Yep. They only made it available for sale in the THQ Store and WWE Shop.what. really?
Yep. They only made it available for sale in the THQ Store and WWE Shop.what. really?
prices on ebay are crazy!
PS3 day one.
PS3 day one.
Is there a difference between the PS3 and 360 version besides controller preference?
Most of those DLC people should be in the game.
Will enough time ever pass for Benoit to work his way back into wrestling history? He was at his peak during the Monday Night Wars. Dude did a fucked up thing, yes, but that doesnt mean his accomplishments should have just disappeared. He belongs in this game, and if next year truly is the WWFvWCW game we've all been waiting for, he's an essential addition there, too.
Will enough time ever pass for Benoit to work his way back into wrestling history? He was at his peak during the Monday Night Wars. Dude did a fucked up thing, yes, but that doesnt mean his accomplishments should have just disappeared. He belongs in this game, and if next year truly is the WWFvWCW game we've all been waiting for, he's an essential addition there, too.
they said it's the same as 12
Except the creation content server works this time.
Review does not even mention Universe mode. What a fail of a review even from them and they are WWE homers.
Review does not even mention Universe mode. What a fail of a review even from them and they are WWE homers.
Review does not even mention Universe mode. What a fail of a review even from them and they are WWE homers.
The only thing I want to do is have an attitude era universe. Is it possible to only have one set of belts for two shows?
I'm only picking this one up for the PS3 cause of the B2G1 free at Target this week.
I've had this game for a couple days and I'm moderately pleased with it overall. I've only done exhibition and Attitude Era mode so far and I had an easy time with all the Attitude Era stuff except the Rock/Mankind/Shamrock cage match (which I got as soon as I save up two finishers and dumped them both) and the Jericho match because the collision on Jericho's powerbomb is fucking terrible.Timed objectives in Attitude Mode are the devil's work. Otherwise, it's a great story mode and I'm having fun unlocking things while reliving some of these moments. Too bad the gameplay is still as janky as always. I have been getting some good matches though.
Man, that would have been really amazing for me, but I am really happy to hear the community creation stuff will be working properly this year so I can fill out the rest of my 96-02 roster.The only thing I want to do is have an attitude era universe. Is it possible to only have one set of belts for two shows?
I was reading that editing cards in Universe Mode turns off storylines? That makes no sense. Isn't that the point of Universe Mode? To make your own cards/feuds/events?
Accelerator Boost will unlock everything in the game if you buy it. If you don't want to pay the cash you can just play through Attitude Era mode and unlock them by completing all of the Historical objectives for each match.So does that accelerator boost pack unlock all wrestlers? Or do you need to play through the mode to unlock them?
they said it's the same as 12
Editing belts and renaming them are dope as is the news create a arena. Game looks real fun from a custom perspective.
That depends if you liked the gameplay in SvR 08. I'd say it's worth a pickup for the Attitude Era mode and the improved Universe mode if you like to be the booker. If you aren't interested in either of those then you probably won't like this.So the last WWE games I played were SvR 08 and LoW. Are the games worth jumping back into yet, or should I just find an old copy of DoR2 since I never played that one and had only played the original?
I think 2007 was the last one.i dont remember the last time a WWE game had a demo
I really like the new formula of WWE 12 and am looking forward to 13. I grew tired of Smackdown vs Raw, but that was around 2006. I'm hoping WWE 13 takes me back to my roots of No Mercy if it has improved hardcore capabilities. Which it looks like with the attitude influence. Still no blood though![]()