The Air has a better resolution anyways (over the non-retina of course).
Here's my dilemna GAF: I want a 13" Mac. I don't care about Superdrive or Ethernet (kinda, the dongle will have to do I guess). I do care about resolution though. I kinda care about weight, but my girlfriend's 2011 13" MBP doesn't feel heavy to me.
If the MBP had the 1440x900 like the Air instead of 1280x800, I wouldn't even be hesitating. But it doesn't, soooo
- Is the Air not too weak CPU-wise? The most intensive thing I'll be doing is software development (RoR/JS, maybe some mobile dev)
- What about stockage? I know SSD's are much better than HDDs (especially 5,400rpm's *shudders*), but I'm scared of filling it up too quickly. I'm not a hoarder by any means, but I still have over 150 GB of data on my main PC right now.
Thanks guys!