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WoW Beta Testers List


Grandma's Chippy
Are they still sending out invites? A lot of you act like you just got in recently? Or have you just not been able to play?


What level are you PvP Undead people? I've been playing a Troll Shaman on PvP, but I made a Undead Mage on patch night due to the talents and just hit 12 with it and am doing the Silverpine quests.


you undead guys will get slaughtered by my priest. level 29 now, halfway to 30!

this new exp system rocks, it's a lot like the one in phase 1, and in phase 1 they didn't even have rest!
firex said:
this new exp system rocks, it's a lot like the one in phase 1, and in phase 1 they didn't even have rest!

Yeah, from what I've played, this new exp system is fairly fast and straightforward. Rest is finally not-so-interfering with the rest of the game system.


ManaByte said:
Just try to get in range with a mage that made good use of their talent points :)

I kill undead mages and priests so easily.. the only way I ever lose is if they're several levels above me or they gank with invis while I'm fighting something else. Any undead my level +/- 2 is no contest, and I'm not even a good pvper.


firex said:
I kill undead mages and priests so easily.. the only way I ever lose is if they're several levels above me or they gank with invis while I'm fighting something else. Any undead my level +/- 2 is no contest, and I'm not even a good pvper.

Talents change everything. ;)


I gotta suggest avoiding rogues for pvp... man, these guys seem to always get hit by bad bugs/nerfs every phase. Of course they absolutely rocked when they were first put in... so it makes it all the more painful for the rogue fans from alpha/phase 1 beta. Warlocks aren't so great for pvp unless you're undead (and then they rock), although IMO they're better in instances than they were before so it's not like a waste of a group slot to have one if they're good.

Can't wait for Hunters to come out, they're going to be one of the classes that really beats down all casters in pvp, I think.


Finally talked to Blizzard, and they will have me in the beta shortly. I'll catch up with you guys when I get installed and whatnot. I'd sticky this, but I haven't bugged anybody to mod me yet on the new forum.


Ok, two days later and no one has posted in here :) I got set up last night and created an Undead Warlock named Dretch on the PvE server. I think I may create a few characters and take them up to 7-10 to get a feel for what I really want to play.

I couldn't believe how much better the game looked live on my computer than in screenshots. It doesn't look nearly as low-poly as I thought it would. Plus it's unbelievably polished for a game in beta.
Trav said:
I couldn't believe how much better the game looked live on my computer than in screenshots. It doesn't look nearly as low-poly as I thought it would. Plus it's unbelievably polished for a game in beta.

I'm moving next week, so I haven't gotten to play much recently. But yes - the WoW beta puts most retail finals to shame. I'm enjoying it so much I'd probably pay (if we got to keep our characters at the end, that is). The final game is gonna rock!


Grandma's Chippy
JackFrost2012 said:
I'm enjoying it so much I'd probably pay (if we got to keep our characters at the end, that is)
I hope they just let people keep their character names...and nothing else...maybe something that says you were in beta in the form of an item??

Allowing people to carry over characters from beta into retail as-is is never a good idea :)


Is anyone interested in grouping? I'm a lv 11 Troll Shaman hanging around Ogrimmar/Razor Hill. I've found that I'm doing a lot of quests solo, and while it's great that you can.....this is really not a great single-player game. I just want a duo or a threesome (take it in context) to bounce through the quests with, or to see what kind of trouble we can get into. Seems no one actively seeks groups early on in this game, and when you do get one, they break up after the quest is over.

Doth Togo

See if you can find a guild to join. They do lots of activities including raids. You might be able to get some free goods from your guild too. I regularly get free armor patches from them...
I take exception to the rogue comment. While we aren't as powerful as some of the others if you are a min/maxer we still make damn good teammates. I think I'm much better suited to pulling than the mage because it doesn't cost me mana or energy to stealth that way my mages and healers can save their mana for attacking. My agility is so high that I dodge a lot while I'm no warrior tank I can hold my own in the front line.

I say you should base your groups on tradeskills moreso than class skills.


Yeah, I'm looking into a guild, but I thought I'd see if there were some GA'ers I could play with first.

Doth Togo

If anyone wants to join a guild on the PVP server, msg me. Our guild is called "Naturals." Many of us are level 50, though I'm not too far behind at level 34. Since more and more Horde are coming over to the Alliance areas, it's time the Alliance paid a visit to Horde territory.

