Great OP Boootaaay!
Needs more Young Backs though.

Great OP Boootaaay!
Needs more Young Backs though.
Great OP Boootaaay!
Needs more Young Backs though.
I really want the Bucks to win, but I have a feeling TIME SPLITTERS are going to take the belts back. Also, that reminds me - what's everyone's predictions for the WK8 card? I'm going with;
IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Titles: The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) © vs Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku & Taichi) vs Forever Hooligans (Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov) vs TIME SPLITTERS (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA)
IWGP Heavyweight Tag Titles: K.E.S. (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr) © vs BULLET CLUB ('Machinegun' Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows)
NWA World Heavyweight Title: Rob Conway © vs Satoshi Kojima
Special Challenge Match: Yuji Nagata & Kazushi Sakuraba vs Daniel & Rolles Gracie
Grudge Match: CHAOS (Toru Yano & X) vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki & Shelton Benjamin)
King of Destroyer Match: Togi Makabe vs Bad Luck Fale
Goto Return Match: Hirooki Goto vs Katsuyori Shibata
IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: Prince Devitt © vs Kota Ibushi
IWGP Heavyweight Title: Kazuchika Okada © vs Tetsuya Naito
IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura © vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
I also see Shinsuke Nakamura losing to Hiroshi Tanahashi honestly. Shinsuke is cokehead crazy, has Boma Ye and amazing at playing a dangerous psychotic in the ring, but Tanahashi is red hot these days and is as face as he can get. Dude is getting put over with this one IMO.
Oh yeah, definitely - Shinsuke's won both of their previous Tokyo Dome matches, so I can't see him winning the 3rd. Also, they probably need to get the Intercontinental title off of him so he can challenge for the main belt at some point in 2014. An Okada vs Nakamura feud for control of CHAOS is where the money's at, imo.
Updated the OP with details of the FREE pre-show stuff that's taking place on Friday - also, Wrestle Kingdom is under a week away! Get hype.
The Friday pre-show stuff seems to be a compilation of past Wrestle Kingdom moments and a chance to watch the ring being constructed ahead of WK8 itself.
Lastly, this past Monday New Japan capped off a fantastic 2013 with one hell of a main event tag match, involving the four major players at WK8 - if you're on the fence about whether to give New Japan a chance or not, let this AWESOME match convince you;
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tetsuya Naito vs Shinsuke Nakamura & Kazuchika Okada - (NJPW 12/23/13)
Just finished the match - it is a great primer on the 4 main players at Tokyo Dome. I still think it will be Okada over Naito and Tanahashi over Nakamura.
maybe Jado and Gedo if they can get Gedo away from being Okada's mouthpiece
I know I've been barking this way for years, but I also hope this is finally Goto's year. I've been a mark of his since the CTU days, and have always been pissed off when the company seems gung-ho about finally giving him an IWGP title run...before jobbing him out at the last second and going with Tanahashi instead. I could see Goto finally snapping this year, beating the shit out of Tanahashi, turning heel, and feuding with him over the IC belt. True, it's a retread of what they did with Prince Devitt this past year, but Goto/Tanahashi matches are always fun.
GodDuckman said:Speaking of the Jr. division, Ibushi winning the title, while nice, doesn't fix the problem with the lack of talent in division, which right now consists of the old guard (Liger, Tiger Mask), guys mostly in the Jr. Tag division, gaijin that spend time in the US as well, and a total jobber in BUSHI. Taguchi should be coming back from injury soon, which sort of fixes the problem, but NJPW might have to start looking at outsider talent to give Ibushi some competition as champ.
LiquidSolid said:If I had a picture of Gedo's Raintaker money, I'd post it.
Khrysler Jerikho said:Still can't get over the finishing sequence of that tag match.
GodDuckman said:After the announcement of Muta I've decided to switch my pick to him and Yano. Should be the night's comedy match but it should still be tons of fun. Looking forward to seeing Muta and Shelton dragon screwing the shit out of each other
plus, the debut of masked wrestler El Desperado (the former Kyosuke Mikami, who has been on a long learning excursion to CMLL).
I still don't know who is the spanish announce team. I wish they would announce these things much earlier
Tanahashi & Nakamura with Stan Hansen;
Nakamura & Hansen & Harley Race;
KUSHIDA posted up the contract for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Title match;
Some cosplay fans, lol;
Yeah, they've been very unclear on the whole thing - apparently they removed mention of the Spanish broadcast on the ustream page, so I don't know if it fell through or if they're still doing it or what.
The stream for the free 'Past Battles of Wrestle Kingdom' pre-show is now live, should be starting any minute;
It's repeated again in four hours.
Errr, how do you enlarge the video? I can enlarge the main feed (which is offline), but not the "Past Battles" stream. Is there a direct link to it?
Seems the window is too small for the 'full screen' option to display, lol - just zoom your browser in a bit and the full screen button should appear on the player.
- Horace Gracie said the Gracie brothers want to prove Gracie Jui Jitsu is the real king of sports against family rival Kazushi Sakuraba and Yuji Nagata.
- Satoshi Kojima said he wants to avenge his previous loss by beating Rob Conway and winning his NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
- Rob Conway, who was joined by NWA President Bruce Tharpe, said he wants to prove the NWA is the top organization in the world by winning in the top organization in Japanese wrestling.
- Former NWA champion Harley Race posed for photos with Coway, Kojima, Tharpe, and Jax Dane.
- Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows were joined by fellow Bullet Club member Tama Tonga, letting the world know Bullet Club is real.
- Lance Archer said that Killer Elite Squad was more real than Bullet Club.
- Taka Michinoki and TAICHI were goofing off, talking about becoming high-flyers.
- Rocky Romero called everyone else in the Jr. Tag Team match stupid and said Forver Hooligans would be champions again forever.
- KUSHIDA said Time Splitters would win NJPWs first ever 4-way tag team match.
- Matt Jackson said the Young Bucks would bring the titles to California. He closed by saying suck it and Bullet Club for life.
- Prince Devitt did not attend the event.
- Kota Ibushi said hes looking forward to the match and a victory.
- Bad Luck Fale simply said Makabe would be his next victim.
- An impassioned Togi Makabe said he wants to finish Fale off in less than five minutes.
- Minoru Suzuki demanded The Great Muta show himself, while Yano kept mocking Suzuki for getting angry.
- Yano spit water into the air is if it was Mutas mist and ran off. Suzuki and Benjamin attacked personnel around the ring in anger after they were held back from attacking Yano.
- Stan Hansen was present as Tanahashi and Nakamura spoke.
- Hiroshi Tanahashi thanked the fans for all the support theyve given him. He wants the passion and intensity of the Tokyo Dome to be felt not just throughout Japan, but the entire world. He plans on closing out the show with a victory and some new songs on his air guitar.
- Shinsuke Nakamura said the Intercontinental Championship main eventing Wrestle Kingdom is a testament to his innovation and creation of a new, modern style. He asked Tanahashi is he was ready.
- Naito said hes happy to be back in the Tokyo Dome after two years. Hell shut Okadas loud mouth in the ring. Naito said he was the hero of this story.
- Okada said he would definitively prove he was the best, and that money would rain from the sky.
- Katsuyori Shibata said hes firmly committed to pro-wrestling.
- Hirooki Goto said hes looking forward to getting back into the ring with full force.
Yano spit water into the air is if it was Mutas mist and ran off. Suzuki and Benjamin attacked personnel around the ring in anger after they were held back from attacking Yano.