So how do I unlock more endings past beating Mom's Heart. Have done so twice now I believe. One time I pulled out a fez, the next time a noose. I know there's more bosses, do I have to do weird secret stuff to get to them or just beat the game enough times?
You have to beat Mom's Heart 9 times.
any tips for beating satan? I've done it exactly once but when it gets to the leg portion, shit's impossible. First I can't see what's going on and run into that fucking leech/snake thing all the time.
There's a random chance for a door to appear on playthroughs 2-9. After the tenth, it's there every time.Interesting. Maybe my game glitched but I got toon my 6th runthrough.Sheol
Haven't seen Tech 1 either.Speaking of Technology... since the expansion, I've only ever seen Technology 2, is there a bug where Technology 1 no longer spawns?
I've seen it once post-Wrath, in a devil room. Certainly feels even rarer than it did before, though.Speaking of Technology... since the expansion, I've only ever seen Technology 2, is there a bug where Technology 1 no longer spawns?
Interesting. Maybe my game glitched but I got toon my 6th runthrough.Sheol
From Edmunds FormspringIs it no longer possible to fly into a Battle Arena room with the gate down that would be otherwise impossible to enter? The ability to do so was around for so long that I didn't even consider it a bug. issues. it was just too much of an exploit and with the expansion adding a number of flying items it was just too OP
Two secret rooms on every level, actually.I noticed that there are also sometimes more than one secret room per level. I definitely didn't see that coming.
Some only have one or none, if you get Curse of the Labyrinth, ACTUALLYTwo secret rooms on every level, actually.
smartassSome only have one or none, if you get Curse of the Labyrinth, ACTUALLY=P
Haven't seen Tech 1 either.
Probably a victim of the changed spawn rates, which have been significantly altered towards the new items.
I just got glitched out by picking up Brimstone late game. Isaac simply wouldn't fire anymore. Second time I got the polaroid, second time I got robbed by the game.
Did you beat the new last stage? I unlocked the final challenge without doing any of the previous ones after I downed it.
The game is steadfast in refusing a successful polaroid run for me, just threw the tick on me from a fortune telling machine. bah.
:/If it makes you feel better, I have yet to even see it drop so far.
You could try a D20 on a room full of items for the polaroid, found it like that once.Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of finding the polaroid like the Book of Revelations does for the Horsemen? Same question for the various Guppy items.
Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of finding the polaroid like the Book of Revelations does for the Horsemen? Same question for the various Guppy items.
Polaroid does drop from them yes. Lots of those machines and lots of coins is good. It is random however, just got to be lucky to get it. You can use Wheel of Fortune cards to get loads in one room and just keep pumping them for trinkets, then use d20 to reroll them.Does it drop from those new alternate slot machines that typically drop trinkets? I have pumped a bunch of money into them trying to get one from there, but haven't seen one yet. It doesn't help that those tend to explode far quicker than the old slot machines.
Would someone like to explain to me why I picked up Brimstone and suddenly can't fucking shoot anymore?
Fucking garbage. I don't even want to play this game anymore if it's going to do shit like this to me.
EDIT: Just read it's one of many Wrath of the Lamb glitches. Lovely.
Next time you launch the game it might unlock.Man... I got three Guppy items and transformed to Guppy, but no achievement unlocked. Even finished the run, but nothing. Guess I'll have to luck my way into getting it again. Unfortunate because the only thing I have left to do after is Platinum God.
On the plus side being Guppy and having Mulligan on top of that is ridiculous.
Man vs. Game, a great twitch livestream, is interviewing team meat live via skype!
LIVE, like NOW
neat, thanks
he's interviewing Edmund and DannyB though (designer and musician behind this game), not team meat
I'm no experttitle of his stream says "of team meat" so...
Next time you launch the game it might unlock.
Yep, that did it. Just got the last item I needed as well and snagged Platinum God. Then when I checked my achievements I noticed they added even more just now.All my achievements have been unlocking the next time I start the game ever since the 1.2 patch.
Taking damage on the spikes gives a chance to spawn a normal or locked chest.I'm loving the expansion so far. $2.99 for DLC that nearly doubles the amount of content in the game? That's DLC done right!
I fucking hate those rooms with the spiky doors, but I like the choice it forces you to make. I'm still not sure what to do in the bloody rooms filled with spikes, though.
EDIT: O snappeth, new characters? <3 TBoI
Taking damage on the spikes gives a chance to spawn a normal or locked chest.