Has young Jean done anything of note since popping up? I'm struggling for something.
Longtime X-Men writer and producer Simon Kinberg is a top contender to direct the project, which is a followup to 2016's X-Men Apocalypse.
Has any of these Game of Thrones hires ever turn out good?
Er, yeah, she defeated Apocalypse. She had the most screentime of any of the newbies in Apocalypse.Has young Jean done anything of note since popping up? I'm struggling for something.
Er, yeah, she defeated Apocalypse. She had the most screentime of any of the newbies in Apocalypse.
I thought Jean's parts of Apocalypse were among its strongest. And it was definitely the best material she's gotten in the X-Men films to date.It's amazing that she did that and it was somehow unmemorable and not worth mentioning.
Seriously, how do you mess up Apocalypse?
Yep. Flash got delayed.
Has any of these Game of Thrones hires ever turn out good?
Emelia Clarke had that YA adaptation where she falls in love with the rich crippled man that she is caring for. That did pretty well at the box office.
I was 100 percent sure this was a joke.Emelia Clarke had that YA adaptation where she falls in love with the rich crippled man that she is caring for. That did pretty well at the box office.
How did that Pompeii movie do with Kit Harington?
It will come down to whether the movie looks appealing or not, as is the case with all films.
There were obviously people who liked prior X-Men films who didn't care for Apocalypse or didn't go to see it, no matter who the cast was. In any event, there's no reason why it's any more risky to make more films with them than to make films featuring completely different characters who have no audience attachment at all.
6 Cape Films in 2018
What's DC doing in '18? Aquaman right?
I thought Jean's parts of Apocalypse were among its strongest. And it was definitely the best material she's gotten in the X-Men films to date.
Why do I get this feeling that Dark Phoenix might be a franchise killing disaster?
Why do I get this feeling that Dark Phoenix might be a franchise killing disaster?
If there is a God, please make it so.
"Hello, I'm Jean Grey"
Next movie...
"Hello, Dark Phoenix."
I think that Logan and Deadpool are going to be the exceptions to the rule in as far as Fox's quality for this franchise.
Holy fucking shit. Did you live under a rock and miss the highly critically acclaimed films Logan and Deadpool? Logan is one of the highest critically praised films in the genre period.
Fox is not giving the rights to Disney, why in the world would you even think that is remotely possible? They make tons of money and out of their last 6 films of First Class, The Wolverine, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse, Deadpool, and Logan only one single one of them wasn't well received. They are batting 5/6 for the last few years in terms of audience and critics reactions.
My thought was that if Marvel does reacquire it, they'll know it isn't nearly as big a draw as it's other franchises so they won't be afraid to say or do things that wouldn't otherwise sit comfortably in a summer blockbuster, superhero movie. That's all I hoped for.1) Disney is never regaining this franchise (or, at least, not until the superhero film well is totally dry, at which point it won't matter). It's too valuable to FOX.
2) If on the off-chance they did, it would be done in the same house style as every other Marvel movie.
If the Phoenix Saga isn't at least a two part movie series and goes to space with the Shi'ar Empire involved then what's the point? That's what the fans want. We don't want your own interpretation of the Phoenix Saga like X3. We want the one we came to know and love.
BTW I never read the comics either but the Phoenix Saga from the cartoon series was by far my favorite arc in the show.
Disney isn't getting back this license back at any time in the next decade. Deadpool and Logan just made $1.4B between them, for about the combined cost of something like Civil War (marketing included).
They already traded the Shiar rights back to Marvel Studios for three Butterfingers and an Old Fashioned.
New Mutants
That's not spin. There's no reason why a disappointing performance from one movie should cause the studio to abandon it or lose confidence; indeed, the history of this very series shows the opposite, since it's gone through some significant ups and downs over the years. The most important factor in whether audiences go to see a movie is whether the studio can sell them on that particular movie.Careful, young man. With that much furious spinning beware you don't rotate so much that you end up corkscrewing yourself into the ground.
It's all under one license, so any successful films made under it prolong the whole license. FOX is never going to just give Disney highly valuable IP because one film made less than they wanted it to. Even if they want to temporarily stop using certain characters, they would just keep them in their back pocket for later use.Why should Disney/Marvel get Deadpool? FOX and everyone involved did a great job with that movie. You can tell the people involved actually give a damn about the characters.....X-Men is another story.
We already have a Rogue One of X-Men, it came out last year too.They should just scrap this series or release the reigns to Disney/Marvel and allow them to make these movies because First Class is the only one that did anything good for the franchise since X2. Apocalypse was a waste and Days of Futures Past definitely didn't live up to the hype or capitalize on the world First Class created.
Hopefully when Disney regains the franchise, they set it in the same cinematic universe as all their other properties but make it much darker and realistic. It should ask why does the public champion heroes and other mutates but persecutes and demonizes mutants when they put their lives on the line just as often to save all humankind among other questions. The comics draw inspiration from very charged social and historical events so it'd be a travesty if they just made this another comedic superhero tale with no sense of responsibility or consequence. I want something akin to Rogue One for these films.
Deadpool will have enough gas to keep this tire fire going for at least one or two more rounds.
And the rights for Shatterstar
And X-Men under Fox would have 17 years of mediocre X-Men moviesWe already have a Rogue One of X-Men, it came out last year too.
X-Men under Disney would see Magneto killed during the first film.
Let's do a Longshot and Dazzler Mojoverse film
Let's do a Longshot and Dazzler Mojoverse film
150 million? Selling it short. That movie needs at least 285 million to get all that cajun and kinetic energy and love for an underage girlAfter the 150 million US DOLLARS Gambit movie in 20XX
Can't wait to see them fuck up Dark Phoenix a second time. REBOOT THIS GODDAMN FRANCHISE ALREADY; the Singerverse is a relic of an era when it was still novel for a superhero adaptation to not show outright contempt for the source material
I'm assuming you're referring to Logan? If you were saying that Apocalypse=Rouge One then that'd be disheartening.We already have a Rogue One of X-Men, it came out last year too.
X-Men under Disney would see Magneto killed during the first film.
I'd say said poster dislikes the whole franchise, so I don't think that would hold with him.To be fair they had one fuck up out of the past 3 dude.
150 million? Selling it short. That movie needs at least 285 million to get all that cajun and kinetic energy and love for an underage girl
After the 150 million US DOLLARS Gambit movie in 20XX