I am curious....Xbox users, which do you think is a more valuabe feature to your beloved Xbox.....Live or a modded Xbox? Which do you currently have and why? Could you go months without playing online via Live, knowing games like SF, DOA, Burnot3, OutRun 2, etc are about to come out, as long as you have your modded box?
Or could you care less about all the features and things a modded xbox has to offer(Media Center, classic games, region free dvd, etc), as long as you have your Live and can play online?
If you only had one option on your Xdude, which would you choose?
Or could you care less about all the features and things a modded xbox has to offer(Media Center, classic games, region free dvd, etc), as long as you have your Live and can play online?
If you only had one option on your Xdude, which would you choose?