Here's the list:
- Braid
- Doritos Crash Course
- Fable III
- Halo: Reach
- Hydro Thunder
- Iron Brigade
- Kane & Lynch 2
- Motocross Madness
- Peggle
- Portal: Still Alive
- Spelunky
- Splosion Man
- Ticket to Ride
- Zumas Revenge!

Third-party publishers are not supporting this program; this is infuriating. The minute we knew that Microsoft needed publishers to okay the addition of their games, we should have seen this coming.
But at least Microsoft gave us some warning.
"Our biggest obstacle there is working with publishers and getting their approval for the older titles. We continue to work on that right now, I would say, it varies in response across the publishers. Some are like 'yep, let's go, rock n' roll' and others are a little bit more thoughtful about how they want to think about that. It's hard for us to promise, I'll just make something up, 20 titles a month from now on, because it really depends on the publisher enabling us to release those titles."
Now I know why Microsoft waited so long into December to add more games.