and burn but then the frost marks start again and people tend to lose focus.
But I just want to maintain the casual nature of the guild, but everyone just feels better progressing than wiping 14 times. Already got into a spat with 1 raider who used to raid mythic cause he was calling out everyone for being so bad at mechanics. Good news is that even though we wiped a bunch it was very entertaining and people had a good time, gotta have the right amount of humor while wiping.
Amusingly, I recall having this exact sort of problem... when first doing Mythic BRH on levelling. The first bolt *is* brutal, since you don't have the buff yet at that point. No group-wide damage reduction cooldown available, though?But man, Dantalionax was something else. Motherfucker's first Shadowbolt Volley hit the group for 4.2 million damage each standard, so if you didn't have a personal CD (and a significant one at that) it would straight kill you. Our holy Paladin had to fully bubble it to live, Divine Protection wasn't enough. What a dumb mechanic, if you roll with a group without enough personal CDs you just can't live through that first one. I guess no one ever claimed higher mythics were actually balanced I guess. Still got it though after a couple attempts, but man that was harder than it needed to be.
Amusingly, I recall having this exact sort of problem... when first doing Mythic BRH on levelling. The first bolt *is* brutal, since you don't have the buff yet at that point. No group-wide damage reduction cooldown available, though?
(Had my first brush with Necrotic recently, in BRH. That is very ouch. Need to think carefully about how to approach the bat gauntlet before going back in there!)
Amusingly, I recall having this exact sort of problem... when first doing Mythic BRH on levelling. The first bolt *is* brutal, since you don't have the buff yet at that point. No group-wide damage reduction cooldown available, though?
(Had my first brush with Necrotic recently, in BRH. That is very ouch. Need to think carefully about how to approach the bat gauntlet before going back in there!)
Bat stairs are pretty easy if everyone knows what to do. Kill the first demon downstairs, let tank pull the next demons downstairs, run up to top where the third demon is, pull left to the gate that opens up after the boss and stack there (just make sure nobody uses any large AOE that pulls the bats). Pull the last 2 demons to boss room.
You literally shouldn't aggro almost any bats if you interrupt Sic Bats with stuns or soft CC (paralyze ect).
And yeah, Everyone NEEDS to have a defensive cooldown for the first shadow bolt volley. If you don't have enough HP to survive it it's up to you to have a stamina flask on. I don't remember what class it was but one guy I was running tyrannical BRH popped defensive for it and still died.
Yea this is the technically correct way to do the bat stairs, you can avoid pretty much every bat. I admire the discipline of any group that actually does this though, I've never done a BRH run where some person doesn't "accidentally" hit an AoE ability or something as we are running up the stairs. And I'm not sure a stam flask would help for the tyrannical +15 Shadowbolt Volley, since it was our pally who died and he has +25% HP baseline, far more than a stam flask would give. Not sure how, say, a balance druid could survive it without externals, it was hitting for 4.2 million, which is still 3.36 million after barkskin, which is around what a 890 balance would have even in bear form. Seems overly punishing for certain classes with worse personal CDs.
Jesus the WoW gods did not decide to be kind to us this week, giving us a BRH as our +15 stone on the week where we actually needed to do a +15 instead of a 12 for max rewards. Now, I don't like BRH for most affix combos in general, but man that place on Tyrannical +15 is pretty rough. Not too bad until you get to Smashspite but that is when things get real, with his charge hitting most DPS for ~80% of their HP minimum, with a large scale AoE right afterwards. Luckily as a tank druid I could easily take a 2 stack of the debuff, so I just took 1 and 2, the hunter used Turtle for 3, we BoPed 4, and I took 5 and 6. Still was a rough kill.
But man, Dantalionax was something else. Motherfucker's first Shadowbolt Volley hit the group for 4.2 million damage each standard, so if you didn't have a personal CD (and a significant one at that) it would straight kill you. Our holy Paladin had to fully bubble it to live, Divine Protection wasn't enough. What a dumb mechanic, if you roll with a group without enough personal CDs you just can't live through that first one. I guess no one ever claimed higher mythics were actually balanced I guess. Still got it though after a couple attempts, but man that was harder than it needed to be.
Cleared through Normal Nighthold last night. We did Botanist, Elisande and Gul'dan.
Botanist - neat fight, didn't seem overly complicated or anything. We one shot this.
Elisande - this fight was kind of boring. We two shot this.
Gul'dan - loved this fight. Curious to see what it's like on heroic. This took us 5 attempts.
We then went and did heroic with out last like half an hour. We had a couple wipes on Skorp, and two shot Anamoly.
Skorp - this seemed no different than on normal. Barely noticed the new add type. The padding was very real.
Anamoly - Again, didn't notice anything different here.
At 8/10H so far, Botanist easily took us the most wipes to down. Something like 13 as we adjusted our strategy over different attempts. Though we had a few close pulls during that time.
One big issue was multi-dotters scumbagging the plasma spheres.
Another was melee not target switching to lashers (in a melee heavy comp).
We had to turn off logs for the night (until raid was over) because of these issues. People too worried about their parse in a progression kill.
I don't think Elisande will be that bad, though Gul'dan will probably take about as many if not more than Botanist.
At 8/10H so far, Botanist easily took us the most wipes to down. Something like 13 as we adjusted our strategy over different attempts. Though we had a few close pulls during that time.
One big issue was multi-dotters scumbagging the plasma spheres.
Another was melee not target switching to lashers (in a melee heavy comp).
We had to turn off logs for the night (until raid was over) because of these issues. People too worried about their parse in a progression kill.
I don't think Elisande will be that bad, though Gul'dan will probably take about as many if not more than Botanist.
On 7.2 will buff all mythic dungeons so they are up to date and drop relevant gear. We have any information if this will happen to karazhan too? Love that dungeon.
On 7.2 will buff all mythic dungeons so they are up to date and drop relevant gear. We have any information if this will happen to karazhan too? Love that dungeon.
This and the Suramar dungeons being added to the queue are my favorites in this patch.Kara is getting updated and going to open up for heroic as well and split into a bottom and upper Kara.
Well we still have tonight for the last two bosses, though I won't sweat it too much if we don't manage to down Gul'dan week 1.
One thing I'm more curious about with world race guilds is do they do Mythic progression until they hit a wall and then go and farm heroic for gear in the first week of Mythic? Or do they do heroic/splits and then progress. I'd imagine it's the former since you can get early kills on the board quicker. But for most other guilds it probably makes more sense to farm first.
Not sure if we'll be stepping into Mythic this week or when we will if we do. Given that without doing splits there's plenty of gear (mainly tier) to be had from heroic.
Sölf;228939013 said:Yesterday I got the Frost DK Bracers.
Today I got the DK Ring.
I am happy now. 5 legendaries so far.