Some people are just making shit up now. That in no way looks like a SNES game.dragonflys545 said:Holy shit. If you tell me that was a Snes game I'd totally believe you. LOL
Some people are just making shit up now. That in no way looks like a SNES game.dragonflys545 said:Holy shit. If you tell me that was a Snes game I'd totally believe you. LOL
MisterNugNug said:Is the game really 5 hours long? I was at the video store last night and I was thinking of renting a game. I could choose between this, Red Dead and Shadows of the Damned.
I know, but its 3d. Its crappy 3d, but its still 3d. I don't think the FX chip could quite handle a guy punching and randomly shooting purple things out of his hands.codhand said:he was ref to the DS version, which looks worse than snes![]()
dragonflys545 said:Holy shit. If you tell me that was a Snes game I'd totally believe you. LOL
bigdaddygamebot said:A SNES game huh?
I think this is a pretty good rental. You can easily polish it off in a single sitting unless you try to get all the challenges done as wellMisterNugNug said:Is the game really 5 hours long? I was at the video store last night and I was thinking of renting a game. I could choose between this, Red Dead and Shadows of the Damned.
Shiggy said:
General Shank-a-snatch said:Don't underestimate Mode 7, daddy. =[
codhand said:which often goes hand in hand with making a bad product.
Cheska said:Beat the game this morning. Worth a rental if you're a fan, or sub $20 if you want to own it. I essentially paid nothing for it since I traded it back for more than I paid for it on Tuesday.
The graphics really weren't that bad. Sure, it's not a pretty game, but it's no where near as bad as some of the folks in here were making it out to be. Game just got repetitive, suits don't really do anything unless you have the entire gene set. I was originally planning on going for the platinum, but I could not make myself play through it again on the hardest mode. Some of the bosses were sucky because of bad checkpoints and no healing.
dragonflys545 said:Holy shit. If you tell me that was a Snes game I'd totally believe you. LOL
Aselith said:What character did you play as? I'm on one of the bosses right now and he's a guy that flies around and then sits a little bit away from a building. The fucking guy is nearly impossible to hit with my melee guy. Fucking morons over there at SK.
Cheska said:Aimi. He's actually a piece of cake compared to one of the ones in the middle. Have you upgraded your melee skills yet? And what defensive/utility/offensive powers are you using?
Northstar's powers were some of my favorites because they allow you to quickly glide to your opponent.
Aselith said:Yeah, everything's all the way upgraded. I have zero trouble getting to where you are supposed to hit him but I sit there and wail on the melee button and like 1 or two hits land out of 6 or so. It would be no trouble at all if the hits landed because I can pretty easily dodge everything he throws at me. The problem is that it takes so long to get his health down that I eventually just die because of occasional shots that hit me that add up over the long haul.
I never had trouble at any other point in this game and pretty much I died like twice in the rest of the game.
I've been kind of switching around trying to find stuff that will help. My usual package was Magneto(off)/Quicksilver or Psylocke(def) and Northstar(mov). Nothing seems to make any particular difference other than helping me dodge more hits. I actually had him almost dead a few times and then he started putting down a bubble thing right in front of him and I couldn't get close enough to him without setting it off.
Cheska said:Oh shit, wait are you fightingThat was a hard battle. Since he gets more aggressive as the battle goes on, I would use melee attacks each time his chest piece opens up, then dodge away. Once I got him down to only having 1/3 of health left, I mowed down to him using R2+Triangle, which for me was turning into a boulder. You end up right infront of him, and it takes off a huge amount of damage.Sentinel?
Cnet said:What good are mutant superpowers without exciting reasons to use them? As X-Men: Destiny proves, they're no good at all. In this superhero beat-'em-up, clobbering swarms of stupid bad guys with your newfound abilities is tedious, and although a constant supply of choices tries to convince you that your actions have real impact on this tumultuous world, they don't have much impact at all. Destiny does the incredible: it makes being a genetic marvel a generic bore.
ShockingAlberto said:I am moderately sure they did the Wii game in like a week
ShockingAlberto said:I am moderately sure they did the Wii game in like a week
The Bad
Idiotic enemy behavior Shallow, tedious combat Choices have almost no impact on the course of the game Ugly visuals and poor frame rate Contrived mutant power mechanic.
s if that weren't bad enough, frame rate drops frequently turn the game into a slideshow. And although it follows the same story as the 360 and PS3 versions, it doesn't even live up to the low standards they established. Combat is even shallower; certain events, like a fight against Wolverine, have been cut; and some boss fights have been simplified.
reskin the enemy as RorschachSolidSnakex said:
bigdaddygamebot it's not as bad as this dogpile of a thread would suggest. It's not great.
It's certainly not $60 good...but it's fun. I've put about an hour and a half in so far.
The character models are scary but the combat is alright as are the animations...well...some of them.
After reading some stuff here, listening to the recent Bombcast and the whole
Silicon Knights Licensing Group "thing"...I really am starting to believe this was simply made out of contractual obligation.
bigdaddygamebot said:After reading some stuff here, listening to the recent Bombcast and the whole Silicon Knights Licensing Group "thing"...I really am starting to believe this was simply made out of contractual obligation.
Shiggy said:They only made it because they needed money.
Anasui Kishibe said:
garath said:This is the perfect $10 game. I'll be waiting for the inevitable price drops.
On top of it all, Destiny is an ugly game. The simple character models and muddy textures make it look like it was made several years ago. Enemies sometimes disappear into the geometry, and objects you smash vanish completely in the midst of terrible explosion effects. As if that weren't bad enough, frame rate drops frequently turn the game into a slideshow. And although it follows the same story as the 360 and PS3 versions, it doesn't even live up to the low standards they established. Combat is even shallower; certain events, like a fight against Wolverine, have been cut; and some boss fights have been simplified. You can breeze through this adventure in about five hours, but the gameplay is so shallow that you won't be left wanting more, and because your choices have so little impact, there's no compelling reason to revisit the game once you're done. In fact, it's not even absorbing the first time through. If mindless combat is all super mutants have to look forward to, you're better off letting your mutant powers remain dormant.
Anasui Kishibe said:
akilshohen said:This Boss (Spoiler) and how he came to be shows this game was supposed to be something else completely.
Anasui Kishibe said:
PSGames said:Wow. Can't believe they released the game in this state. Looks like a low budget PS2 game here.
Anasui Kishibe said:
SalsaShark said:what's worse is that the cartoony look on the characters (models, not portraits) for this version is much better IMO than what they did on PS360
not that it makes anything better.. lol
Anasui Kishibe said:yeah, I've noticed this trend. Shit multiplat games that look slighly less shitty on the Wii. It's like they don't want the game to suck that much
LMAO! I didn't even know. That boss felt horribly generic.distantmantra said:Huh? Sublime is an established villain in the X-men universe.