Ass of Can Whooping
Gold Member
Ratchet and Clank.
They added females. Prominently. Everything wrong in gaming.

Ratchet and Clank.
They added females. Prominently. Everything wrong in gaming.
Aye MP was shoehorned in as well i think.Getting Loop Hero tomorrow on Switch. Can't wait.
Crackdown 3 campaign was awesome. It was a hell of a lot of fun. I don't know why it gets hate......maybe for the crap multiplayer? But the main game was mindless fun.
So Returnal is your worst game of 2021 but you never played it...never Even booted it up
So Returnal is your worst game of 2021 but you never played it...
I think people saying stuff like Returnal and Ratchet and Clank need to look again at th question, 'worst game of 2021'. Even if those games are not your thing, even if you really didnt 'get them', its painfully obvious that they are not terrible games, and a terrible game is what should be classed as 'the worst game of 2021'.
Same with people saying things like Outriders.
For me i would go with - Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood. Main reason being the game could of been such a cool game, with great source materail, but ended up a lifeless, boring, and just shit gameplay.
Maquette! Totally forgot about that crap. Really poor indeed. Been there environmental puzzles wrapped up in a soggy romance. Nightmare fuel.Worst game of the year I played was Maquette....navel gazing nonsense.
Worst moment in a video game was being forced to choose my pronouns in Forza Horizon 5....the game is amazing, but fuck right off with that shit!
Well i think its fair to iignore asset flips and the like on Steam, as they arent really games made to entertain people, they are quick cash grabs with zero quality control.then it would go to some asset rehash on steam. Worst game of The year to me is something you might have been into that didn’t pan out. Most people don’t even interact with the really bad games.
Don’t got to take a bite of a turd to know how it taste
then it would go to some asset rehash on steam. Worst game of The year to me is something you might have been into that didn’t pan out. Most people don’t even interact with the really bad games.
I avoided all the turds like Balan, Dark Alliance, Halo Infinite, GTA Trilogy etc.
... but have the Destruction All Stars plat, which was actually enjoyable but my worst game of the year by a landslide.
i was looking forward to returnal when the trailer hit, scifi shooter are my thing. Then fount out it was a rogue like then the outrageous price…
So it's a matter of taste? I see. You must have a goddamn sophisticated taste if it can turn a good game into the 2021 worst.
Being disappointed at your mistaken research is very different than a game being bad.i was looking forward to returnal when the trailer hit, scifi shooter are my thing. Then fount out it was a rogue like then the outrageous price…
Those choosing Returnal as the worst game released this year are trolling right?
I only had one big disappointment this year which will be considered a hot take: Village. Hated the whole thing for reasons I’m tired of typing. I do think it’s a terrible game that will be quickly forgotten but that’s just me.
Quite disappointed with Cruis'n Blast as well. I love arcade racers but for 30 EUR it has 1 hour of content basically. The garish colours and 0 skill gameplay don't help. I doesn’t even feel like you’re driving a car and more like doing quick-time events.
Maquette! Totally forgot about that crap. Really poor indeed. Been there environmental puzzles wrapped up in a soggy romance. Nightmare fuel.
Kena always looked like a simple indie game to me. Sorry you got burned.Not sure it was the ‘worst game’ but the biggest disappointment for me was Kena - I fell for the hype and then crashed hard when I started to play it.
Average in every single way except for the cutscenes. Below average in many ways. The perfect example of the overhype surrounding console exclusives.
Don't have a PC so I've been waiting for this to come to Switch. Saw videos of the game months ago and really was interested. Can't wait!Aye MP was shoehorned in as well i think.
Glad TLOU2 didnt do this.
thanks for reminding me loop hero is out on switch too!
Just double dipped. It’s an extra 10% off
This game is 100% worth it!
Now that's a fuckin hot take!Ratchet & Clank Ripped a Fart
Just a lazy recycled & woke cringe SJW rip off of Knack 2.
Yeah this is a good pick. Obviously it’s not the absolute worst game anybody released in 2021, but I think it represents the largest gap between (well-grounded) expectations and reality.I'd say the GTA remaster because of the removal of the OG games from digital stores.
It's like a double fuck you. "Oh, those games that were a world-wide cultural phenomenon, yea, they're no longer available...we've replaced them with a steaming pile of garbage..."
Or Black Ops 3.No matter what anyone says, there can always be a worse game. Even including Superman 64.
I just looked this up. WTF. Like why even bother doing this. The only people interested in the character are old farts like me and they don't want to play a crap "reimagining" of the classic arcade game.Popeye
If my expectations are really low and I just want to play as Drizzt and get some gear, will I enjoy it? I'm a big fan of the comics and wanted to at least give it a try. It's only $20.00 right now.I'd agree with Dark Alliance even though I played a decent amount of it, because it was one of those games that really had potential, but just didn't deliver.