The A Voxel Action guy is brilliant programmer, I've looked through the blog and pretty blown away at the level of talent.
I've always been curious - for those people here who love XBLIG - would you help devs playtest games if you didn't have to pay $99 for App Hub registration? I would be nearly willing to sponsor people like toythatkills with my own money because it would mean better games for me to play ;P
I'll take a stab in the dark that it's a will be interesting to see what happens to all of the minecraft "clones" once minecraft is actually released on xbla (sales-wise). i think it would be nice if other games became the "hot titles" on the service as a result, but i'm not so sure that's going to happen--mainly because of the difference in price that will exist between minecraft and the xblig "clones".
my game won't release until early 2013, so hopefully the minecraft clones' iron-grip on sales will be over by then (my game resembles minecraft in no way, shape or form)![]()
I'll take a stab in the dark that it's a brawler.
The lack of A Voxel Action talk is starting to get to me.
Such a gem, as soon as I can drag myself away from Dragon Age I'm going to give it another playthrough.
The post collision effects on Ocean Drive really need some work. When I was going fast, I expected my car would go flipping out end over end like it did in the old games like Outrun. Instead it was an unsatisfying clunk that seemed to send the car I hit forward and simply slow me down. I'm shocked they missed such an obvious cool effect. It just didn't feel right.
And is it me or did it feel / look like half the other cars were driving in reverse?
It is a bit esoteric with what you are supposed to do next, but being a Japanese game I guess that's part of the fun. After about 10 minutes I was suddenly going left instead of right and very confused if I was going the right direction or not. I kept going past areas and things I had no access to, I guess there is a lot of depth in figuring all of this stuff out.
Most of the "empty space" blocks up at cloud level don't seem to be reachable, is there some sort of trick?
The lack of A Voxel Action talk is starting to get to me.
Such a gem, as soon as I can drag myself away from Dragon Age I'm going to give it another playthrough.
Cloud level? There's nothing of the sort in the game. It's basically a seamless and linear world and you'll go up, down, left, and right.
Just keep going and you'll get powerups that'll assist your progress.
Really didn't click with me that's for sure. Even just mesuring your speed for turns was off.
The Xona guys gave some excellent advice for shoot em ups
Ocean Drive controls pretty similarly to Night Driver believe it or not even for crashes
I wonder if they even have a Twitter account? Some nice Appendix info for this thread would be Twitter or official website links to major XBLIG devs
That's more or less what old pseudo 3d racers were like, but it seemed to me you never really have to slow down anywhere in this game.
Maybe that's just with the car i picked though.
I kinda liked it, it was worth 1$, but the traffic randomization doesn't work too well; sometimes other cars are just impossible to avoid.
Engine is nice, but needs a better art direction; sprites and choice of colors could use some work.
I tried out a few of the games in the OP:
- Evil Quest: This is solid! It's far from perfect, but it's definitely "good enough," and you don't really see a lot of games like this anymore. I think I'll stick with it.
- Ocean Drive Challenge: Oh shit nostalgia! They absolutely nailed the feel with this one. I doubt I'll actually play it much, but I got my dollar's worth already.
- Little Racers Street: This is a competent game, but I found it annoyingly hard to tell which way you're supposed to go a lot of the time. What's a barrier and what's not often isn't clearly defined, and at a glance, you can't even easily tell which direction the arrows are pointing. I don't have much nostalgia for RC Pro-Am type games, so I'll pass on this one.
Hypership Out of Control was ridiculously overhyped on neogaf. I'm skipping the sequel.
Do you have a link to that? Would love to hear what they have to say.
Eurogamer picked up and ran w/ my new Dash / Trials analysis...
The original piece is here and details the trials per game for each of my releases during the first day and first week:
As for the effect of the new dashboard I think it's just an easy thing to blame.
Without turning on your Xbox, tell me the steps required to reach any of Kris' games (or any new XBLIG release) on the new dashboard.
Do you have a link to that? Would love to hear what they have to say.
It's not that bad. Game Marketplace, Games, Game Type. Just Game Type is stupidly named/iconed.
You left out the 3-4 shoulder button presses to tab over (or many more button presses for the likely many people that don't realize shoulder buttons move to the next section). And once there, good luck finding my games. You'll be scrolling a lot to get to them.
As opposed to something like the AppStore, which is literally right infront of me when I turn on my iPod. Because Apple wants to make it easy for me to buy games so that I'll buy more games.
