The Reigns Ambrose meltdown would have made for a better WM match under the title match, but we are mercifully spared Dean Ambrose main eventing a Wrestlemania.
It's a valid argument. Why in the world would anyone expect the WWE to change while still paying them money? If you don't enjoy the product, don't pay them money for it.
If you get shit service at a restaurant do you keep going back? No.
With all the Dean/Heyman stuff that has to be it.Dean basically fucked Lesnar out of the title with those chair shots.
Maybe they really are going to do Lesnar/Dean at Mania.
Better than the fucking Wyatt's.
It was a really good match. It didn't have a shit finish. A shit finish would have been Wyatt interference or some bullshit. All three guys worked their asses off and told a really good story. Yes the wrong guy won but I don't think the ending took away from the match.
If they want people to cheer at the end of Mania, at least have a Roman lose.
Right, spared. Who would want the most over, talented, charismatic guy in the title picture? We can have Roman instead!
Dean basically fucked Lesnar out of the title with those chair shots.
Maybe they really are going to do Lesnar/Dean at Mania.
Better than the fucking Wyatt's.
Vince to Christian: "I've never liked you! Don't you read the internet?"
I'll admit it, I laughed.
Vince to Christian: "I've never liked you! Don't you read the internet?"
I'll admit it, I laughed.
It's a valid argument. Why in the world would anyone expect the WWE to change while still paying them money? If you don't enjoy the product, don't pay them money for it.
If you get shit service at a restaurant do you keep going back? No.
Ambrose is way over.Right, spared. Who would want the most over, talented, charismatic guy in the title picture? We can have Roman instead!
Here's last year's card if you want to compare. There's a few similarities.
I think the lesson we all learned is to watch Lucha Underground and if you wanna see a PPV during Mania weekend, watch the NXT one.
The finish came with a guy literally no selling several strong looking chairshots right after being in the Kimura lock for 2 minutes and then sitting up and acting like he went for a jog
Cesaro is injured, unfortunately.
Ambrose is way over.
He isn't talented and he lacks charisma. He's gotten progressively worse since the SHIELD ended. He gets cheered anyway because the "smart" fans are supposed to like him to identify themselves as part of the club.
He's fucking terrible when he's alone.
So, one for three.
I imagine he'll get it tomorrow night on RAW.Is Ambrose getting his IC rematch at Mania then?
Ambrose is way over.
He isn't talented and he lacks charisma. He's gotten progressively worse since the SHIELD ended. He gets cheered anyway because the "smart" fans are supposed to like him to identify themselves as part of the club.
He's fucking terrible when he's alone.
So, one for three.
Dean/Lesnar would look worse than Seth/lesnar did. Dean isn't big enough to face lesnar. I like him but he looks silly next to Lesnar.
I'm hoping that the injury rumors and statements are a swerve.
Brock vs Cesaro would tear the fucking roof off the building.
I'm hoping that the injury rumors and statements are a swerve.
Brock vs Cesaro would tear the fucking roof off the building.
Ambrose is way over.
He isn't talented and he lacks charisma. He's gotten progressively worse since the SHIELD ended. He gets cheered anyway because the "smart" fans are supposed to like him to identify themselves as part of the club.
He's fucking terrible when he's alone.
So, one for three.
Is Ambrose getting his IC rematch at Mania then?
And I'm out. Consistently booking the most over face in the company to lose #1 contender and WWEWHC matches is fine as long as there's some payoff, but it's been about a year and eight months now of this bullshit and there's just no end in sight.
Preach. Dude sucks. His in-ring ability is ass.Ambrose is way over.
He isn't talented and he lacks charisma. He's gotten progressively worse since the SHIELD ended. He gets cheered anyway because the "smart" fans are supposed to like him to identify themselves as part of the club.
He's fucking terrible when he's alone.
So, one for three.