*scanning cabaret*
wtf? There's a guy in underwear
THE LUST in him
Possibly the mos tinspirational character in the game tbh
*scanning cabaret*
wtf? There's a guy in underwear
THE LUST in him
Ch 11.
Does every freaking Yakuza game have anunderground fighting ring?
*scanning cabaret*
wtf? There's a guy in underwear
THE LUST in him
I hear the manager of Leisure District is a chicken
Yeah when I misfired an answer and heard it come out of Kiryu's mouth, I couldn't help but laugh.
when i'm in beast i get hit practically every time i go to pick something up so i never get to do the auto attackYou can scoop up items in other styles, too, except it just doesn't let you auto attack with it in the same motion as the pick up.
so just brawler and beast but not rush? that's the one I use the mostYou can pick things up in Brawler too, by pressing Circle, it's just that Beast Mode picks them up automatically when you're nearby and hitting people.
yeah that sucks because rush is the one I use the most. oh well.Press circle near objects to pick them. You cannot do this in rush mode
Beast mode just do that automatically while you attack
I just finished Chapter 12 as well and this is how I see it.Finished Ch 12.
Question:I think I missed why Sagawa wants Makoto dead. He's taking orders from Shimano, but he's also Tojo. Shouldn't they want to get the land too?
Echoing some of the other comments here, some of the controls on the Arcade games aren't ideal. I have no issue doing half decently in Outrun on my Saturn but doing pitifully using the DS4 controller. Oh well...guess I'll have to just invest more in real estate, lol.
When does the slot car racing unlock? I'm still on chapter 2.
Are "what's your body/face look like" the only roulette answers you can pick? Seems like a weird feature to implement when it's so easy to do. And they seem to answer the same every time no matter what woman it is.
Wait, there is a sort of Tiger Drop like move in there, but you can only preform it with 3 heat bars and it uses all of your heat. It's not nearly as strong as the traditional Tiger Drop either.
Man, why couldn't they just add that move. I know it'll break the canon, but come on, the wholedoesn't make any sense cannon wise and it's just a gameplay bonus. Also, there are tons of move for the saidDragon of Dojima stylethat are tied to heath bars. I wish the game provided you with a move list of sorts so you wouldn't need to experiment to know what moves you actually have.style
I just finished Chapter 12 as well and this is how I see it.
[Chapter 12 ending spoilers]
If Dojima gets the land (and the deal that comes with it), the Dojima family would become too big and Dojima himself will probably take over the Tojo clan and become the next chairman. The current chairman of Tojo is too stupid and blind to see that and thinks Dojima will remain loyal to them, no matter what. Now, I assume that Shimano is more clever than that and knows the Dojima becomes a threat if they managed to secure the Empty Lot, so instead of capturing Makoto alive and giving her to Tojo HQ (who then will give her to Dojima), they are trying to kill Makoto so it'll become harder for Dojima family to get a hold of Empty Lot.
Same chapter. After you go and rest in Kiryu's apartment.
Walk upto the north western part of the map and talk to an npc and that should unlock the minigameIs it after you rest a second time? I rested once and can't locate it.
Dont forget about epic rc car battles and shaking your sweet booty at a disco and of course
How do I open up the locked abilities for the Beast stance? I did all of Miss Tatsu's training because I thought that would do it, but it didn't. :/
How do I open up the locked abilities for the Beast stance? I did all of Miss Tatsu's training because I thought that would do it, but it didn't. :/
Final Chapter Substory Kazzy-chan spoilers:
FUCK AMON! This may be the most annoying Amon fight ever, well, I suppose umbrella amon from Yak 5 was shit too, but man this fight is annoying as all hell. Any tips?
Does the telephone club only come in later? I see lots of people discussing it here but I'm on Chapter12 and haven't heard a peep about it in-game.
Does the telephone club only come in later? I see lots of people discussing it here but I'm on Chapter12 and haven't heard a peep about it in-game.
Did you also do all her jobs?
real estate missions is what has everything locked. At least that's what the cabaret club did with majima.
Beating it all not only unlocks it all it also gives you something very cool.
i mean
this game is pretty great
I know, right? I DID NOT see that coming.Just beat chapter 13...holy fuck.
X = BadFor the advisors in the real estate business, which symbol represents an expertise? It is triangle?
Oh, and is there an easier way to figure out which properties are on sale instead of just running around?
Thank you.X = Bad
Triangle = Decent
Circle = Good
Double Circle = VERY Good
Consult this guide for property locations: http://www.khhsubs.com/rggzero/moneyisland.html
The best part is he never drops the 'I will murder you" faceThe animation is terrific in Yakuza 0!
The Yakuza are a family.Thank you.
I think I've said it before, but this is a great community. You guys are all quick to reply and very helpful!
I'm going nuts, where do you buy bait? 99% sure I saw it somewhere, then forgot.
Postcards for?? Every time I think, "Well, I think I've heard about everything there is in this game" I'm constantly surprised.the radio show
Also, just finished Sugar Daddy.... well I did not see that coming.
There'smore than one kind of daddy.