The only logical idea I can come up with is the Microsoft is more interested in pushing the Xbox as a multimedia device and a means to secure ad revenue than to actually sell games.
Here is the thing I don't get: When you have the sales of Hypership and Trivia or Die, why do you chose to make a sequel to Hypership instead of Trivia or Die 2? I think the trial downloads of Hypership Still are just where they should be. You can't compare them to the trial downloads of Hypership but should instead see how they compare to the actual sales of Hypership. Cause those who downloaded the original game but didn't buy it probably won't bother downloading Hypership Still.
As for the effect of the new dashboard I think it's just an easy thing to blame. There was a piece on Gamasutra some weeks ago that showed there was almost no measurable effect and IIRC some developer stated that his average sales actually increased when the new dashboard was released.
You can't count the "shoulder buttons to get to games" against XBLIG specifically. That is true for the entire Games Marketplace. It's evidence that MS is pushing video content over game content, but it's no slight against Indie Games.
Also I can just say "Xbox Games"![]()
Yeah I really hate how there are like 3 or 4 tabs before gaming. Makes no sense on a gaming console. You can clearly see where MS is going with their next Xbox.No, not XBLIG specifically. It sucks for gaming in general. There are really four things I use my Xbox for that I would love to have on that first page (and I venture would be four of the most popular areas on the Dash)... Games Marketplace, NetFlix, whatever is in my DVD drive, and my games library. All of those are way to many clicks away (besides the DVD).
You can only say Xbox Games if you have Kinect too. And if you know you can do that. Most users aren't going to know little shortcuts like that.
You can only say Xbox Games if you have Kinect too. And if you know you can do that. Most users aren't going to know little shortcuts like that.
Brand is out now for 80msp.
I haven't been following this one much, but it's definitely different than what I figured it was based on screens. It's almost a Miner Dig Deep kind of experience it seems. Where you go into dungeons to find certain materials then hop out to the blacksmith or mage to upgrade your sword. The default "quick attack" is kind of horrible, though.
It's not that bad. Game Marketplace, Games, Game Type. Just Game Type is stupidly named/iconed.
There's also, Games. Pretty easy way right there.
i think getting the droves of gamers who are glued to their iPhone or Android or whatever to fire up the 360 and look at the tons of cheap games there would be enough to get more eyes on the marketplace. The problem is not just dash related - it's that gamers are either satisfied with what they already have on 360, or are just getting their gaming fix in other places at the same time. If the Indie Game section received even a little bit of "hype" as a place to go check out cool niche games it would help a lot. I get the feeling it's close to that point, but sites like Joystiq/Kotaku/IGN/1up/etc would all need to think the same thing and talk about it more frequently.
The fact that I can search for XBLIG on or some other source and recognize the names of the people talking about XBLIG on the internet is a bad thing. There should be a larger explosive factor with internet and news about games. I wouldn't be able to list up the # of sites talking about iOS games or Xbox retail games. Basically, XBLIG is still kind of not treated seriously by the Internet video game world, whether it's because it's not easy to find on dash is probably not related to this.
Just shoving the Arcade and Indie Game section in very front page of the dash is really not going to fix 100% of the issue, I can nearly promise you that. It will help a little bit, but probably not as much as people think. Getting it to be taken seriously IMO requires the value of the games to go up (which it already is with the size limit changes), and some sort of marketing effect of having games that are 80 pts or maybe even Free. It is kind of unintuitive but I think having devs make some games Free would increase overall sales a lot.
Actually no. I regularly play Outrun games and Rad Racer games on NES and they are much more well done. The more the car skips, the more lateral it is. In that XBLIG game, the car is like having 2 positions only: You skid or you don't.
yeah..well, i guess it shows i was just playing those games for them graphics, but Ocean Drive etc never requires you to slow down at any corner, at least in my experience, so i wouldn't know.
Even if heavily influenced, I think it's fair that every game be it's own even if it's in small ways like the reaction to hitting other cars. We'll never know if it's an oversight or intended but it's unique to that game.I feel like I am a little harsh towards the dev of the game but hey, I would totally wet myself and try making such type of game if I'd knew how to recreate that type of scaling those games are using. I'd accept my part of laughter too. Right I think it's over my head code wise. :/
Also, though some games are better than others, I can't pull myself to be TOO harsh on a game that costs a dollar. As long as it's not blatant garbage, it's all amazing stuff to me.