Any ideas why iOS6 supports the 3GS but not iPad 1?
OK, so no surprise Apple TV SDK.
no Siri API (but lots of new integrated services).
and macbook airs are sadly not using retina displays. sigh.
but, overall, not bad at all.
so is iOS 6 beta coming today or not?
The pass thing was neat and the crowd-sourcing for traffic is nice, but consider me underwhelmed and not regretting my decision to ditch my iPhone. Related: I have a white 32GB iPhone 4S (VZW) for sale if anyone is interested. $500 shipped.
Any information on a FireWire->ThunderBolt dongle for the MacBook Pros?
If not, expect some MASSIVE RAGE across the internet from the pro community shortly.
Apple just showed game companies how E3 is done. Mad mega tonnes. They also showed google how it's done, you know, actually shipping things with dates and whatnot. Kept promises.
Any information on a FireWire->ThunderBolt dongle for the MacBook Pros?
If not, expect some MASSIVE RAGE across the internet from the pro community shortly.
Any ideas why iOS6 supports the 3GS but not iPad 1?
If it happens that will be its own event. Foolish to expect that here today.
you know what? the people who find iOS boring would not see anything in iOS 6 to change their minds.
I think its still the best mobile OS out there, but the people who dont like it will always want it to be way different than what its supposed to be.
Any ideas why iOS6 supports the 3GS but not iPad 1?
So the iPhone 5 at the earliest now would be around October, correct?
Any information on a FireWire->ThunderBolt dongle for the MacBook Pros?
If not, expect some MASSIVE RAGE across the internet from the pro community shortly.
I think a reason is that Cook will most likely let the three key players do their thing and not interfere as much as Jobs would have. For good and bad in that case but it will at least allow them to focus more freely on what they consider important.That was the best Apple keynote in a long time. TEAM COOK!
For developers, yes.
The pass thing was neat and the crowd-sourcing for traffic is nice, but consider me underwhelmed and not regretting my decision to ditch my iPhone. Related: I have a white 32GB iPhone 4S (VZW) for sale if anyone is interested. $500 shipped.
Any ideas why iOS6 supports the 3GS but not iPad 1?
Apple just showed game companies how E3 is done. Mad mega tonnes. They also showed google how it's done, you know, actually shipping things with dates and whatnot. Kept promises.
Any information on a FireWire->ThunderBolt dongle for the MacBook Pros?
If not, expect some MASSIVE RAGE across the internet from the pro community shortly.
My expectations and hopes are generally very minor for these things. (as evidence by the joy I'm feeling over toddler mode)
Sony, MS, ninten do. This is how you do a conference. Please learn. Focus on shit that MATTERS. Focus on announcements that the E3 audience will care about. Thank you Apple.
They announced that and a gigabit Ethernet thunderbolt adapter as well.
cool beansThey showed one for FireWire 800, I think, I assume there will be one for FireWire 400 also.