I'm saving 60g to get a mount at level 40. It's a ton of money.


Any warriors in here? I'm thinking my character out, and I am having trouble deciding my secondary talents. I am building a PvE defensive warrior, but I can't decide whether tactical mastery or enrage/flurry/cruelty/unbridaled wrath is better.

TM is obviously valuable because you retain rage when switching stances, but the enrage/flurry/cruelty/UW combo seems like it would build rage very fast. Not to mention, as a mace/revenge/CB warrior, I would proc stun more often. But I would have to use most of my rage as I go to maximize my potential in case I have to switch stances.

Any thoughts?

(this is what I'm thinking right now)
Saved Template

Class: Warrior
Level: 60

Protection Mastery (34 points)

# Shield Specialization - 5/5 points (max)
Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 5%.

# Anticipation - 5/5 points (max)
Increases your defense skill by 5.

# Toughness - 5/5 points (max)
Increases your base armor value by 50.

# Improved Bloodrage - 3/3 points (max)
Reduces the duration required to generate rage from your Bloodrage ability by 5 seconds.

# Defiance - 5/5 points (max)
Increases the threat generated by your attacks by 15% while in Defensive Stance.

# Improved Taunt - 2/2 points (max)
Reduces the rage cost of your Taunt ability by 2.

# Improved Shield Block - 1/3 point
Allows your Shield Block ability to block an additional attack, and increases the duration by 0.5 seconds.

# Improved Revenge - 3/3 points (max)
Gives your Revenge ability a 40% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.

# Combat Endurance - 1/1 point (max)
A passive ability that allows your hit point regeneration from Spirit to work while in combat.

# Concussion Blow - 1/1 point (max)
15 Rage
1.5 second cast
45 second cooldown
5 yard range
Requires Melee Weapon
Requires Defensive Stance
A brutal strike that leaves the opponent stunned for 5 seconds.

# Improved Shield Wall - 2/2 points (max)
Increases the effect duration of Shield Wall ability by 5 seconds.

# Last Stand - 1/1 point (max)
Instant cast
10 minute cooldown
When activated, this ability temporarily grants you 30% of your maximum hit points for 20 seconds. After the effect expires, the hit points are lost.

Fury Mastery (20 points)

# Enrage - 5/5 points (max)
Gives you a 5% chance to become enraged after taking melee damage.

# Flurry - 5/5 points (max)
Increases your attack speed by 35% for your next three swings after dealing a critical strike.

# Cruelty - 5/5 points (max)
Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 5%.

# Unbridled Wrath - 5/5 points (max)
Gives you a 100% chance to generate an additional Rage point when you deal damage.

Arms Mastery (5 points)

# Mace Specialization - 5/5 points (max)
Gives you a 6% chance to stun your target with a mace.

This may be less effective if I need to change stances. But if I was to stay in D stance, I would gain rage very fast from the passive fury talents and could taunt/revenge/shield block and hopefully proc some stuns from my mace specialization and improved attack speed from fury talents.

Doth Togo

akascream said:
Any warriors in here? I'm thinking my character out, and I am having trouble deciding my secondary talents. I am building a PvE defensive warrior, but I can't decide whether tactical mastery or enrage/flurry/cruelty/unbridaled wrath is better.

TM is obviously valuable because you retain rage when switching stances, but the enrage/flurry/cruelty/UW combo seems like it would build rage very fast. Not to mention, as a mace/revenge/CB warrior, I would proc stun more often. But I would have to use most of my rage as I go to maximize my potential in case I have to switch stances.

Any thoughts?

I have a low level warrior that I play when the mage gets dull. Personally, I'd go with TM. I know a lot of folks that use TM.


Hmm.. somebody is saying the way diminishing returns works is, if you get lucky and proc stun with your mace a few times, that it counts the same as revenge and crushing blow? If that is working how intended, maybe I won't be a mace warrior. I don't want to gimp my ability to stun on demand.
Yeeesh, the email i used to register for the Beta has been dead for a few months. I guess i'll always be left wondering "what if?".

If anyone who doesn't play anymore could be kind enough to give me their account, i'd be thrilled. Of course the chances of that ocurring are zip-to-nil, but i am sincerely asking. It's only if you're sick of the game, or not finding time to play it, etc.


