Think I have to bite on Inside at that price.
Still mulling over Slime Rancher and Valley.
Still mulling over Slime Rancher and Valley.
Am I losing too much on buying Rainbow Six Siege without the Season Pass?
Also, how manageable is the game for someone who plays solo and without a mic? I'm tempted but I don't want to waste my cash. :/
Gonna think this over. Got a mic but my spoken English is horrible and I don't want to bother people trying to decipher it, that and the fact that I avoid grouping up to play with other players.Season pass offers early access to Operators as they are released. It also grants you access to some exclusive cosmetic items. There is NO content that actually matters locked behind the season pass. All operators can be purchased with a in game currency earned from just simply playing the game. All maps are free day one to every player, so there will never be community splitting content. They also just confirmed they are working on Season 2 and already have a road map in place, this game is going nowhere.
It is though a very tactical team oriented mp game. So never talking might upset certain teams especially if its a 2v2 and your teammate really needs to communicate with you. If you can maybe get a mic I will say that R6 Siege is honestly one of the best true tactical shooters to come out in many years on consoles. I am a former SOCOM addict and this is the first game to scratch the itch in over 12 years.
whynotboth.pngTitan fall 2 or battlefield 1?
Yeah I missed it as well but it's a great deal for both gameswhynotboth.png
don't see that deal in the op
don't see that deal in the op
Is Battlefield1 campaign any good? I don't play MP shooters and I've heard enough praise for Titanfall 2 campaign. I'm just not sure to buy this bundle or Titanfall 2 alone.whynotboth.png
don't see that deal in the op
Is Battlefield1 campaign any good? I don't play MP shooters and I've heard enough praise for Titanfall 2 campaign. I'm just not sure to buy this bundle or Titanfall 2 alone.
Is Mankind Divided any good?
I thought Human Revolution was mediocre past the very first hub world (I hate that there was only one hub, and you left it quickly).
I loved Invisible War
Mw3 and oblivion are listed as back compat here.
Additional Black Friday weekend favorites include Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 4 and more. I will update this post with the weekend offers when they are live.
Great Windows 10 games on sale, plus discounts on Play Anywhere titles
Over 50 games on sale for Windows 10 here are a few of our favorites:
Quantum Break
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Batman: The Telltale Series
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
Play Anywhere titles:
Gears of War 4
Forza Horizon 3
Mw3 and oblivion are listed as back compat here.
Mw3 and oblivion are listed as back compat here.
That BF1 and TF2 bundle. Damn.
Mw3 and oblivion are listed as back compat here.
Bully Scholarship Edition - $14.99 > $7.49
Dark Souls - $19.99 > $4.99 Backwards Compatible
Inside or Hitman? Budget gamer here...
Inside is a great game, but it's quite short and has zero replayability.
So depends what you're after really.
Contact customer support via chat - I did the same exact thing, and last night it only took me about 15 minutes to get my TItanfall 2 digital purchase refunded so I could rebuy at sale price.I know I can't really complain, but I always feel a bit shitty when they discount games this quickly after release. I bought Titanfall 2 for £55 like two weeks ago.
Ah well, suppose it helps the devs.
I'm a budget gamer, but also low on time. I loved Life is Strange, LIMBO, Tomb Raider 2013, and enjoyed the newest Thief... that's about it for story-based games for me this gen.
Replayability isn't really a concern.
I'm a budget gamer, but also low on time. I loved Life is Strange, LIMBO, Tomb Raider 2013, and enjoyed the newest Thief... that's about it for story-based games for me this gen.
Replayability isn't really a concern.
Microsoft chat support just refunded me for Titanfall 2 Deluxe (bought on launch day for $99) so that I could get Battlefield 1 - Titanfall 2 Deluxe Bundle for $85.
So basically, MS just gave me Battlefield 1 and $15..
Added some missing deals to the OP. Might still miss some when Major Nelson updates his blog.
Xbox One:
Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 Bundle - $149.99 > $75.00
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Standard Edition - $59.99 > $30.00
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Deluxe Edition - $79.99 > $26.40
Xbox 360:
Alan Wake's American Nightmare - $9.99 > $3.49 Backwards Compatible
Assassin's Creed Rogue - $29.99 > $11.99
Borderlands - $19.99 > $5.99 Backwards Compatible
Bully Scholarship Edition - $14.99 > $7.49
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - $19.99 > $9.99
Dark Souls II - $19.99 > $4.99
Dark Souls - $19.99 > $4.99 Backwards Compatible
Ducktales: Remastered - $14.99 > $3.74 Backwards Compatible
Fable Trilogy - $59.99 > $20.99
Fallout 3 - $14.99 > $4.94 Backwards Compatible
Final Fight: Double Impact - $9.99 > $2.99 Backwards Compatible
Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious - $9.99 > $2.49
FIFA 17 Standard Edition - $59.99 > $35.99
Lost Planet Colonies - $19.99 > $7.99
Madden NFL 17 - $59.99 > $35.99
Mafia II - $29.99 > $7.49
Mass Effect - $19.99 > $6.99 Backwards Compatible
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City - $19.99 > $4.99
Resident Evil Revelations - $19.99 > $4.99
Trials Evolution - $14.99 > $5.24
Trials Fusion - $19.99 > $4.99
Trials HD - $9.99 > $3.49 Backwards Compatible