That defensive warrior template is pretty good. I'd personally just put 5 points into Enrage and spend the rest on Arms, unless you can't get Tactical Mastery doing that. Maxed out Improved Charge + Tactical Mastery lets you charge a guy, then switch to defensive stance and keep all the rage generated.

If anybody here hasn't played through as much content as they can... I urge you to. Although quests don't change a lot as you level up (almost always stuff like kill/collect/find/deliver) the higher level you get in the game, the cooler the dungeons and zones get. It really looks like the stuff from levels 50-60 and on are probably going to be really epic in feeling, as at least that Sunken Temple dungeon itself is incredibly cool and gives some hints at new stuff to come.
I'm looking for a beta account to borrow, to let my GF try it out.

Email me at [email protected] if you have a dormant account lying around. Open to modest compensation offers and what not-she's really itching to play the Hunter when it hits the beta (she had 2 uber tamers from her UO days).


I got bored with the PVP server (probably because PVP right now is a mixed bag of fun and boring, and I got so close to the level cap I'd rather just wait for them to raise it again and put in new content) and went back to the Beta server, playing an orc shaman named Fexir.

Doth Togo

PVP can be fun, especially if you're watching your back when the lvl 50 Horde/Undead are hunting.

There's one undead that really REALLY pisses me off. ELFBANE is known server wide for corpse camping. Really urks me. He/she needs to be severely punished for his/her sins.


I got a WoW Beta invitation too. Been waiting for the final email for over 2 weeks though :( Supposedly they'll be adding new testers (and me, whee!) with the next push, but I dunno if the next patch coming out means push or whether it's just a patch. I think it's more like a push though, since they're adding hunters and raising the level cap and such. God I hope so. The anticipation is killer and I'm tired of reading the beta forums and not being able to participate :p So many idiots that I can't reply to! Argh, haha.


Grandma's Chippy
I don't even remember what email I applied to beta with, so my chances are slim at best..hehe

I am destined to either play open beta, or start from scratch in retail.


Grandma's Chippy
akascream said:
Everyone will be starting from scratch at retail.
Start from scratch as in "not a clue about anything and no experience with the play mechanics"

NOT start from scratch as in "won't have my beta character"


Doth Togo

No, they're going to allow beta testers to have first dibs on the game. Like several weeks in advance of the retail copy. So you'll have a little time to 1337 yourselves up before you go 0\/\/|\| n00bz.


Doth Togo said:
No, they're going to allow beta testers to have first dibs on the game. Like several weeks in advance of the retail copy. So you'll have a little time to 1337 yourselves up before you go 0\/\/|\| n00bz.

Thats fucking stupid im sorry, maybe a few days(like 3), but if they let beta testers keep weeks old characters for retail thats the fucking dumbest thing ever. They will completely have monopolized the crafting market and will be almost 100% completely useless for those new to retail to even attempt at making a career at crafting. Dumb Dumb dumb.
AeroGod said:
Thats fucking stupid im sorry, maybe a few days(like 3), but if they let beta testers keep weeks old characters for retail thats the fucking dumbest thing ever. They will completely have monopolized the crafting market and will be almost 100% completely useless for those new to retail to even attempt at making a career at crafting. Dumb Dumb dumb.

Agreed. I don't think Beta testers should get any benefits other than MAYBE

- keeping their stripped players back at level one
- Keeping their guilds

Other than that I don't think beta testers should get anyother advantage to buy or play retail before others. That's totally not fair to other people. In three days I could have an awesome character or two.


Start from scratch as in "not a clue about anything and no experience with the play mechanics"

NOT start from scratch as in "won't have my beta character"

True. There's lots of info around though if you don't mind doing research.

And where does it say beta testers will get to play the game a week before everyone else? This is the first place I've read anything like that.


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
I want to beta test if anyone has spare accounts PM me. I have 3 free cs 1.6 keys unused if anyone is willing to trade.


After this patch comes out I'm probably gonna look at my priest's talents, and then go back to my shaman, haha.


Man, for you other beta testers out there, check out the patch notes! So much stuff to look forward to... can't wait to see how it'll all work.

btw, anybody know a good site for me to make a photo album for WOW screenshots? I'd like to do that and put the link here and try to keep it updated for people who want to see stuff in the game.
Hunters are here! Hunters are here! I'll try a Horde race this time, just for the variety ... though I'm trying not to overdose pre-final. Don't wanna lose 300-400 hours ... just 80-100 or so. ;P :)
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